These posts will teach you how to lay the foundations for Necromancy and develop the basic abilities needed. By the end of this, the mage-in-training will have all the abilities they will need to begin the practice of Necromancy. Sources:
Arthur Edward Waite, The Book of Black Magic and of Pacts (1898), Christopher Penczak, The Witch’s Shield (2004),Claude Lecouteux,The Book of Grimoires: The Secret Grammar of Magic (2013), Franz Bardon, The practice magical evocation (1991),Cagliastro, Blood Sorcery Bible vol I (2011), The Grand Grimoire + The Clavicle of Solomon (N/A), Al-Toukhi, Red Magic (2010), Paul Huson, Mastering Witchcraft (1970), Grimoire to Conjure the Spirit of a Place (2006),
Exercise 1: Drawing and Consecrating the Circle.
To draw a circle is a fairly easy affair; first you must see what medium is best for your workspace:Stone: Charcoal, Chalk, Gems, Blood.Wood/Tile: Paint, Blood.Dirt/Sand/Loose stones: Sword or Knife.It should be noted that circles made in soil or sand are quite susceptible to attack, and that even soft winds may mar the circle and leave the magus vulnerable, caution is advised.Then the mage must measure out a length of rope or ribbon to the length appropriate for the work at hand, these are measured in pes naturalis (actual feet).Personal circle(5): 2.5 feet with a knot at 2 feet.Ceremonial circle(9): 4.5 feet with a knot at 4 feet.Coven circle(13): 6.5 with a knot at 6 feet.With extra allowance for a slip knot on either side to bind the marking tool and a center nail, thus creating a compass.
When both medium, location and size have been considered, the mage will begin by hammering a nail into where the center of the circle is desired, or alternatively having your apprentice or assistant to pin it down with their fingers. When this is done the medium is bound at the other edge, and by pulling the cord taught and beginning to mark the ground, Insuring your lines are unbroken and clean. When the first circle is drawn, wrap the tool to the knot half a foot in and draw the second band. This second band creates a space for candles, words of power, wards and such to be placed. Once both circles are drawn you should carefully inspect it and assure that all the lines are unbroken and that a certain degree of symmetry is maintained.
Consecration: The mage should take to the circle all the tools they find necessary, as once it is consecrated, it is not to be crossed. You will need a broom, salt, staff or Ritual blade, and an incense of Pine, Sage, Frankincense or otherwise one with cleansing properties.
The mage places these tools between the first and second circle (known as the “band”) in no particular manner. The mage faces the north and lifts their staff or blade into the air with the left hand, and begins an incantation like such, whist tracing the first circle clockwise, from north to north:
“A circle Drawn to be a cellThat may preserve and keep me”
And onto the second (inner) circle, likewise:
“And a wallImpenetrable boundary of boneThat neither Howling GeistNor Thirsty blade may enter”
The practical mage knows no incantation of salts is needed, and thus will sprinkle the circle in it, wildershins, and sweep it away. For salt drains and neutralizes energies, a trait harmful to magic and spirit alike. It is implemented to clear the circle of any energies trapped within it, assisting in improving spell efficiency
Exercise 2: Preliminary Rites
With basic skills developed, one can finally take the first steps on the road to necromancy. This first step is a form of “initiation”, the mage will attempt to gain the attention of the dead through one of the rites described below, once completed a mage will notice a great shift in their abilities, and the attentiveness of the dead they work with.
Exercise 3: A Basic Conjuration.
The mage will require:+ Black mirror we made in a previous week+ Wand+ Tools to cast a circle+ A handful of grave dirt (see Three candles + An incense, best if Lavender, Myrhh, Sandalwood or Mullein.
The mage begins by placing a candle in the band of the circle, facing West, and another one 60° to either side, creating a triangle within the circle. To the east place your mirror, outside of the circle but only just so that it can be seen without the candles’ reflections. Upon the hours between 12 Am and 3 Am, Cast your circle and draw a smaller one around the mirror (do not use any form of incantation upon it, it will be activated during the constraint). With that being done, you may begin the ritual.
Having cast the circle and lit both candles and incense,Face east and raise your wand over head whist announcing the first conjuration: “I, the mage ____, do conjure and evoke thee thrice Spirit N. by the very ground in which your corpse lays rotting and by thy own name, Spirit N, Spirit N, Spirit N!Crawl up from thy abyss,Rise up from thy grave,Do hearken to my command,And come forth in an expeditious manner,That you may grant me audience at this hour.”And draw thrice in the air above you an equal armed cross within a circle, The symbol of the earth, the home of the dead.Walk around the circle, wildershins and thrice, and stop again in the east to recite the second Conjuration:“By the Endless void, and all realms of death; I summon thee, being long dead, come forth and appear to me now!By your dust and dirt i awaken thee O’ Spirit N. Rise up now and show thyself within this mirror!”And toss the Grave soil into the circle of the mirror quickly, allowing the spirit to manifest from the soil and onto the glass.
Again draw the sign of the earth and recite the Constraint:“Now, Old Geist, by the own name do i bind thee into thy circle, to answer my questions truly until I am satisfied! Lest I cast you out and drag thee here again!From the circle you shall rise and into the circle thou art bound Spirit N.”And the sign of an inverted triangle is drawn.
And when the spirit enters the room you will announce the welcome unto the spirit:“Ave unto thee, dread child, and I welcome thee unto this meeting place of living and dead, this divine crossroad between worlds. I have conjured thee here that you may answer my Questions and serve me as I ask, lest you enrage me and I should cause you great distress. Do as I ask and drink deep of the bounties I offer thee O’ great, noble, spirit.”
And with that said you may proceed to interrogate the spirit as you wish, beholding the mirror as to see the spirit or what it wishes to show you. But be wary you are not lead beyond your circle, and not lead into bargains you can not fulfil.
When all is done, the mage will take up their wand again and bid the spirit a departure:“Depart now Spirit N. From thy circle and back through the veil. Until we meet again, in this life or the next, I bid thee Vale”And should the spirit stay, a handful of salt is tossed into the mirror’s circle with the following banishing:“Depart spirit! Back into the abyss from which you crawled, and back to where you came, Or i will drain thy spirit and cause thee great harm!”And should the spirit refuse to leave, cast upon it more salt, and exorcise the room with a cleansing incense before the mirror’s circle is broken. Or should you be outside, you will have to wait in your circle until the dawn, to insure that the spirit it truly and fully gone.
Now go forth Acolytes of the necromancer’s path, practice what i have taught you and do so with the blessings of the void.
Best of luck.-S.