17 Drills for Pickleball: Improve Your Game with Simple Exercises (2024)

Pickleball is a fast-paced game that requires skill, focus, and strategy. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced player, incorporating drills into your practice routine can help you improve your game.

Pickleball drills are designed to target specific aspects of the game, such as footwork, hand-eye coordination, and shot placement. By practicing these drills regularly, players can develop their skills and take their game to the next level.

There are a variety of drills that can be used to improve your pickleball game. For beginners, simple drills such as the tip-to-grip or paddle bump can help players get a feel for their paddle and improve their ball control. More advanced players may benefit from wall drills and doubles drills, which can help them improve their shot accuracy and footwork.

Additionally, practicing shadow swings can help players perfect their form and get used to the weight and size of their paddle. By incorporating these drills into their practice routine, players can develop their skills and improve their overall game.

Understanding Pickleball

Pickleball is a sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. It is played on a court that is similar in size to a badminton court, with a net that is slightly lower than a tennis net. The game is played with a paddle and a plastic ball with holes, and can be played either as doubles or singles.

Pickleball players must have a good understanding of the rules and strategies of the game. A player should know how to serve, return, and volley the ball effectively. They should also be able to move quickly and efficiently around the court, and have good hand-eye coordination.

When playing pickleball, it is important to communicate effectively with your partner, as well as to be aware of your surroundings and the movements of your opponents. Players should also be aware of the different types of shots that can be played, including the forehand, backhand, and overhead shots.

Pickleball players should also be familiar with the different types of courts that can be used for the game. Indoor courts are typically made of wood or synthetic materials, while outdoor courts are often made of concrete or asphalt. The surface of the court can affect the speed and bounce of the ball, so it is important to adjust your playing style accordingly.

Basic Skills and Drills

Pickleball is a game that requires a combination of skills, including hand-eye coordination, paddle control, and ball control. The following basic skills and drills are essential for beginners to improve their game:

1. Dinks and Dinking

Dinking is a technique used in pickleball where players hit the ball softly over the net, making it difficult for their opponent to return. To improve dinking skills, players can practice the following drills:

  • Dinking Cross Court:Players stand on opposite sides of the court and hit the ball back and forth to each other, focusing on hitting the ball softly and accurately.
  • Skinny Singles:Players stand on opposite sides of the court and hit the ball back and forth to each other, focusing on hitting the ball close to the net.

2. Hand-Eye Coordination

Hand-eye coordination is essential in pickleball as it helps players to hit the ball accurately and with control. The following drills can help improve hand-eye coordination:

  • Tip to Grip or Paddle Bump:Players practice hitting the ball with the paddle, focusing on controlling the ball and getting a good feel for the paddle.
  • Shadow Swing:Players practice swinging the paddle without hitting the ball, focusing on perfecting their form and getting used to the weight and size of the paddle.

3. Serve and Return of Serve

The serve and return of serve are critical aspects of pickleball. The following drills can help improve serve and return of serve skills:

  • Serve and Volley:Players practice serving the ball and then immediately moving to the net to volley the ball back.
  • Serve and Return:Players practice serving the ball and then returning their opponent’s serve.

4. Ground Strokes and Overhead Shots

Ground strokes and overhead shots are essential in pickleball as they allow players to hit the ball with power and accuracy. The following drills can help improve ground strokes and overhead shots:

  • Forehand and Backhand Drills:Players practice hitting the ball with both their forehand and backhand, focusing on accuracy and control.
  • Overhead Smash:Players practice hitting the ball overhead, focusing on getting enough height and power to make the shot.

Drills for Different Levels

Pickleball is a game that can be enjoyed by players of all skill levels. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced player, there are drills that can help you improve your game. Here are some drills for different levels of play:

1. Beginner Drills

Beginner players should focus on developing their basic skills such as serving, returning, and volleying. Here are some drills that can help:

Serving Practice

Practice serving from both sides of the court and aim for the opposite service box. Try to hit the ball with a slight arc to help it clear the net.

Return Practice

Practice returning the ball to the opposite side of the court. Focus on getting the ball over the net and in the opponent’s court.

Volley Practice

Practice volleying the ball back and forth with a partner. Focus on keeping your paddle up and making contact with the ball in the sweet spot.

2. Advanced Drills

Advanced players should focus on refining their skills and improving their reflexes. Here are some drills that can help.

Reflex Training

Stand at the non-volley line and have a partner hit balls at you. Try to react quickly and hit the ball back over the net.

Third Shot Drop Practice

Practice hitting a third shot drop from the baseline. Aim to hit the ball softly and land it in the opponent’s kitchen.

Multi-Shot Practice

Practice hitting different shots in succession, such as a forehand, backhand, and overhead. Focus on maintaining control and accuracy.

By practicing these drills, players of all skill levels can improve their pickleball game. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced player, there is always room for improvement.

Advanced Skills and Drills

Advanced pickleball players need to continue developing their skills to take their game to the next level. Incorporating advanced drills into their practice routines can help them improve their speed, agility, ball control, and placement, as well as their volley and non-volley zone skills.

1. Speed and Agility

Speed and agility are crucial for advanced players to stay competitive on the court. Skinny singles drills are a great way to improve footwork and speed. In this drill, players play on the singles court, but only the skinny sideline is in play. This forces players to move quickly and efficiently to cover the court.

2. Ball Control and Placement

Advanced players must have excellent ball control and placement to win points. Third shot drop drills are a great way to improve drop shots and spin. In this drill, players practice hitting a soft, low shot that lands in the non-volley zone. The goal is to make the ball bounce twice before the opponent can hit it.

3. Volley and Non-Volley Zone Drills

The volley is a crucial shot for advanced players seeking to dominate games through aggressive play at the net. Volley and non-volley zone drills are a great way to improve volley and non-volley zone skills. Fast hands drills are a great way to improve reaction time and volley skills. In this drill, players practice hitting volleys back and forth with a partner as quickly as possible. Non-volley zone drills are a great way to improve positioning and control in the non-volley zone. In this drill, players practice hitting shots from the non-volley zone to specific targets on the court.

Drills for Solo and Pair Practice

Pickleball is a game that requires a lot of practice and skill development. There are many different drills that can be done to improve your game, whether you are practicing alone or with a partner. In this section, we will cover some of the best drills for both solo and pair practice.

1. Solo Drills

If you are looking to practice alone, there are many drills that you can do to improve your game. One of the best drills for solo practice is the selfie ball bounce. This drill involves bouncing the ball off the ground and then hitting it with your paddle. This drill helps to improve your hand-eye coordination and your ability to hit the ball accurately.

Another great solo drill is the wall dink drill. This drill involves finding a vertical surface, such as a wall or garage door, and using it as a target for your dinks. This drill helps to improve your dinking skills, which are crucial in pickleball.

2. Drills for Two Players

If you have a partner to practice with, there are many different drills that you can do to improve your game. One of the best drills for two players is the tip to grip or paddle bump drill. This drill involves hitting the ball back and forth with your partner using only the tips of your paddles. This drill helps to improve your control and accuracy.

Another great drill for two players is the backhand-forehand dink drill. This drill involves hitting the ball back and forth with your partner, alternating between forehand and backhand dinks. This drill helps to improve your footwork and your ability to hit the ball accurately from different angles.

Wall Drills

Wall drills are a great way to improve your pickleball skills and can be done alone or with a partner. A practice wall is a great tool for players looking to improve their game, especially when it comes to consistency and accuracy. Wall drills can help players improve their dinks, volleys, and groundstrokes.

One popular wall drill is the wall dink. To perform this drill, players stand about 6-8 feet away from the wall and practice hitting soft, controlled shots to the wall. The goal is to hit the ball so it barely bounces off the wall and comes back to the player. This drill helps players improve their touch and control.

Another popular wall drill is the wall volley. To perform this drill, players stand about 6-8 feet away from the wall and practice hitting volleys to the wall. The goal is to hit the ball so it bounces off the wall and comes back to the player at a comfortable height. This drill helps players improve their reflexes and hand-eye coordination.

Players can also use targets on the wall to improve their accuracy. Placing targets on the wall with tape or chalk can help players focus on hitting specific areas of the wall. This can be especially helpful for players looking to improve their consistency.

Improving Your Game

Improving your game in pickleball requires a combination of physical and mental training. One of the most important aspects of improving your game is muscle memory. Practicing the same shots repeatedly will help your body remember the movements and execute them more consistently. This will also improve your reflexes, allowing you to react more quickly to your opponent’s shots.

Consistency is key in pickleball. Practicing your shots regularly will help you develop a consistent style and improve your overall game. It is also important to play against different opponents to experience different styles of play and improve your competition skills.

Watching and learning from professional players can also be beneficial for improving your game. Observing their techniques and strategies can give you new ideas to try out and incorporate into your own game. Additionally, learning how to add power and topspin to your shots can give you an advantage over your opponents.

It is important to feel comfortable and confident on the court. This can be achieved through regular practice and training. Improving your cardiovascular fitness and endurance can also help you maintain your energy levels throughout a game.

Reacting quickly to your opponent’s shots is another important aspect of improving your game. Practicing reaction drills and exercises can help you develop faster reflexes and improve your reaction time.

Overall, improving your game in pickleball requires a combination of physical and mental training. Regular practice, exposure to different styles of play, and observing professional players can all help you develop your skills and become a better player.

17 Drills for Pickleball: Improve Your Game with Simple Exercises (2024)


What are some drills that people could do to improve their game in pickleball? ›

Wall drills are great for improving reactions as well as basic techniques. Keeping the pickleball up, hitting it harder and faster, standing closer to the wall, and then moving further away from it, all help to improve your depth perception and ultimately your game.

How do I improve my pickleball game? ›

How to improve your pickleball game?
  1. Keep your paddle up when receiving. ...
  2. Play the shot early. ...
  3. Don't be afraid of playing at the net. ...
  4. Stay back after you serve. ...
  5. Use a short swing when volleying.
Sep 22, 2023

How to get better at pickleball for beginners? ›

Top 10 Pickleball Strategies for Beginners
  1. Master The Basics. ...
  2. Maintain Proper Court Positioning. ...
  3. Develop a Third Shot Drop. ...
  4. Understand When To Dink. ...
  5. Communicate With Your Partner. ...
  6. Learn How To Volley. ...
  7. Anticipate Your Opponents' Shots. ...
  8. Control Your Shot Placement.

How to practice pickleball by yourself at home? ›

If you don't have a court, you can bounce the pickleball off a wall and try to complete a rally. If you don't have a wall nearby, use the garage or side of a house. We wouldn't recommend taking your static drop to the driveway or near the road because the pickleball can easily roll away.

How to improve footwork in pickleball? ›

Footwork Drills to Enhance Your Game

Cone Drill: Place cones in a zig-zag pattern on the court. Start at one end and quickly shuffle sideways, weaving in and out of the cones. This enhances lateral movement and agility. Shadowing: Without a ball, simulate playing out a point.

How to be a beast at pickleball? ›

Pickleball Technique Best Practices:
  1. Show up for the serve. This is the one stroke you can control, from the toss, to timing, to speed. ...
  2. Return for a reward. ...
  3. Utilize the third shot drop. ...
  4. Drive with a purpose. ...
  5. Dink, dink, and dink some more. ...
  6. Look to attack. ...
  7. Block to stay in beast mode.

What makes a 3.5 pickleball player? ›

1.0-2.0 player if you're just starting to play and have no other sports background. 2.5 – A player who has limited experience and can sustain a short rally. 3.0 – Is someone who understands the fundamentals as well as court positioning. 3.5 – Would be someone who knows the differences between the hard and soft game.

Which is better exercise walking or pickleball? ›

It can help you decompress, clear your mind, move your body, and even lose weight. However, pickleball is much more intense and burns more energy. Walking at 3 miles per hour on moderate terrain burns about half as many calories as pickleball.

How to increase stamina for pickleball? ›

If you find that a single match wears you out, Ms. Stewart said, you need to build endurance outside of pickleball. If you can't sprint to hit a shot, you probably need more speed. For endurance, try 30 to 60 minutes of hiking, walking, riding a bike, running or swimming two times per week.

What is the number one injury in pickleball? ›

In the 2021 study that looked at Pickleball injuries from 2010 to 2019, the leading injuries were sprains or strains and contusions. Take a look at some of the most common Pickleball injuries below.

What is the 10 second rule in pickleball? ›

The 10-second rule under USA Pickleball says that, once the score has been called by the server, the server has 10 seconds to serve the ball. This is true even if the receiving team is not yet in the correct position. However, the server should wait until the receiving team is ready to receive the ball.

What is the golden rule pickleball for beginners? ›

Golden Pickleball Rule #1 – Fully Engage Your Body

It means that you need to move your feet, split step, have good footwork getting to the ball, but also have good footwork between when you're hitting the ball and the next time you hit the ball.

How can I improve my pickleball rating? ›

A strong foundation of fundamental skills is essential for improving your pickleball rating. Focus on refining your grip, stance, and basic strokes, such as serves, forehands, backhands, and volleys. Practice consistency and accuracy in your shots to build confidence and precision on the court.

How can I improve my pickleball accuracy? ›

Keeping the paddle facing the court is key to playing consistent pickleball. From another perspective, because 'the paddle doesn't lie' tracking the ball from your opponent's paddle will help you to read where the ball is going.

Why do you drill in pickleball? ›

Pickleball drills will teach you more nuanced concepts about how to play, such as why to move or hit the ball in certain ways. This attention to detail can take you from a beginner to an intermediate player, but it requires the expertise of a coach to teach you these particular points of the game.


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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.