Roll20 - Virtual Tabletop for Playing D&D, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, TTRPGs (2025)

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Roll20 - Virtual Tabletop for Playing D&D, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, TTRPGs (22)


Edited 1659510179


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BARROWMAZE BLOG HERE The Barrowmoor,  Barrowmaze #1 Barrows investigated.  1.  Gold and silver offerings (not looted) 8.  Covered earth Barrow, a magical trap, activates two statuewarriors. Joint exploration with the Boon companions (Sly, Brule and Red Elf)  Loot = Pile of gems(including bloodstone) 9.  Earth covered giant centipede infested Barrow. Weexcavated a channel through the barrow roof. Mirabelle's dodgy mates from theStrumpet climbed down into the crypt, and the giant centipedes kill some. Whenwe enter a few weeks later, a giant centipede killed brother FarnardR.I.P.   Loot = Nar Jewelry; acouple of rings, bracelet, circlet and necklace.  10.  Family themed Barrow. No encounter. Loot = 8 interestingamphora depicting pastoral scenes (sold to the wizard Mazar) 11.  20' tall stone covered in runes, something about Nergal 12. Known entrance tothe Barrowmaze.   A rickety old bucketand pulley system allows access one at a time to the Barrowmaze below. Sam Ramiscary. 19.  Flooded trapped complex, did we leave a third chamberunexplored in this Barrow? Loot = fancy amphora,glowing sword, fancy ring and elven boots. 20.    Deep Barrow, stairs down to Skelebob decorated Sarcophagus  29.    Multi-level Barrow. Stairs lead down to a corridorconnecting the upper and lower chambers. A Wight (we name Michael Barrowmaze)killed Mr Iceshadow R.I.P. in the upper chamber.   Wemay have missed a clue in the rubble of a smashed statue in the hallway betweenthe two chambers.   Abloody great statue of some terrible looking demon dominates the lower chamber,which was trapped. Rock golems surprised Sir Glen when he snaffled a magicring, but he made his escape and pawned the ring to buy a new suit of armour.  Loot = ring of force,sword sized katar and a few choice pieces of Nar jewellery. Rumours The eastern Barrows are more dangerous Runic tablets curse those who read them Mutants dwell in the Barrowmaze Bullywugs have been known to roam the Barrowmoor Nergals’ chosen are buried in the maze Mirabelle heard a rumour about the legend of the wheel of time bringing back the dead Barrowmaze #1 Manu's Excavationnotes Autumn 1359, Yearof the Serpent PC:Mirabelle, Manu NPC:Estra Zo, Brother Farnard The trail from Helix to the Barrowmoor is dangerous, but we encountered nothing on our first two trips.  However, we were attacked by skeletons on the Barrowmoor when excavating.  

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Roll20 - Virtual Tabletop for Playing D&D, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, TTRPGs (23)


Edited 1651472495


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Barrowmaze #2 Manu's excavation notes. Autumn 1359, Year of the Serpent PC: Mirabelle, Manu, Herald, Kaalih, Ulric Iceshadow , Sir Glendor NPC: Brother Farnard So far, Mirabelle and I have made four trips to the Barrowmoor. Ulric Iceshadow, Herald, Kaalih, Brother Farnard and Sir Glen joined us on the most recent expeditions.   It's a 4-hour hike from Helix, following the old trail around the worst of the bog. We have yet to encounter the bullywug's Hendon warned me about, but we have bumped into other treasure hunters and skelebobs on the Barrowmoor itself. The dodgy group of blokes Mirabelle flirted with in the Strumpet followed us to Barrow 9, and Sir Glen the Paladin came to Mirabelle's rescue when she fled from the Wight in Barrow 29.      Downtime Mirabelle has been flirting with an elf named Valeron; she purchased a nice elven cloak from him. Herald is trying to 'connect' with Merda, but he doesn't know that funny handshake's like Ted does. There is something quite unsettling about him; he's constantly muttering curses, like a Goblin Town witch.     I visited St Solars to pay my respects to Brother Othar, Cella and Gamdar on the passing of Brother Farnard. I donated a priests pack to the church and gave a Billy Boy a bath before the service.   

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Roll20 - Virtual Tabletop for Playing D&D, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, TTRPGs (24)


Edited 1625398499


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Barrowmaze #3 Manu's excavation notes. 2nd Tenday, The Rotting (Month 11), Year of the Serpent (1359)  PC: Mirabelle, Manu, Herald, Kaalih NPC: The Boon Companions & Enk the torchbearer The 4-hour hike along the old trail is more demanding and dangerous in the Winter. Wolves and Bullywug's attacked us. The Barrowmoor is becoming flooded, and almost impossible to travel on foot. A skiff or a raft could be useful if you knew how to navigate this waterlogged maze.  Herald arranged for us to join a group of adventurers called the Boon Companions, we looted Barrow 8 together, but set off magical traps during the excavation and were later attacked by a giant scorpion, all the Men at Arms died.  Enk the Torchbearer signed on for our second and last expedition while the surviving Boon Companions rested and on that trip, at last, we found a secret entrance to  The Barrowmaze. Herald, Mirabelle and Calih want to keep it a secret.   We entered a complex of ancient tunnels predating the demon-worshipping Nar (according to Mirabelle). This area still used by cultists (by the looks of the signposts made from human teeth) and other stranger creatures. We made friends with three mongrelmen, I, They and IT. I will bring them honey bars and rum when I return.    Downtime I carved a bears face into a tree's in Hurn's grove and rubbed mithral dust I got from Karg in, it looks great in the moonlight  Kaalih and Mirabelle left town, haven't seen them for a while. 

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Roll20 - Virtual Tabletop for Playing D&D, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, TTRPGs (25)


Edited 1627898872


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Barrowmaze #4 Manu's expedition notes Date: 3rd ten-day of The Rotting, 1359 PC: Sir Glendor, Herald+1*, Manu NPC: Enk, Esta Zo (recently returned from Wenders clan hold), *Megira No encounters on the way to the Barrowmaze, although we come across Bullywug tracks. On the return leg of the journey, Sir Glendor led us safely around a hungry giant toad. The Barrowmaze  We took the 'secret' staircase to rendezvous with Mongrelmen I, They & IT (& friends) and deliver their goody bag (rum and honey bars). The Mongrelmen pleased assisted us by pointing out known traps, monsters and plenty of loot.   Exploring north, northwest we discovered several new exciting areas: a cage trap dropped on Esta and Enk before skeletons attacked talking sphinx statue summoning chamber trap room of many graves protected by an impaling trap office of golden scarabs zombie (JuJu & Ravenous) tombs more carnivorous flies barred the way to a section containing amber mould (amber mould can be destroyed by fire)  A friendly rat told us that a dwarf lords tomb full of treasure lies beyond the puzzle door.   We spent a comfortable night as guests of the Mongrelmen, sub-chief Horned One told us of other factions of the Barrowmaze.  Necromancers (worshipers of Myrkul) have kidnapped Mongrelman Chief Crabclaw and the Truth (Leo)  Sayer, he believes the captives are held in a Necromancer stronghold to the east.   Another group of cultists (followers of Orcus) are rivals of the Necromancers.  The Necromancers and Orcus Cult are in competition to recover the Tablet of Chaos, some kind of death cult doomsday device.  Herald seems to more about the subject than he lets on.  Oh and something about a dracolich.   The Puzzle Downtime: Manu spends 5 x days ' middle-class carousing' with Karg & Bollo, donates 5 x priest packs & 5 bottles of brandy to St. Sollars Church and 5 x days hunting, presenting a 'bagged' hind to Hendon the Miller. Re-equip & upgrades; Mithril Halfplate, +1 Warhammer, resupply healing potions, antitoxin, oil flasks, goody bags x 2 for mongrelmen, and outfitting 'Enk of Helix'.

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Roll20 - Virtual Tabletop for Playing D&D, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, TTRPGs (26)


Edited 1626704861


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Barrowmaze #5 Manu's expedition notes Date: 1st Ten-day of Nightfall, 1359 PC: Herald+1*, Manu, and introducing  pub quiz champion  Brother Ripper  NPC: Enk , Esta Zo & *Megira Norse Whisperers: Bjorn , Hagatha , Ivar , Leif, Ragnar , and Rollo The Brazen Strumpet.  We recruit Brother Ripper from the pub quiz and encounter Leif, a shady rogue. Herald asks Leif to join us; I am glad he declines; he smells funny.   Fine weather for the time of year (no flooding) we reach the Barrowmaze without incident. However, the secret staircase we have been using is open; powerful looking claws have torn the stone sarcophagus.  Scouting ahead, Megira, invisible, sneaks down the stairs into the Barrowmaze, finding a pair of gargoyles ready to ambush us. She flees, leading the monsters to us. Enk dies.    The gargoyle tracks lead to a dead-end in a rubble-strewn chamber off the main corridor north of the Hall of the Old Gods. Herald detects necro magic beyond one of the walls, and after further investigation, a secret door connecting a concealed tomb.  B rother Ripper identifies it as t he tomb of Klex the Maligned, telling  us Klex earned his moniker after 'accidentally' stabbing his older brother (and heir to the throne) through the heart.  The inner tomb is surrounded by 143 black urns and another gargoyle, who would have killed me had it not been for the healing words of Brother Ripper (we have battled three gargoyles, and there are four plinths).  Unsurprisingly Klex is waiting for us in his necrotic inner sanctum, and he tries to scare us to death, which Herald really enjoys.  After Klex is destroyed and looted, H erald insists on searching all the urns, which takes quite some time and attracts more undead (these ones infested with a flesh rotting disease).  We need a break and rendevous with the mongrelmen, taking a short rest. Not feeling strong enough to search for their missing chief, we show Bother Ripper the puzzle room; he solves it in short order, opening the dwarf hero's tomb.  Herald orders Megira to loot the heroes remains ( dwarven thrower, ring of fire resistance and potion of heroism) , and in doing so, she sets off a poison gas trap but is unharmed.  Feeling like we have pushed our luck far enough and saddened by the loss of Enk, we decided to return to Helix.   But misfortune is not yet finished with us, outside Helix, the Norse Whisperers (remember Leif) mug us. In the brutal skirmish, Hagatha murders Esta. Hagatha, Ragnar, Ivar and Bjorn die, Leif and Rollo, flee into the woods. Back in Helix, we lay our friends to rest, console Enk's family.  Esta has no kin and has left me a large sum of gold in her will.  Downtime; Manu level's up to 4th and carves memorials to Enk and Esta into the Totem tree in Herns Grove.   

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Roll20 - Virtual Tabletop for Playing D&D, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, TTRPGs (27)


Edited 1627901643


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Barrowmaze #6 Manu's excavation notes. 2nd Tenday of Nightfall, 1359, Year of the Serpent PC: Sir Gelndor,  Herald , Manu, Brother Ripper NPC:   Krago mountain dwarf ranger  and the henchtwin's Milly and Mathar   The Brazen Strumpet is lively with gossip of the Boon Companions teaming up the surviving members of the Norse Whisperers. It is late in the year the weather is cold and wet; most 'sane' adventurers are settling down to enjoy the midwinter festival. We recruit brother and sister henchtwins Milly and Mathar and a brusque dwarven ranger named Krago and head out onto the Barrowmoor once again. As we cross the Barrowmoor, a flock of ravenous giant vultures attacks, swooping down through the gloom to kill Krago and Herald, flying off with the takeaway corpses. I can't help thinking those vultures looked a bit like Merira. With no way of tracking the avian monsters, we hurry into the relative safety of a Barrow and take stock. On the way, Alya, a glamourous druid, joins us and helping restore health and confidence. We press on, following the usual route to rendezvous with the Mongrel Men (MM). The MM seem a little worn down, but their high spirits return when I hand over a goody bag.   We leave the MM camp to excavate the bricked-up wall in the amber mould chamber. Breaking into a wide chamber with five tomb doors lining the southern wall. Sir Glendor detects the presence of the undead in the eastern tomb and bravely Alya wild shapes into a spider to investigate, returning to report the vault is protected by magical wards. Sir Glendor and I shove the tomb door open, setting off the ward toasting us in magical fire. Ripper mumbles something about a ring of fire resistance, but I can't quite hear what following the explosion. Inside, a great shield bearing the mark of the paladins of Ilmater lies atop an old skeleton. Sir Glendor tells me all about it when a ghost materialises and attacks us, seemingly cross about Sir Glen taking the shield. We defeat the spirit, the twins proving very stout of heart, loot the other tombs, and discover another secret door. The secret door leads to a 'clean' chamber dominated by a skull-topped altar. Sir Glen gets a nasty necrotic prick when he investigates; fortunately, Brother Ripper's quick thinking with antitoxin stops any permanent damage. Then cultists burst in from another secret door (the Barrowmaze is full of them, we must remember to check more often). They put us down (with sleep magic), but we get up again. In the deadly skirmish, Brother Ripper turns the cultist zombie muscle, which surely would be the end of us, and I take a grisly trophy - the lead necromancers head. After the encounter, we discover another staircase leading up, presumably the  Barrowmaze  entrance the necromancers were using. Then via MM camp, we exit the Barrowmaze and return to Helix.   Downtime: We give Milly and Mathar a bonus (372EP), they sign on for the next expedition, impressed by their courage and resolve I buy them a set of splint armour each from Karg.  That's another 400gp for the dwarf smith, I tell him the mithral halfplate is holding up well and ask him to put a wolf motif on the shield Sir Glendor gave me.  Shop for the MM (3 goody bags 36gp & 3cp) then take Karg drinking.  It's almost years end, so many friends have died, I wonder how Kaalih & Mirabelle are getting on and hope they are well.  

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Roll20 - Virtual Tabletop for Playing D&D, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, TTRPGs (28)


Edited 1659975643


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Barrowmaze #7 FromManu's diary. Lastten-day, Year of the Serpent PC: Brago, Manu, Brother Ripper NPC: Milly & Mathar   Greyorcs from Orc Glen led by an orog raided Helix last night. We defend theStrumpet making a new friend Brago the battle master, brother of Krago, thedwarf who giant vultures carried off along with Herald.   Becauseof the lack of numbers, we decide to avoid the Barrowmaze and instead searchfor the giant vulture volt and Krago's remains. Hendon recommended exploringDead Man's Hill and the ruins of Argus. The Barrowmoor is flooded, so we hire aflat-bottomed boat from Hendon. We will head to Dead Man's Hill first. Dayspass but Brago, Manu, Ripper and the twins Milly & Mathar do not return.

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Roll20 - Virtual Tabletop for Playing D&D, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, TTRPGs (29)


Simon N.


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Just a note that I'm planning to add Barrowmaze as an available adventure site to the online campaign(s) - lots of gold, magic items and horrible death to be had for the brave and the foolish. >:D

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Roll20 - Virtual Tabletop for Playing D&D, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, TTRPGs (30)


Edited 1641561284


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Barrowmaze #8 Macready's expedition notes The month of Flowers, Year of the Turret 1360DR PC: Chance, Droghal, Sir Glendor, Liam the Slayer, Macready, Spartigus NPC: Mohag the Wanderer, Yor, Tasset Sir Glendor leads us safely into the Barrowmaze and the Mogrelkin without incident. They accepted our tributes and invited us to a BBQ, giant rat the main dish.   We push north through the secret doors of summoning trapped bone shelf room, then east along a long corridor to an octagonal room featuring six doors and four stone pillars, liar of Miriam the Margoyle. Miriam and a trio of gargoyles attack when we enter; hard-pressed Miriam attempts to negotiate, but "Mohag does not negotiate with Margolyes!" We destroy the enemy, but the Yellow Rose novice Tasset is ripped to shreds by the last gargoyle. We break for a rest, vowing to lay Tasset's remains to rest at the Monastery. However, the noise of battle attracts a group of Necromancers escorted by special forces skeletons. Outmatched, we bargain for our lives and retreat to Mongrelfolk territory, leaving Tassets remains behind. Taking the Mongrelman advice, we push east past the room with the puzzle where Manu found what I now know to be the  Hammer of Cirdan Man-friend.   We come to a large square room, not unlike an ossuary, full of niches and bones with a portcullis barring entry to a long hall with many concealed alcoves along its walls. Droghal bends the bars of the portcullis so we can proceed. As soon as we enter the tunnel, calcified skeletons burst from the hidden cavities to attack, but they are no match for us. The southern end of the tunnel has been bricked up, Droghal smashes through the wall revealing a large chamber with a door-sized mirror on the wall opposite us. Intrigued by the mirror, we are surprised by an arcane construct that pounces from the shadows. The rune golem covered in glowing tablets attacks with efficiency, but many of the spell tablets fail to engage; we make short work of the golem—Liam the Slayer riffles through the remaining tablets setting of a terrible curse of enfeeblement upon himself. The golem was guarding a Tome of Clear Thought but scant gold.   The expedition is a failure, Tasset died, and the loot doesn't cover the costs. But we have established a good relationship with the Mongrelmen, giving us a bridgehead into the Barrowmaze. We agree to make another expedition into the Barrowmaze. 

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Roll20 - Virtual Tabletop for Playing D&D, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, TTRPGs (31)


Simon N.


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That's cool thanks Matt, Barrowmaze players who read this can add 100 XP :)

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Roll20 - Virtual Tabletop for Playing D&D, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, TTRPGs (32)


Chris T.

Permalinkfor 10591480Quote

Sounds very cool! 

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Roll20 - Virtual Tabletop for Playing D&D, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, TTRPGs (33)


Simon N.


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Updated Barrowmaze Blogspot page with links to session accounts -&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I put latest session at the start of M6 June/Flowers 1360 DR

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Roll20 - Virtual Tabletop for Playing D&D, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, TTRPGs (34)



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Barrowmaze #9 Macready's expedition notes The month of Flowers, Year of the Turret 1360DR PC: Droghal, Liam the Slayer and Macready. NPC: Mohag the Wanderer and Yor.&nbsp; We meet the Outriders of Ulek, another band of adventurers in the Brazen Strumpet. They are friendly, we compare notes and share drinks. Their good fortune rubs of on us, and the following day we reach the Barrowmoor without incident. Missing critical personnel, we decided not to enter the Barrowmaze; instead, we systematically excavated several Barrowmounds. Marlon, Liam's rat familiar proves to be an excellent scout.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; The systematic approach proves successful, and we uncover several Barrows containing the buried remains of Nar nobility. The Mulhoran influence is evident now, and perhaps the reason for the Nar peoples decline into Demonworship. Excavation reveals several tombs dedicated to women; the statue of a warrior princess stands masterfully on a dead dragon head, statues of beautiful women with glittering jewels for eyes line a hall and a womanly shaped casket feature. There are traps everywhere, and Liam's magic hand proves incredibly useful, saving us from certain death more than once. Liam's previous over-eager treasure hunting antics inspire somewhat impulsive behaviour within the group at the outset of the expedition; Droghal claims a ring of protection by snatching. We agree to take a more measured approach and split the loot fairly. Droghal's cold-blooded thoroughness in the Barrows uncovers hidden treasure and the haul grows to over three thousand gold pieces in value.&nbsp; The loot consists of jewellery, golden figurines and other grave goods, including collector's items such as Narish perfume and some fascinating scrolls describing the Nar demon-worshipping cults. Liam 'the lucky' finds a magical snake hilted throwing dagger and some wizard scrolls; Droghal smashes a child's toy, the wooden sword had survived two thousand years but not grip of the giant lizard man. The noise of sledgehammers ringing on stone doors as we smash through to the Barrows attracts a frightful pair of coffin corpses who seemingly burrow up from the Barowmaze. We manage the rest of the day's encounters well, determining to draw the undead into uncomfortable daylight where we can.&nbsp;&nbsp; It is late afternoon when we come across Jergal's Barrow. The unusual bronze doors (the other Barrows sealed by stone) are magically warded even Liam's magical hand unable to open the dread portal. We resolve to leave the ominous Barrow and return to Helix alive and significantly more prosperous. Tymora is with us, and nothing other than Droghal showing off his impressive haulage capability happens on the return to the Brazen Strumpet. Safley, back in the tavern, we use the small coins to celebrate with the locals and the outriders of Ulek. Mohag and Yor negotiate a full share of treasure on future expeditions, some of us spend gold with Karg.&nbsp;&nbsp; I have kept the silver dagger from the warrior princesses tomb; the Nar metalwork is fascinating and makes me wonder about my Nar ancestors.&nbsp;

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Roll20 - Virtual Tabletop for Playing D&D, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, TTRPGs (35)


Simon N.


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Great stuff Matt, 100 XP to Mac, &amp; to Droghall &amp; Liam if players read this :)

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Roll20 - Virtual Tabletop for Playing D&D, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, TTRPGs (36)


Edited 1656153246


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Barrowmaze #10 Autumn 1360 Year of the Turret (Black Chronology, Year of the Armies)&nbsp; GM: ca 1/10/1360 DR PC: Droghal, Sir Glendor, Liam the Ghost Slayer and Macready. NPC: Mohag &amp; Yor.&nbsp; Helix We gather at the Strumpet to&nbsp; discuss this mission's entry point and&nbsp; check equipment - A true gentleman Sir Glendor splashes a lot of cash on a Revivify scroll. Liam makes inquiries with Mazahs about Jergals Door -&nbsp; Known as the Pool of Secrets, a very particular key (linked to the number 100) is required to open it. Yet again Drog leads us through the marsh to the Barrowmoor without incident.&nbsp; The Barrowmoor Grave of Azcuursh the Arcane Drog breaks through the stone barrier with his maul. Narrow stairs lead into a summoning decorated in sinister runes; a spellbook floats over a plinth. When Liam opens the tome, he is transported to an extradimensional space where he must defeat his ghost.&nbsp;&nbsp; Loot: Spellbook&nbsp; Tomb of Genniis the Warrior Preist A narrow tunnel leads into the Tomb of a Nar Warrior Preist who seems to predate the era of demon worship. A semi- collapsed staircase leads down to the Barrowmaze. We attract a group of wights when we excavate the tunnel to allow access to the tomb. Loot: Splendid chainmail, Scrolls - The Life of Genniis part I, II, III &amp; IV. Barrowmaze As we thought, the Tomb of Genniis grants us access to the Barrowmaze, where giant scorpions nest. We are hard-pressed by the lethal predators; both Macready and Droghaul are dragged into the seething mass of monsters, and Sir Glendor takes a deadly poisoned tail in the chest but eventually, we prevail.&nbsp; Loot: Nar Fertility Idol, sapphire, gold&nbsp; "The mini's all 'identify' as giant scorpions" Shortly after the scorpion skirmish, we link up with the Mongrelfolk. Pleased to see us and receive the goody bags we have brought for them, their mage - Liger, presents us with a pair of unique keys (78-Q4 'book' &amp; 7-100 'pentagram'). There is much rejoicing; we spend the evening at the camp; unfortunately, there is no news of Chief Crab Claw. We resolve to&nbsp;&nbsp; head across the Barrowmoor in the morning to the use the key Liger gave us on the Door of Jergal, which will hopefully reveal the Pool of secrets. The Pool of Secrets&nbsp; The key works; we enter the necrotic majesty of the Pool of Secrets, quite literally, when Drog dives in and swims through the eerie submerged tunnel into the secret mirror chamber at an unfathomable distance below. Yor stands to watch at Jergal's door, and the rest of us press on. More stairs descend to the outer chambers of a Chaos Demon's temple. The demon, Zargon or Zorgon, seems to come from a realm beyond space called Sinisdasia (Cynidicea). After a disgusting scrap with giant pit leaches, we decided to withdraw from the 'Porch of Chaos' locking Jergals Door door on the way out.&nbsp; In Helix - we sell The Genniis Scrolls, Chaos Etchings (after making copies),&nbsp; Azcuursh's spellbook 1200gp and Nar Fertility Idol to Mazzahs the Magnificent, and the splendid Genniis Chainmail to Karg.&nbsp; Combined with the other loot 450g.p, shares are distributed.&nbsp; The 'party' keeps 83 g.p. to restore mundane equipment and mongrel man goodie bags.&nbsp; The paladin's inquiries about the Zargon illustrations with father Othar, and uncover another connection to the Nar trend to Mulhorandi demon worship.&nbsp; n.b. &nbsp; The Hag Aretha's Map is proving a great boon; the sorcerous cartography has enabled us to make several reasonably accurate deductions (I believe the Death Spa to be some 300'n &amp; 450'w of the Scorpion Nest). Droghal's knowledge of the marsh allows for much safer travel. Level up Sir G, Mac, (5&gt;6), Mohag and Yor (2&gt;3)&nbsp; &nbsp;

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Barrowmaze #11 &nbsp;It'll be all Wights on the Knight Late Autumn 1360 Year of the Turret GM: ca 21/10/1360 DR (Black Chronology, Year of the Armies)&nbsp;&nbsp; PC: Chance, Droghal, Sir Glendor, Liam 'The Key Bearer', Macready and Spartagus NPC: Mohag the Wanderer &amp; Yor 'on Gaurd Duty'.&nbsp; Chance and Spartigus round out the large and well-armed party. Barrowmounds - west We arrive on the Barrowmoor to find a pair of wights giving chase to a group of scavengers. The scavenger leader is a game, but his attempt to rally his crew falls on deaf ears. We dispatched the evil spirits in short order but didn't get to introduce ourselves to the brave scavenger leader, who, in haste, searched for a fleeing colleague with the scavenged loot. The excitement didn't stop there; some scavengers had run into a pack of harpies to become brunch. Chance and Liam persuade us to avoid the harpies' picnic and lead us skillfully through the Barrows out of the vulture women's sight.&nbsp; There was something about the harpy leader, the slender shoulders, her glossy black feathers...&nbsp; Using the pentagram key, we pass through Nergal's Door and down through the Pool of Secrets and into the Barrowmaze.&nbsp; I am convinced the Barrowmaze mirror the dimensions of the Barrowmounds.&nbsp; On the porch of Chaos, a pair of heckuva lie in wait, but the sinful beings are quickly smote. After showing Chance and Spartagus around the giant leach pit, we explore the south.&nbsp;&nbsp; The Abandoned Dormitory&nbsp; Several doorways lead from the southern tunnel (which seems abandoned and in a state of disrepair). Liam and Sir Glendor work in unison; Sir Glendor locates the bloodthirsty spider ambush by walking into it, after which Liam points it out. There are several chambers in this area we begin to refer to as the Abandonded Dormitory of Chaos; undead and spiders hide, waiting to pounce from the nooks and crannies. Some crypt doors are bricked up, no problem for mighty Droghal, whose demolition work collapses the roof on our heads. His armour dented and dusty, Sir Glendor walks through the smashed doorway into another ambush, this time with the withered corpses of adventurers turned undead-they don't last long-Sir G's armoured paladin bait trap works smoothly. We put the wights down and strip their corpses of loot; Sir G picks up a suit of magical plate, which will undoubtedly improve his reverse ambush tactic further, and Spartagus finds what he's always wanted, a glowing sword. The last of the doors on the western wall opens into an empty room; ironically, Sir G entered cautiously. Wight washed, we pause for a short rest, but that is interrupted by a mob of exploding zombies, the blasted undead set off a chain reaction of exploding corpses, and the ceiling collapses again. Chance comes into his own in the melee, blinding the party with a wall of fog, then deafening us with a mini-tornado. Rested, we leave the foggy hurricane hideout searching for crypts to loot; mighty Droghal shows off his strength again by jamming a sarcophagus under a portcullis. Liam assists, telling him exactly where to put it; more bloodthirsty spiders ambush the pair through the gap as they wedge the portcullis up.&nbsp;&nbsp; Wights to the left of me, exploding skeletons to the right, here I am, suck in the middle with Yor.&nbsp; &nbsp; In the final encounter, undead come at us from both sides, catching Spartagus and his glowing sword cowering at the back. But it's all wight; he takes the fiend down with a wight hook.&nbsp; It's OK I'm not here next week. Porch &amp; abandoned dorm of chaos Loot: Bracelet 50GPV, Trinkets 141GPV, Thin silver bracelet 129SPV?, Emerald necklace 350GPV, Liam's marbles &amp; a pouch of 4 x rubies 413pgv each.&nbsp; Total 2205GP (- 5GP to the trunk of junk) 2200GP/8 = 275GP each. n.b.&nbsp; The exploding undead are marked with black inverted triangle runes on their heads, radiating powerful evil to the paladins' divine sense. Is there a connection to the Chaos Tablet? In downtime Spartagus is getting Sir G's armour refitted by Karg for 100GP&nbsp; As I am away next session, Mac will visit the Hag Aretha for Barrowmaze research purposes Trunk-of-Junk fund stands at 88GP

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Adventure log as scribed by Sir Glendor&nbsp; GM: Barrowmaze #12, ca 1/11/1360 DR After our previous delvings in the Barrowmaze, the party decided it prudent to return to Helix for some rsets and recovery. My brother-in-arms, Mac, had business elsewhere and departed therewith. Unfortunately we were waylaid by the flock (??) of harpies we had previously avoided en route to the Barrows. During the ensuing melee, a number of our party were charmed (not me of course) plus Chance managed to grow 2” taller and his skin turned blue!! We did, naturally, prevail and returned to the town. Liam had the honour of dispatching the Queen Harpy with a skilful cast of his dagger. After two weeks of rest and training we returned to the Barrows. Thankfully Droghul spotted an ambush by two walking plants which, I am reliably informed, are called Shambling Mounds. A violent fracas took place during which both Droghal and Mohag were ingested by the walking lettuces. Both were struck down by blows from Spartagus and Droghal (once he had managed to extricate himself from the innards of the rabid broccoli) and the party took shelter in a Barrow where they had previously encountered the Boon Companions. A short rest then onward! We proceeded to another barrow with a blocked entrance. This was expeditiously cleared and we proceeded inside. Inside we discovered the following in various rooms. Two pools smelling of peat. One made you stupid whereas the other one made you not so stupid, plus very clean and shiny (or even more shiny in my case). Droghal was the guinea pig in this case. Two wooden statues in a room of 8 sarcophagi. The statues came to life and attacked us. Fire, searing smites (yours truly) and other stuff were our friends here. Moving on to other rooms, Liam found a stone trap which he judiciously disarmed. This led to a 30’ x 30’ room with a number of alcoves. A splendid shirt of mithril was found and donned by Chance. There was also a very mouldy looking door which we didn’t open (not even Droghal.....or me for that matter!). Moving back to what we believed to be the last room in the barrow, Liam seemed to spend an awfully long time checking the door for traps. I pushed past and marched into the room. There was a large bronze, gem encrusted chalice in the room. Upon closer inspection I saw that it contained a jelly like substance, ochre in colour. This turned out to be (wait for it) an Ochre Jelly. Had a bit of a to do with it solo, before the others joined in. As we dispatched this, I heard a commotion in the room behind us. Two evil looking fellows (quite dead don’t you know) with pus, ooze, grubs, maggots and other nasty things coming off them, had attacked our rear. Again, fire was our friend and we were victorious. Quick search of the room turned up a stone tablet which Droghul picked up…….and promptly put down again as his hand had started to rot. Rolling my eyes, I laid hands and cured the mummy rot disease before smashing the tablet to pieces. After that it was a case of sweeping up all the treasure in the location, of which there was a lot. I had a spiffing bronze helm which made me even more persuasive as well as a bit more intimidating. Liam documented the other goods as I was a bit bored at this stage as we had smited everything!! Back to Helix for tea and crumpets! HUZZAH!! Memorable quotes: Mohag to the harpies: “You should have run when you had the chance………Unfortunately I’m charmed.” Mohag to the harpy who charmed him: “I love you so much. Can’t wait to be in your tummy.” Yor to the harpy who charmed Mohag: “Get away from him you BITCH!” Mohag to wood golems: “Make Mohag angry” Mohag to wood golems: “The axe of Mohag is upon you!” Droghal to wood golems: “On to glory”. Ochre Jelly to Sir G: “Hello” Mohag to Sons of Gax: “You are no match for my Mohagicity”

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List of goodies found: Diamond studded goblets Gem encrusted electrum plate&nbsp; Enchanted dagger (Claimed by Chance) Rune shield Lump of Jade 1 x healing potion 4 x spell scrolls Bronze helmet (claimed by Sir G) Potion of climbing Wand of paralysis (Chance) Scroll of protection from elementals Bronze chalice encrusted with gems 1 x potion greater healing Coins - 45gp

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&gt;&gt;Mohag to the harpy who charmed him: “I love you so much. Can’t wait to be in your tummy.”&lt;&lt; I think it was actually the harpy who said something like "I can't wait for us to be together, with you in my tummy" :)

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ca 14/11/1360 DR: Barrowmaze #13, Death of Mohag (12/6/2022 AD) ca 27/11/1360 DR: Barrowmaze #14 (26/6/2022 AD)

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Barrowmaze #14&nbsp; Late Autumn/Early winter 1360 (27/11/1360) Year of the Turret (Year of the Turret?)/Black Chronology, Year of the Armies PC:&nbsp; Aya, Droghal, Sir Glendor, Kevan, Liam, Macready, Spartagus and The Witch of Narfell.&nbsp;&nbsp; The Witch of Narfell We gather at the Brazen Strumpet in Helix; the party has grown since I returned from Impultur. Kevan, the bard, has come south to investigate the fearsome reputation of the Barrowmaze; when the tavern troubadours spot him, they launch into a bawdy version of The Bard in the bucket. But the mysterious beauty who refers to herself as the Witch of Narfell and the luminous Aya, not Kev, catch the eye. Droghal leads the party safely through the bogs of the South Moor to the mist-shrouded Barrowmoor. Our first stop is the Barrow of Presence, where I perform the charisma-enhancing cleansing ritual. Following the ceremony, we retrace our steps to centre west Barrowmoor, where we come across a troll pack's faint but distinguishable tracks; they are stalking us. Alerted to the danger, we press on to the Barrow where Mohag perished. The Barrow in which the skeleton warriors slew Mohag looks much like the others, ancient and foreboding. Sir Glendor orchestrates the memorial service atop a coffin; we reminisce about Mohag's easy-going charm, antics and dour wisdom.&nbsp; Ilmater who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name, Mohag is done, He wonders no longer on the Barrowmoor but now in the Beastlands, Give us this day our daily loot,&nbsp; And forgive us our trespasses, As we take vengeance on those who trespass against us, Lead Mohag into the Happy Hunting Grounds, And deliver us from evil For thine is the kingdom, The power and the glory Forever and ever&nbsp; Lets Rock! Aya As I finish Ilmaters prayer, thinking us trapped, the trolls attack. Half a dozen green-skinned monsters charge into the Barrow.&nbsp; But the trolls have fatally underestimated us; we are not trapped in the Barrow with them; they are trapped in it with us. Aya and the Witch of Narfell burn the trolls with fireballs; the rest of us chop, bash and stab them to bits, conducted by Sir Glendor (still atop the coffin). Following the skirmish, keen-eyed Aya discovers secret stairs descending into the Barrowmaze.&nbsp;&nbsp; As we make ready to enter the Barrowmaze, the Witch of Narfell bids us farewell; as mysteriously as she joined the company, she leaves it. At the foot of the stairs is a junction, sturdy double doors warped by centuries of damp bars entry to a chamber to the north. In the other direction, a corridor runs south with exits to the west, south and northeast.&nbsp; Mighty Droghal and Spartagus use their strength to breach the doors with crowbars, revealing a large ossuary, shelves stacked with bones and skulls that rattle and shake as calcified skeletons crawl from the remains to attack! Sir Glendor leads the charge, smashing into the undead Droghal close behind blasts through them like a wrecking ball, his great maul obliterating several in a reckless rush. The rest of us deal with the bare bones still standing. After the scrap, Marlon, Liam's familiar, helps search through bones and rubble, and we find some loot, including a diamond ring good for revivifying spells, so Aya keeps hold of it. Spartigus notices another set of double doors to be slightly ajar during the search and hears a scratching sound beyond when he investigates hungry blood spiders set upon him poisoning him. We jump to the recuse - "If you want blood, You got it!" We take a short rest in the ossuary; Kev, the bard, uses his arcane wand to lock the doors. After resting, we head south. Spartagus and Droghal crack open another old warped set of double doors, opening up an ancient tomb featuring a sarcophagus and a gargoyle. Sir Glendor immediately dislikes the gargoyle and starts bashing it, causing the gargoyle to attack and a mummy to burst from the coffin. The mummy paralyses Spartagus with fear before it, and the 'Margoyle' are pounded into dust. The mummy must have been of some importance in its day, adorned as it is in fine jewellery; there's also a great deal of indecipherable text on its casket. Meanwhile, in the corridor, bard Kev casually leans against the dungeon wall, strumming away without a care in the world, working on a new jingle. Suddenly, a large gang of tomb robbers round the corner, Kev tongue-tied for once (mummy and margoyle dust perhaps), is unable to talk his way out of the seemingly inevitable mugging. But before the situation gets ugly, Sir Glendor strolls into the corridor and tells the muggers to sling their hook, and the villains skulk off to the west; one falls into a pit trap and dies. We travel west along a passageway that runs parrel to the one the footpads took, coming across a short passage north blocked by a portcullis, behind which hangs a dirty yellow curtains screening whatever lies behind it. We leave it be and continue west.&nbsp; The Cells A short distance west of the portcullis, we come across a sinister altar covered in dried blood. To the north runs a long corridor (over 100') lined with burial chambers (7). We investigate the easternmost crypt first. It contains what we believe to be a dead adventurer (magic sword and armour); desperate scratch marks on the inside of the door indicate the adventurer was trapped here. It is unclear how they died, starvation? It turns out it's not a dead adventurer but an undead adventurer, and it attacks, but the Drog smashes the lone skeleton to pieces effortlessly. When Liam discovers a sticky trail of slime leads from the undead adventurer's tomb, a few of us simultaneously burst into the chorus of The Bard in the bucket. Graffiti, both puerile and telling, covers the walls of this corridor - CAN'T GET OUT - perhaps a reference to the trapped adventurer. Toward the western end of the catacomb, a strong wind comes from nowhere and blows the torches out, but thankfully not the light spell Aya cast on Spartagus's shield. Possibly drawn to the light spell half a dozen giant snakes attack Sir Glendor from the darkness and Spartagus gets poisoned again. In the vault adjacent to the snakes, Sir Glendor finds the remains of another adventurer, probably a wizard from the magical scrolls that remain unravaged by time. As we pause to discuss next steps Aya identifies a scarab the from the mausoleum skeleton with her vast knowledge of Mulhorandi antiquity as a powerful token against fear; we agree the Spartagus should have it as the Barrowmaze seems to have it in for him. Are the chambers lining the corridor cells rather than crypts? We decide to return to Helix, share out the loot and rest. As Droghal leads us back to Helix, my mind wanders; it seems to be the dungeon has regions defined by different characteristics or personalities. Am I going insane, have I missed the Barrowmaze? Spartagus Downtime (28/11/1360 - 12/12/1360 TBC): Liam (successfully) and Mac (failure) spend a week navigating the used magic market to make a tidy profit on the unwanted items.&nbsp; Spartagus teaches Mac some gladiator moves. Mac purchased an extra crowbar for the trunk of junk.

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Barrowmaze #15 Nightfall 10/12/60 Year of the Turret /Black Chronology, Year of the Armies PCS:&nbsp; Aya, Chance, Droghal, Liam, Macready, Moxy, Orik and Runeoff I part ways with Ted at Helix; he is going north for revenge. I should go with him, but the Barrowmaze is calling, and I answer. The Strumpet is heaving with winter custom; what remains of the tomb robbers we met last time look to be settling in until next season. The leader of a small adventuring group, a dwarf with paladin sigils, a bubbly bard and a half-elf with a Luskan accent, asks to join the expedition "for the glory," says Orik, the dwarf with a twinkle in his eye.&nbsp; Droghal leads us safely across the moor yet again but surprises his old comrades when he turns saurian tour guide and shows Orik the Barrow of Pools; Orik takes up the challenge without hesitation after that we seal the Barrow of Pools.&nbsp; From there, we crash through several neighbouring Barrows. #22 Looted - probably by the tomb robbers resting in the Strumpet. A large group of undead ambush us once inside. Drog crushes them.&nbsp;&nbsp; #23 A covered barrow. Orik, Liam and Chance burrow through boreholes into the sealed Barrow to find it's now the nest of three giant boring beetles. The little folks despatch George, Paul and Ringo and loot a handful of emeralds and some scrolls. Intrigued by the lonely Barrow that rises from the northern marsh, we trek through the ankle-deep bog and find that its ancient stone portal is smashed open and its entrance busy with tracks (cultists, I think). Inside the Barrow, a desecrated statue of Jergal lies next to stairs spiralling down confirming my suspicions; this is a cult route.&nbsp;&nbsp; Beneath Jergals desecrated barbican, following a north-running passage, we discover stone doors barring entry to the crypt Mahlor Royc.&nbsp; None of us know who or what Mahlor Royc was, but it seems Mahlor Royc was rich enough to have a tomb constructed, so we enter cautiously. A short corridor leads to stairs spiralling up to another stone door. Believing the heavy stone doors to be trapped, I rush back to the entrance to block it with rubble, so our egress remains open. The party cautiously opens the upper door to find the ghastly remains of presumably Mahlor Royc encased in a magnificent suit of plate, and that's when the trap is sprung.&nbsp; &nbsp;A huge boulder ' Mahlors Royc'&nbsp; crashes down on the party, then rolls down the stairs into the corridor (there was no need to keep the door open after all). Liam is cross with himself for not checking the ceiling; Orik, less concerned with self-recrimination, strips the corpse of its magnificent armour (+2plate) and puts it on. We decide to take a break here.&nbsp;&nbsp; Continuing north, I almost fall into a bottomless pit (save or die) before we come to another 'luxury' crypt, this one the resting place of Pinto the Pyromancer. It occurs to me this area of Barrowmaze seems newer, the tombs larger, the upscale Barrowmaze neighbourhood perhaps. Pinto's grave is crazy. Half a dozen discs suspended by chains swing from the ceiling above an inferno - an entrance to the elemental plane of fire. I am willing to attempt to jump, but Liam adamant this is his moment bravely springs out to the first platform. Liam's natural agility, halfling surefootedness and moral support, particularly Moxy, see him across the disc-o inferno. Liam loots Pinto's coffin of its contents a spell book, inferno staff and magic ring moving them across the trap with a nifty mage hand relay and returns to the group unscathed.&nbsp; Buoyed by success, we plunge further into the Barrowmaze, passing the Mahlor's Royc. Drog leads us into an octagonal chamber with several exits. While searching, Moxy succumbs to a pungent stench of decay and falls ill; her retching echos around walls attracting a large group of necromancers. The necromancers, a branch of the cult Myrkul, demand tribute - our dead bodies for entering their domain. But Chance bullshits convincingly, and with some name-dropping (sorry, Wisteria, your Myrkul club membership may be called into question), he talks them out of attacking (shame I would have liked to add another necromancer skull to my collection).&nbsp; There are some bricked-up doors here Drog smashes one open to reveal hundreds of undead chained in frightful conditions. Aya leads the cleansing of Jergal's larder with fire; her scorched dungeon policy is fantastic, she's a wonderful addition to the team. I feel that we have been pushing our luck for a while and suggest we withdraw, but Drog is in no mood and smashes another bricked-up door down, this time revealing an antechamber full of skulls. The skulls begin to cackle with magical laughter, which drives Moxy and Liam insane. Chance envelopes himself in a fog cloud and then disperses it with a loud wind. Now everyone agrees it's time to leave. But before we secure the babbling Moxy (she's not much different IMO) and Liam in the trunk of junk, Orik spots a radiant gem gleaming in the eye socket of a skull and snatches it up. The trek back to Helix is uneventful. Father Othar restores our gibbering comrades to 'normal' for a very reasonable donation to the church roof fund. Following that, we divide the remaining loot equally. The gem Orik found is a Gem of Seeing - he talks about replacing one of his eyes with - paladins are a strange bunch!&nbsp;&nbsp; The winter floods make the Barrowmoor impossible to reach on foot now, so we agree to regroup in the new year (30/1/61). In the meantime, think I'll head north to support Ted, maybe have that chat with Einar I've been meaning to... What about you?&nbsp;&nbsp;

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Barrowmaze #16 30/1/61 Year of the Maidens&nbsp;&nbsp; PCS:&nbsp; Aya, Chance, Sir Glendor, Sir Geoffrey, Liam, Macready, Moxy, Spartigus, Wendel &amp; Yor&nbsp; DM (Damaran Magister) Simon wrote : after a 7 week break for bad winter weather, the party re-assembles in Helix. With a boat. Return &amp; loot treasure chambers, find Deck of Many Things. Spartigus is lost, while Chance is turned into an idiot and left with the church of St Sollars, then carried off by a horned devil. 1/2-14/2/61 Party sell Deck of Many Things in Heliogabolus to an agent of Khelben Arunsen, the Blackstaff of Waterdeep, use the cash for a Wish to find Spartigus. They visit the Vaasan Gate - Emelyn the Gray is away campaigning, but they have Myrddin Viligoth in Ravensburg use a Wish scroll to locate him at the SE extremity of the Barrowmoor. 15/2/61 Party breach the Barrow of Lord Varghoulis, Commander of the Black Legion of Nergal/Jergal centuries ago, before the founding of modern Damara. In a terrible battle Vargoulis and his warriors are defeated, and Spartigus is freed. From the memoires of some paladin or other, entiled&nbsp; All my friends are zombies ; There are two doors at the back of Jergal's Larder; behind the first door, Sir Glendor found a Deck of Many Things. I cannot explain the chaos that followed... Deth Lord Vargoulis

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Prayers to Avery Barrowmaze #17 Leaving the Barrowmoor prematurely, Petyr returns to Helixfeverishly excited. Feeling he has achieved much already with an eclectic bandof adventurers, he is eager to commune with Avery and tellher all that he has discovered. Surely this will be met with her approval - and up me inher estimations? He bustles into the Church of St Sollars and kneels beforethe altar in due reverence, letting his soul reach out to his Deva patron. Dearest Avery, I beseech thee to hear what I have discovered. Fate andSollars’ will was indeed well-placed. I found the group the Halfling squire spoke of: the brave bard, the doomed warrior, the cunning Halfling and his pet, as wellas one of the paladins of Ilmater. They also had a mighty member of thecrocfolk in their company, who acted as guide across the moors. They readilyaccepted my aid and mission, also seeking what lies in the Barrowmaze. I signed their contract without hesitation - I was meant to find them, and itseems we are now entwined in writing as well as by fate. By way of initiation,Droghal the Kroxigor lead me to one of their excavated barrows - inside weretwo pools that, when both are entered one after the other, the bather isgranted power - I felt the great gifts you bestowed upon me enhanced by thissimple act. Perhaps the Gods’ divine influence had somehow infused thesewaters? We then proceeded, lead by the black knight Macready, to an as yet unexploredbarrow half buried in the dirt. Our excavation efforts drew the attention of amost cursed host of harpies - a twisted imitation of your angelic form. I drewon my divine heritage to protect my fellows, but soon drew the attention of thecursed haggle of harpies - were it not for my thunderous teleportation gift, Iwould have surely perished. This fate nearly befell the Halfling, Liam who,enthralled by the harpy’s horrid song, offered himself willingly to be carriedaway to torture and death. Were it not for a mighty throw from the doomedwarrior, Spartagus, whose awesome throw of a spear exceeded all normal rangefor such a weapon, struck the laden craven creature, slaying it and bringingLiam crashing back to earth to make his escape. Perhaps the Gods guided hisspear too? I was at first dubious of the bard, Moxy; there is something sinister that Icannot quite perceive beneath her whimsical appearance - mother always said tobe careful around actresses, and I can see why. Nevertheless, were it not forher enchanting words of encouragement to our team, and dissonance to ourenemies, we surely would have fallen to their many talons. Once excavated, we found the barrow to be an entrance to the maze itself, usedostensibly by the enemy you warned of: the cultists of Jergal. His fouliconography littered the sarcophagus that held the secret entrance down to achamber of mirrors, a foul skull on a plinth at its centre. This was a powerfulmagical item guarded jealously by air elementals, perhaps put there by thecultists. Our magical weaponry, including the one you presented me with allthose moons ago - your first blessed gift, oh Avery - saw to the creature andthe two that followed. Droghal took the skull despite my warnings, and found itguarded him from magical harm, a powerful prize indeed. More exciting still,dearest Avery, we found from there an entrance down into the maze itself. Uponits discovery, I knew I must entreat with you immediately. I will rest and recuperate as best I can and return with those warriors onceagain. I ask only for your divine guidance, my lady. How can your servant andChampion of Sollars serve you best? Are we on the right path to finding thecursed Tablet? Or is there another path less treaded? Would you have me cleansethe place of cultists, their undead hordes in their entirety, or will the Tabletalone suffice? Your sweet word is my will, always. Yours, Petyr &nbsp; Petyr gets the feeling that Avery is happy for him toproceed in his current investigations. Satisfied, he retires for the evening. That night he dreams of swimming with her in an ocean ofstars. Her glistening form turns to him and speaks. "Dear one, I believe the Tablet has been empowered byOrcus' fall, to raise the Dead of the Barrowmoor... if we can seal it away, theDead should cease to rise." Petyr feels his heart burn with a radiant fire; a desire forher, of course, but as much the conviction to follow her will. Wishing thedream would linger longer, he awakens all too soon, now knowing the courseforward. Orcus has fallen? Then what of his followers? I mustconsult the others immediately. Liam seems the studious sort,perhaps I shall speak with him first...

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Barrowmaze #17 continued... 27/2/61 Year of the Maidens&nbsp; PCS:&nbsp; Droghaul, Liam, Macready, Moxy, Spartigus &amp; Yor&nbsp; + 1st half Petyr /2nd half Aya Stuff that happened... As Petyr said, we were hassled by Harpies again; Moxy, quite the survivor, savaged the flock of harpies with curses. Vicious Moxery, as they are calling her now, is bard to the bone. If the vermin have a nest here, we should destroy it. I (probably overcompensating for the loss of the family estate) finally asked Yor to go steady as my henchwoman. I also attempted to dress Spartagus in vengeance colours (but Mrs Spartagus won't have it, he will dress as he pleases, in the clothes she sets out for him). &nbsp; &nbsp; Following a shattering encounter beneath Barrow #36, the Drog wears the Skull of Calderon. Liam made an uncharacteristic mistake; butter-fingers nearly lost an arm to a 50-ton stone block trap. He wasn't himself after the fall or the buffetting, come to think of it. But how do we now get to those gold skull masks with ruby eyes?&nbsp; We encountered not one, not two, but three cockatrices, 'cockathrice'. The lair, understandably bricked up, contained decent magic loot, including a rope of climbing (Spartagus) and a ring of spell storing (Aya). Drawn by the fresher air, we pushed north through an encounter with a pair of animated caryatid columns into what we recognised as the domain of the Necromancers of Myrkul. We agreed to withdraw to rest and replenish supplies, but not before the Drog, hungry for loot, set off an exploding secret door trap.&nbsp; Search for the Chaos Tablet. The rumours surrounding the Chaos Tablet suggest its hiding place is the eastern reaches of the Barrowmaze, where a mighty undead dragon guards it.&nbsp;&nbsp; According to Aretha's map, we have explored 7 of the 13 Barrow, allowing ingress to the Barrowmaze. The remaining portals: Central eastern portion of the Barrowmoor&nbsp; #46 &nbsp;&amp;&nbsp; #47 Central southeast Barrowmoor, on the border of the southern swamp&nbsp; #42 &nbsp;&amp;&nbsp; #55 &nbsp; Central Northeast&nbsp; #49 &nbsp;and to the far northeast, the collapsed mound&nbsp;&nbsp; #70&nbsp; looms ominously from the swamp The Necromancers of Myrkul. &nbsp;&nbsp; We've entered their domain lair through the Necromancers' entrance (Barrow&nbsp; #35 ) and the Barrowmaze. Is it time to mount a raid? Removing rivals in the search for the Chaos Tablet would be good. If the Mongrelman chief lives, restoring him to the tribe would be great. Also, he might have valuable information about the Barrowmaze.&nbsp;

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Barrowmaze #18. 7-12/3/61 Year of the Maidens&nbsp; PC:&nbsp; Aya, &nbsp; Droghaul, Liam, Macready &amp; Spartigus&nbsp; NPC:&nbsp; Yor 'Smith'&nbsp; Petyr has Sunday School PTO. But when Sir Glendor and Moxy call in sick, it makes me think of what mother says, "there's no smoke without fire". Droghall killed a gang of thugs in the Windings (a seedy river district of Ravensberg) while attempting to purchase black-market adamantine. Barrowraiders Missing comrades, we postpone the assault on the Necromancers. Droghall lifts spirits by leading a looting expedition. In the centre of the Barrowmoor, we come across the unmistakable corruption of Blackdragon spoor, track the wyrmling to its nest, kill it, loot the nest and harvest the corpse. Hide for 2 x suits of black dragon scale, talons 4 x daggers, bones x 28 +1 missiles, 'essence' of black dragon x 2 - (handy Yor is a skilled smith).&nbsp; Upon return to Helix, we present Bollo of the Stumpet, with the beast's Head. Bollo tells us about another party, 'The Riders of Ulek', who have been building a reputation in Barrowmoor east. After resupplying, we swagger off to raid more barrows. Barrows 17, 18, 21 &amp; 26, highlights: Liam uses a knock scroll to open a wizard-locked sarcophagus (Key31-4) and retrieves magic dagger of undead bane. Sticky-fingers Spartigus yet again swipes loot from Liam whilst he's in the process of carefully extracting it (jewelled dagger this time).&nbsp;&nbsp; Aya zaps giant toads in flooded Barrow. Inside a barrow with a screaming demon face engraved door, we unwittingly summon a screaming Malebranche (harvest tail, horns and blood from the corpse). This Barrow is unfinished, seemingly abandoned; upon further exploration, an enraged Golem attacks us on sight. It gets even weirder when a stampede of dinosaurs above almost causes a cave-in. Resources dwindled, so we returned to Helix Epilogue: Under her stage name, &nbsp; Vicious Moxery performs a sell-out gig at the Duchesses Palace for the Ravensberg Elite. She gives a knock-out performance on stage and off. It's a great night; I take the gang to mum's for breakfast after the gig. Prelude &nbsp; Barrowmaze #19 We have the beginning of a plan to learn more about the Necromancers. It involves the severed head of a Necromancer (Manu left the grisly trophy in his will), the speak with dead spell, Liam's expertise in deception and Varghoulis' armour. The idea needs finessing, but it would be good if we could learn more about them before raiding their territory.&nbsp;

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Inspiration for Mac

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Barrowmaze #19. 26/3/61 Year of the Maidens&nbsp; PCS:&nbsp; Aya, &nbsp; Droghaul, Liam, Macready &amp; Sir Glendor and the Artist formerly known as Moxy&nbsp; The party gathers at the Strumpet; Karg stops in for a pint and drops off the dragon bone quarrels. Yor insists on boundaries if she continues as Mac's henchwoman; she says she's washing her cat and can not make this expedition.&nbsp; But she doesn't have a cat, thinks Mac confused. &nbsp;The plan is to enter the Barrowmaze through the Mirror-Barrow (see Barrowmaze #17) to loot the secret golden skull chamber, now blocked by the giant stone block trap Liam set off. The weather is fine; spring, it seems, has sprung. Yet, again Drog leads us safely through the marsh, across the Barrowmoor without incident.&nbsp; We descend into the necropolis to find we have been gazumped by Orcus cultists and their undead minions already mining the giant stone. When the corpulent cult leader orders us to submit to Orcus's power, Liam retorts, "I don't believe in your hocus pocus Orcus porkus!" The cultists are dispatched efficiently, after which Aya uses a powerful spell to shape a gap in the stone block allowing access to the room of golden skulls. Eighteen golden skulls with (36) ruby eyes line the wall. Prayers in the black tongue of Nergal surround them, and a fresco depicting Nergal dominating a jackal-headed Mrykul (Set) and goat-headed Orcus completes the chamber.&nbsp; Perhaps the Orcus cultists wanted to remove the depiction of their master's subjugation; they probably wanted the loot too.&nbsp; Removing the masks without damaging them is a delicate process that takes time; as Liam sets to it, Drog searches for and finds a secret door in the southern wall; it's as if the Kroxiger can smell secret doors; he's so good at finding them.&nbsp; During the looting, a pack of trolls attack.&nbsp; They must have picked up our trail on the Barrowmoor.&nbsp; It's a savage fight, seven trolls versus seven adventurers; a troll puts Mac down, but Petyr picks him again, your never gonna keep him down. Aya lights up the Barrowmaze with fireballs, Drog rampages through the troll pack with his adamantine maul, and as their numbers dwindle, the monsters complain that Sir Glendor's cheating. Liam the Slayer's blood is up; he chases down the last fleeing troll.&nbsp; After a much-needed rest (Mac 2 x failed death saves), led by Drog, we press on south and east through the secret door into a complex of secret tunnels until a squad of ghostly warriors attack.&nbsp; Guards perhaps . To the east of the spirit soldiers, the maze opens into a wider chamber with tunnels running east from the north and south and large bronze doors set in the eastern wall. D read and foreboding fills me; nervously, I rub the hideous scar the troll left on my throat before opening the door... Cloakers, vile aberrations of shadow and nightmare, feast on fresh corpses; they scream chilling challenges from blood-dripping maws. There is only one exit from their chamber; I shut the door and brace myself while my comrades prepare themselves; the door shudders as the blood-drunk monsters try to breach the barricade.&nbsp;&nbsp; "Let's take the one at a time."&nbsp; I open the door and attack immediately, pouring as much divine power into the smite as possible, then pull back, but the creature's reactions are too fast, and it engulfs me as I retreat, Moxy slams the door shut on the other four. The Cloaker's grip is suffocating, blinned, restraining and running out of oxygen; as my vision fades, I see the cloakers bursting through the door. One of them smothers Moxy; black wings beat frantically as they fly at us; barbed tails thrashing, savage maws lined with translucent teeth like broken glass. Horrified, I watch as these underworld nightmares envelop my friends. When Petyr goes down, it seems we will share the fate of the previous adventurers, but Moxy lifts our spirits and the Cloaker from her barrage of lewd jokes and clever magic. "Help each other pull off!" She shouts smuttily.&nbsp; "They're more grabby than Moxy." Laughs Sir G.&nbsp; "Yes, they are rather clingy." Chuckles Aya "When I fight Cloakers, I touch myself." Sings Moxy as her powerful healing magic surges through us. "Offy f**k!" Commands Moxy.&nbsp; Fighting spirit restored, we coordinate attacks, removing the face-hugging nightmares before attacking them and the battle swings in our favour. So much so that Liam and Sir G have time to chat while Aya helps Petyr (2 failed death saves) to his feet with clever use of his immunity to radiators, Petyr has the last 'word' when he impales&nbsp; the last Cloaker with his Greenflame blade.&nbsp; In the aftermath, we realise a Cloaker escaped through the southern tunnel. Upon investigation, the tunnel runs east a long way east.&nbsp; East, to the Chaos Tablet!&nbsp; Hard pressed, we resolve to return to Helix to rest, but not before we harvest the Cloaker hide. Crafting projects Aya &amp; Liam; Cloak of the Bat x 2 (27/3/61 + 3 weeks) Fraenar King of the Forge; Black Dragonscale x 2 (approx. 28/3/61 + 5 days per suit)

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Barrowmaze #20. 5/4/61 Year of the Maidens&nbsp; PCS:&nbsp; Aya, &nbsp; Droghaul, Liam, Macready, Spartagus Absent PCS: &nbsp;Lady Glendor has grounded Sir Glendor for his affiliation with a certain Bard, Petyr suffering from RSI after experimenting with flagellation and Moxy working on a new number. XP:&nbsp; 2760 (Drog 3760?) It's a fews days after Greengrass and Helix is bustling with adventurers, the Faerun Seven are in town it's great to see old comrades. Liam and Aya have made good progress on the project, I report the Dragonscale is looking magnificent, I left Ted goofing around with Gruff at Khundraker. Spartagus looks like he slept in a horse trough.&nbsp;&nbsp; Perhaps he's been drinking with Greeba? &nbsp;&nbsp;Drog hauls him to the edge of the swap before he's ready to hold his sword the right way. The mighty Kroxiger leads across swamp and moor safely again.&nbsp;&nbsp; On the Barrowmoor, we head straight for the Necromancers Entrance. Outside the Myrklite lair, a makeshift cairn contains the badly burned remains of a warrior laid to rest, which we suspect to be the casualty of the fire glyph trap Droghal 'discovered' last time we were here.&nbsp;&nbsp; Next time I am here I should collect the remains and lay them to rest properly with the others at The Shrine of the Unknown Adventurer.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Liam disables the warding magic with his magic hand allowing us to get the drop on gore-covered zombies guarding a busy corridor of doors, several of the doors are swollen with dampness.&nbsp;&nbsp; Well aware we are beneath the swamp, my armour feels heavy and stifling.&nbsp;&nbsp; In one door misadventure Marlon, Liam's fey spirit animal is discorporated by an Orche Jelly, who in turn is splatacated by Spartagus with a little help from an alchemist's fire grenade.&nbsp; Back on track, we discover the next line of necromancer defence a strong set of barred dungeon doors, Aya's keen hearing picks out voices grumbling and the unmistakable groaning of undead minions. Liam deceives the guards with a high-pitched impersonation of Death Priestess Wisteria and the portal is unbarred. The necromancers confident they have marshalled the undead minions well, hurl insults at us from behind the ranks of dodging zombies. Spartagus bottles it and throws some cutlery then hides, but Drog rises to the occasion to join the dodgy zombie dungeon disco. Aya's fireball tips the balance immolating the Myrkul-Necro's before they get the chance to sling a spell, the undead are dispatched almost as quickly. &nbsp;At last Necro central!&nbsp;&nbsp; Double doors open into a smaller rectangular chamber east of the guard room, there are two exits north and east. North a seemingly unused tunnel runs as far as we can see, we spike the door shut and head through the east door. Beyond another tunnel runs east as far as we can see, an old damp swollen door set in the northern wall. Drog and Spartagus shove the door open, another dusty tunnel, but this time muddy footprints lead through the dust north. The tunnel bears east, the northern wall is lined with very old doors spaced between columbaria, the area is very old, and the air is still and thick with decay.&nbsp;&nbsp; An ancient burial vault predating Nar demon worship? &nbsp;&nbsp;When Liam investigates the first tomb he is attacked by crypt knights of the Black Legion, Nergal's legendary guards, Spartagus charges in yelling "Gustify ancients of Moo Moo!" We have no time to wonder what he's about because a ravenous horde of zombies covered in treasure pour from the graves to join the battle. After the bling zombies and the crypt knights of the Black Legion are defeated, Liam, Aya and Drog search the forgotten annexe of Nergal systematically, I keep watch. A lull in the action doesn't diminish the insanity, Drog goes berserk and attacks the dark recess of a grave yelling. "I love a fist full of dice!" It's only when he sings. "I like to ooze it, ooze it!" And does that funny dance, I realise he smashed a black ooze with his Khundrakar forged adamantine maul.&nbsp; #FISTFULLOFDICE Drog=108DMG/2rounds The traps of the annex are no match for the halfling master lock picker, yet again Liam raises his mage hand in triumph! The concealed Tomb of Drambuin Hillsmith is a sight indeed, giant statues of dwarves hold the ceiling at bay above a golden coffin shaped like a great anvil.&nbsp;&nbsp; A cold sweat breaks out when I think of it collapsing.&nbsp;&nbsp; This magnificent tomb is old, from a time when the Nar venerated the legendary smith for teaching them the riddle of steel. The magic of its guardians diminished but not extinguished, a mighty stone golem remains to stop those who would take Hillsmith's fabled treasure. When Drog smashes the last of the stone golems it animates. "I'm not taking this encounter for granit!" I yell and leap from the anvil to smite the golem with an action surge of attacks. #FISTFULLOFDICE Mac=more than Drog/1round During the uneventful return to Helix, Spartagus decides to engage a discreet armourer for the refit of Hillsmiths magnificent armour. The Necromancer covert must be further to the east...

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Barrowmaze #21&nbsp; 16th of Stormsend,1361 &nbsp; Year of the (Iron) Maidens PCS:&nbsp; Aya, &nbsp; Droghaul, Sir Glendor, Liam, Macready, Petyr XP:&nbsp; Somewhere between 2500-3000 for the full session . We meet in the Brazen Strumpet for a good drink before setting off, it's great to be with friends again after weeks of chasing goblins back and forth across the Stone Stream.&nbsp; There's a few absentee's; Spartigus is camping with Mrs Spartigus and Moxy is corrupting Ravensberg, they are missed, particularly it seems by Petyr.&nbsp; The Strumpet as usual for this time of year is heaving with adventurers, tomb robbers, profiteers and charlatans.&nbsp; The atmosphere is great and it's hard to leave the comforts of Bollo's tavern and Merda's wisecracks, but duty calls.&nbsp; At least Judge can have a good rest, whether the fiendish mare needs it or not, I know not.&nbsp; I tip the stableboy a sovereign and wonder, not for the first time, if I'll live to see Merda again.&nbsp; Drog leads us safely across the Barrowmoor, the Kroxiger is a tracker supreme.&nbsp; Battle-ready, Sir Glendor and Drog lead us into the Barrowmaze through the necromancer's entrance.&nbsp; We try to proceed with caution whilst keeping up with Sir Glendor.&nbsp; In a hall south of our entry point we find the unknown adventurer's remains disturbed. As we examine them a flock of gargoyles attack from the east.&nbsp; The evil elementals are quickly destroyed and we investigate the chamber they flew out of.&nbsp; Unlike much of the necropolis, this chamber is spotlessly clean, it feels as if we have just missed a party.&nbsp; Fabulous statues of beautiful women warriors line the walls.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; "She's a Pillar Queen." Chuckles Drog. "Magnificent bust." I reply.&nbsp; We are not surprised when the Caryatid's attack, Petyr seems quite upset when he shatters the last magnificent smooth stone amazon.&nbsp; We pause for a short rest and randomly encounter a friendly wandering cleric, our Aya.&nbsp; Drog's keen senses pick out a secret door in the southern wall.&nbsp; Liam's attempt to persuade Sir Glendor to let him investigate the suspicious chamber, a treasure chest surrounded by small holes fails and the impatient paladin is immolated in a display of roaring flames Rammstein would be proud of.&nbsp; When Sir Glendor has cooled down, sense prevails and Liam's magic hand retrieves a mace of disruption from the chest without setting off the fire trap (but not before Marlon is blasted back into the fey).&nbsp;&nbsp; We follow muddy footprints south through the outskirts of necromancer territory, through the corridor of doors and necro-gatehouse past the junction with the spiked doors.&nbsp; the footprints lead us east to secret door in the southern wall. The secret corridor is quiet as a grave and dusty, it runs south some distance before turning east, at the turn imposing doors in the western wall open into a den of necrotic evil. Necromancer Central, The Temple of Myrkul! The Temple or Fane of Myrkul&nbsp; is huge by Barrowmaze standards the ceiling is some thirty feet above, a giant statue of the Lord of Bones dominates the room.&nbsp;&nbsp; "The bigger the figure the harder they fall." Anonymous. There is a pause as we size each other up. The Necromancers gloat. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Steel Skeleton All hell breaks loose. More Caryatids glide from the darkness on either side of us, a group of very large bugbears charge with a roar, bronze jackals snarl and lunge and skeleton warriors march onward. &nbsp;A lightning bolt ignites particles of dust as it screeches into Sir Glendor and Drog, the Necro Vivisectionist cackles in delight, then takes cover. The next lightning bolt arcs from the Arch-Necro's fingers toward the rest of us in the open doorway only to fizzle and fade when Petyr counters his spell. I turned my head and gritted my teeth to take the blast that never came and then was plunged into darkness.&nbsp;&nbsp; The female bugbear is a shaman!&nbsp;&nbsp; Petyr later tells me he and Aya stumbled through the darkness into the hairy ambushers. I remember Aya's sage advice, fumble for the left wall and blindly follow it out of the darkness into the light. My turn, I misty step across the room right at the Necro-Vivisectionist, he cowers backwards behind a dreadful sight, a tortured mongrel man strapped to a necrotic altar.&nbsp;&nbsp; "You...must save...Chief Crab-Claw!" Says the brave mongrel-man with his last breath. Aya calls down a wall of fire that blazes through the bugbears.&nbsp; For a moment the Arch-Necro seems slightly confused that we are pressing the attack not retreating. The blackened skeletons cut into Drog, Liam and Sir Glendor.&nbsp; Liam creates an illusionary wall of stone in front of the Arch-Necro stalling the enemy attack and buying us precious time.&nbsp; The burning bugbears attack, but Petyr Thundersteps taking Aya to my comrades across the room ( see discord pic. of my interpretation of the spell in Simon's kitchen ). Drog 'critiBills' a blackened undead.&nbsp;&nbsp; "I've got a bone to pick with you" I say as I crush another undead then move onto 'critiBill' (TM) the Necro-Vivisectionist ( I was so excited I had to be reminded to roll for double damage ).&nbsp; We have our tails up but not for long. Blackened and steel skeletons march inexorably forward. The Arch-Necro drops a cloud kill. A bugbear drops Liam. The Arch Necro almost drops Mac&nbsp; (to 1HP) &nbsp;with magic missiles.&nbsp; Drog drops the Arch-Necro. The last steel skeleton drops Drog. Petyr drops to his knees. I drop the last steel skeleton. "I...AM...THE...LAW!"&nbsp;&nbsp; The Arch-Necro's chambers become our field hospital. Drog &amp; Liam are revivified by Mac &amp; Aya (respectively). Greater healing potions are chugged.&nbsp; Sir Glendor is the only one who's unshaken, in fact he seems to be positively enjoying himself strutting around telling everyone "My armour class is 26 and I never went below 50 HP." Which is when the rest of the Bugbears and Necros arrive. Sir Glendor excels in dungeon intimidation,&nbsp; Ilmater bless him &nbsp;and persuades the bugbears to kill the remaining necros, take their loot and leave us be. Which is what they do.&nbsp; Drog leads us safely to Helix for a good long rest.&nbsp; It's good to be alive...I wonder what Merda is doing? Trunk of Junk Classifieds Potion of Necrotic Resistance&nbsp; Scroll - Protection from Wraiths&nbsp; Scroll - Animate Dead (x2)&nbsp; Wand of Magic Missiles Cloak of Protection Cloak of the Bat A selection of pin ups of Wisteria Barrowmaze Sales Ask Mazhars the Magnificent if he has any iterest in the&nbsp; Mylor Rock 6 scroll &amp; Spellbook found in the Temple of Myrkul Liam to seek buyers from his Ravensburg connections for the&nbsp; Sandals of Kicking &amp; Quarterstaff +2.&nbsp; Perhaps he could combine this with enquires about purchasing a premisis for a second hand book shop.

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Barrowmaze #22 29th, Stormsend, 1361 &nbsp; Year of the (Iron) Maidens PCS:&nbsp; Droghaul, Sir Gelndor, Joel, Macready, Moxy, Petyr Liam is missing, last seen at the Foul Pheasant with Ted, no doubt they are up to no good. We leave without them, crossing the Barrowmoor without incident and using the Necromancers' entrance to descend into the Barrowmaze. Deep in the heart of the necropolis, we continue the search for the captive Mongrel Men. The outer reaches of the Necromancer lair are as quiet as the grave, the network of secret doors that shield the temple of death seem to have protected it from wandering monsters and grave robbers since it was sacked. To the East of the ruined altar, we find a network of dormitories decorated with the profane symbols of the death god known as Myrkul, Set or Qorgoth by his depraved followers. We find no bugbears, nor the acolytes' Sir Glendor ironically encouraged the hairy goblinoids to turn on, in this shrine to murder, but undead still prowl the cursed place. It is worm-ridden Sons of Gaxx that set on us first, the corpses corrupted by Qorgeth, spew rot grubs with every attack. More zombies flood through Sets sanctum to join the fight. The undead must have been dormant for weeks with no one to instruct them. The paladins purge the abominations with radiant power, with the help of Petyr (once he overcomes the dread). After the encounter, we return to the search for the missing Mongrelfolk. We finally locate Chief Crab-Claw, the Truth Sayer and their comrades (Dingo-Baby, Panther-Man, Leoness, and noble Spider Pig who sacrificed itself so its kin could survive) in a cage in the Necromancer's secret lair. Relieved to find Chief Crab-Claw and his kin alive we escort them back to Mongrelman territory. The crafty dungeon dwellers, know the Barrowmaze very well showing us how to connect the north to the south avoiding traps. Re-united The Mongrelfolk throw a terrific party after which The Drog leads us back to NecroCentral, for thorough looting. We lose Moxy and Sir Glendor a few times, 'wrong turn' apparently. Back in the Myrkulite lair deadly steel skeletons lie in wait, the constructs are crushed by a combination of the power of Ilmatersmite and the Hillsmith's Warhammer. The deadest skirmish of the expedition breaks out when we run into rival tomb robbers, the dashing Renata and her Merry Band. The scoundrels target Moxy and yet again Ilmaters power tips the balance, this time-saving Moxy's life.&nbsp; Back in Helix, we enjoy some well-earned RnR at the Brazen Strumpet, while Droghaul recounts his astonishing origins story. Trunk of Junk Classifieds Potion of Necrotic Resistance&nbsp; Scroll - Protection from Wraiths&nbsp; Scroll - Animate Dead (x2)&nbsp; Cloak of Protection Cloak of the Bat A selection of pin-ups of Wisteria For Sale&nbsp; Ask Mazhars the Magnificent if he has any interest in the&nbsp; Mylor Rock 6 scroll &amp; Spellbook &nbsp; found in the Temple of Myrkul Liam to find buyers from his Ravensburg connections for the&nbsp; Sandals of Kicking &amp; Quarterstaff +2 .&nbsp;&nbsp; Perhaps he could combine this with enquires about purchasing premises for a second-hand bookshop.

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Barrowmaze #23 13/5/1361 Year of the (Iron) Maidens PC's:&nbsp; Droghaul, Liam, Macready, Moxy, Petyr, Sir Glendor, Spartagus and special guest star Fenris the fleet. Helix - sold Mazah's Mylor Rock Scroll (50P goes towards mongrelfolk migration expenses). In the alley behind the Brazen Strumpet, a pair of rogues conclude a clandestine transaction and then go separate ways. In the boisterous taproom, Sir Glendor holds court "Your mother .... AC of 26" and Merda tells Mac about a group active in the area with a nasty reputation, called Bertran's Brigands. Liam arrives late, adjusts his bag of holding and joins the party. Barrowmoor objectives are discussed as is the Necromantic Grimoire that has been haunting the trunk of junk for the last month. Moxy wants to keep it, Droghaul wanted to sell it to the Church, Sir Glendor and Mac want to leave it in the privy to be used as loo roll. In the end, Mac destroys it with a vial of acid (although a few pages may have ended up in the privy after all). Valeron approaches the party and asks if his friend, a rangy-looking wood-elf called Fenris can join the expedition, Aya is on a pilgrimage and Fenris is welcomed.&nbsp; Merda Necro Grimoire&nbsp; &nbsp;It's a sunny spring day when the party finally leaves Helix and the adventurers reach the Barrowmoor without incident. But the conditions change to chilly and overcast, mist shrouds the Barrows. It is from the necrotic fog the undead attack. The first wave, worm-ridden rot zombies known as the sons of Gygax comes from the east. Mac recognises the sign of Qorgeth, upon them and charges immediately. The undead are terrible to behold and Fenris flees in fear. The Gygaxian zombies are also resilient, only radiant power prevents them from regenerating. Sir Glendor's mace, Moxy's sexy spirit guardians and holy water are put to good use, but the messy scrap sees Spartagus infested with rot grubs, Petyr and Mac burn them out of his skin with a combination of a flaming sphere and alchemists fire before they can burrow to his heart, but he is also infected by the undead's necrotic touch, as is Droghaul. Using one of Ilmater's special techniques Mac draws the corruption out of his comrades, converting the negative energy and storing it. Sir Glendor prowls around teasing the patients while Moxy retrieves Fenris 'the fleet'. It is then JuJu zombie archers attack from the west. Spartagus leads the charge this time, impaling a zombie with an impressive hurl of his magic spear 'Britney', Fenris close at hand shoots the JuJu out of one. The Drog flanks the zombies through a pond, while Moxy and Petyr roll around on the floor together (again) and Liam creates an illusion of a library that is so convincing the Paladins check the top shelf for pornography before joining the charge.&nbsp;&nbsp; After the skirmish, Spartagus complains of cramps so much Liam leads the party to the Barrow of Impurax to rest. The last time he was here Liam set the 'Barrow of Filth' on fire and the Paladins vandalise what is left.&nbsp;&nbsp; Might the higher numbers of undead on the surface have something to do with the sacking of the temple of Myrkul. Son of Gygax After resting the adventurers' search Barrows: #31 Collapsed Barrow. &nbsp;(horse and boot tracks surround it).&nbsp;&nbsp; Did it collapse on adventurers?&nbsp; #32 Partially collapsed Barrow. &nbsp;&nbsp;Beyond the unstable ceiling above the entrance hall of this Barrow are three tombs. Part of the ceiling collapses on the party when the pack follow Liam and start poking around. Spartagus starts complaining again, this time of a headache. North tomb. Liam opens the complicated lock of an untarnished door with supreme skill. Beyond which magic preserves an ossuary of skulls from decay. West tomb. The sarcophagus is trapped, and poisonous gas billows from the coffin when the lid is removed. On the corpse, a magical wolf-headed scarab of protection from lycanthropes. It seems destiny was waiting for the dashing Fenris.&nbsp;&nbsp; East tomb. Four caryatid columns guard a stone funeral bier, they attack when disturbed by. Petyr slows them with a spell and they are shattered quickly. The occupier of the stone coffin clutches a tablet in an eternal embrace. Liam tells us the runic tablet details much of the Barrowmaze history we have pieced together over the years, confirming the rumours of the undead dragon guarding the Chaos Tablet Ossithrax Pejorative and a chilling new piece of information a lich named Ascyet Vie Yannarg created Ossithrax and may still be operating in the Barrowmaze.&nbsp; Runic Tablet Fenris 'the fleet'&nbsp; #46 Covered Barrow. &nbsp;Droghaul smashes the stone portal open after we dig through the covering earth. The Barrow is possibly the weirdest we have explored. Dozens of severed heads of many species are stacked on shelves that line the rectangular chamber. Heads in jars, shrunken heads, a head with an eyepatch, a minotaur head, a basilisk head, even an illithid head, and so on. Mac detects the heads are undead through divine sense. The party start to interview the heads; Petyr says these undead talking heads are on a road to nowhere when he can't find stairs to the Barrowmaze, but Droghaul gets ahead when he talks the marionette head Thlonokio into showing him the secret stairs that lead into the Barrowmaze and Sir Glendor finds a kindred spirit in a hellhound he goes head to head with. These are some of the weird conversations that happened in the Barrow of Skullduggery. A wizard, whose name the talking heads have forgotten put them here in the distant past. Writing this I feel like I am losing my head.&nbsp; The Drog leads the party through the secret door and downstairs into the Barrowmaze where another secret door opens into a simple rectangular hallway, Spartagus complains about his knees aching and wants to rest again. A small burrowed tunnel leads east to a weird mushroom circle that transfixes Marlon the fey-rat. A solid door metal-bound door on the western seems impossible to unlock, but yet again Liam rises to the occasion inspired by Moxy. The door opens into the realm of the Gargoyle King, the corpulent gargoyles Jailer and Tortourer are the first of his subjects encountered. They fatally underestimate the power of 'The Pack' (Sir Glendor, Spartagus, Droghaul, Mac and scrum half Liam) and are stomped into the dungeon floor before they can finish their insults. Gargoyle reinforcements raise havoc when they fall upon the party's rear guard of Fenris, Petyr &amp; Moxy. The gargoyles' frenzy with bloodlust as the smug Gargoyle King urges them on. But the 'The Pack' wheels, into the gargoyle's charge stopping it dead, Spartagus even gets the chance to pull off Sir Glendor, while the paladin lies prone, Moxy's sexy sprite guardians circle him protectively. The horrified Gargoyle King retreats into his lair securing the heavy door behind him. Moxy flushed with excitement dispatches the surviving gargoyles with a flourish that puts her at AC27. After the demise of the gargoyle guard, Drog uses the jailer's keys to free the sole surviving prisoner, Wendel the Wizard. Marlon Epilogue. Mac proposes a new beginning for the tribe to Chief CrabClaw. Rum is drunk and preparations for the migration get underway.&nbsp;&nbsp; Trunk of Junk Classifieds Runic Tablet -&nbsp; 'The History of the Barrowmaze &amp; Chaos Tablet' Potion of Necrotic Resistance&nbsp; Scroll - Protection from Wraiths&nbsp; Scroll - Animate Dead (x2)&nbsp; Cloak of Protection&nbsp; +1 Plate Armour Sandles of Kicking A selection of pin-ups of Wisteria

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Barrowmaze #24 11/6/1361 Year of the (Iron) Maidens PC's:&nbsp; Droghaul, Macready, Moxy &amp; Spartagus&nbsp; Droghaul, Macready, Moxy and Spartagus meet at the Brazen Strumpet in Helix. Droghaul leads the party safely across the Barrowmoor through the Pool of Secrets to the Porch of Chaos. Smaller than usual Mac persuades the group to explore the northwestern Barrowmaze, hoping to discover more about the Zargon depicted in the mural on the Porch of Chaos. The ancient dormitories are eery and still, but not deserted, the adventurers encounter and destroy several groups of the dead god's undead servants that still roam the tombs (Heucuva &amp; the rot-grub-infested Sons of Gaxx). Employing new combat tactics, spider Spartagus fights from the ceiling while Moxy's sexy spirit deva's writhe, wriggle and high kick in a radiant chorus line through the undead.&nbsp;&nbsp; Secret doors, spiked pit traps and toxic moulds are abundant here, the adventurers discover several new species of herbage, Purple Moss and Amber Mould. The Purple Moss has an alluring blackberry fragrance and takes root in pit traps, the moss can be destroyed with fire, and the spores of the Amber Mold, are deadly toxic. After many dead ends, wrong turns and falls into spiked pit traps for Mac and Spartagus the adventurers find a large chamber with bricked-up arches east and west and a large tapestry depicting Nergal in his prime, adorning the northern wall. Before Droghaul's supreme senses detect the latch to the secret door behind the tapestry Mac disturbs a large nest of striges that set about him lustily. Beyond the secret door, another narrow winding tunnel leads to the lair of a wretched mummy who Moxy charms into revealing secrets of the tomb complex before its tragic demise. The Drog bashes through the bricked-up arch in the west wall which opens into another narrow winding tunnel and as the wretched mummy claimed inhabited by a gang of verdant undead guarding Nergals legendary dagger.&nbsp;&nbsp; Back in Helix, the loot is shared out, Mazzah the Magnificent gets the first refusal on the items for sale (Nergal Tapestry, Mummy Jars Etc).&nbsp;&nbsp; Trunk of Junk Classifieds Runic Tablet -&nbsp; 'The History of the Barrowmaze &amp; Chaos Tablet' Potion of Necrotic Resistance&nbsp; Scroll - Protection from Wraiths&nbsp; Scroll - Animate Dead (x2)&nbsp; Cloak of Protection&nbsp; +1 Plate Armour Sandles of Kicking A selection of pin-ups of Wisteria

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Barrowmaze #25 1/7/61&nbsp; (1/1/23) Year of the (Iron) Maidens PC's:&nbsp; Droghaul, Liam, Macready, Spartagus &amp; Sir Glendor XP:&nbsp; 2240 The summer solstice thins the party numbers again. The reunited pack; Droghaul, Liam, Macready, Spartagus &amp; Sir Glendor set out for that bricked-up arch in the northwest of the Barrowmaze. Droghaul leads the group across the marsh, Barrowmoor and through the Pool of Secrets and into the Barrowmaze. In the Barrowmaze they are attacked by ravenous zombies, led by a wight. Mac gets ravaged. Drog smashes through the bricked-up arch into a chamber with two funeral biers. Mac finds a secret door opening into a narrow corridor similar to the other concealed tombs. Sir Glendor stumbles through a section of tunnel covered in amber mould before reaching the tomb of sage or librarian, Liam dashes through the legs of his companions into the chamber to examine the lore. Sir Glendor and Liam's excited exploration disturbs strange sand creatures who pulse with a droning wind that puts most of the group to sleep. Sir Glendor holds on long enough to attack, but his blow is ineffective because the creatures are immune to physical attacks. Mac's elven heritage saves him from the sleep attack, he counter-attacks the creatures with the desperation of the last Mac standing, burning through much of his stored magical energy. Fortunately, the combination of radiant and fire magic compels the sand creatures to flee. Mac shakes his companions awake, and Liam rushes back to the books. The lore is astounding, and the value of the tomes is immeasurable, there are volumes about mental and physical improvement, a spell book, powerful scrolls, an Encyclopedia Draconica, a theological treatise, The Wisdom of Gaxx, Ajax's guide to Ooze, Mould and Slime, The magical mineralogy of gemstones, Marco's guide to Darthon and the Adventurers Guide to Paranoia (no author listed). Mac and Liam pack the books safely in their bags of holding and after a short discussion agree to Droghaul's determined argument to return to the surface and focus on excavating Barrows. The Barrowmoor. Barrow #37 -&nbsp; Once held the 'Barrow Abomination' - looted by the F7. Barrow #48 -&nbsp; Prison of Dhekeon the Disgraced. &nbsp;&nbsp; Droghaul, Mac &amp; Spartagus dig out this covered Barrow while Sir Glendor points. The earth-covered Barrow contains a chained prisoner, a skeletal knight, a tortured soul buried for centuries, Dhekeon the Disgraced. Sir Glendor disgusted with Dhekeon's tragic tale of betrayal wants to obliterate Dhekeon with the mace of disruption but Liam persuades the paladin to give the treacherous Dhekeon a chance. Dhekeon reveals his story to the Pack and they agree to give him a chance to redeem himself by swearing on his magnificent great sword by joining them in the hunt for the Chaos Tablet. After centuries of imprisonment, Dhekeon seems to relish the opportunity and describes a powerful artefact; the Font of Law that might help. Barrow #47 -&nbsp; The Nest of the Harpies. The Barrow has collapsed into the Barrowmaze 40' below. Rubble from the collapsed roof is strewn across the dungeon floor, with offal, bones and toxic-smelling guano. Sir Glendor is attacked by a large flock of Harpies and giant vultures as he lowers himself into the reeking hollow. Sir Glendor's legendary armour class saves him from all but a few scratches from a withering assault, Spartagus and the rope of climbing haul him up, and the Pack closes ranks and methodically destroys the avian vermin. A few Harpies escape into the mist of the Barrowmoor. Victorious the Pack withdraws to Dhekeon's prison Barrow for a short rest, Spartagus makes observations about home improvements Dhekeon could make to make it more comfortable.&nbsp; The Barrowmaze. Rested the Pack descends through the collapsed Barrow into the Barrowmaze. The great rubble-strewn and guano-covered chamber has exits north, east, south and west. Through the double doors to the west, the Harpy Queen Vultirx presides over a grand chamber from her chaise lounge, seductively making Mac an offer to be her consort and share the coffers brimming with loot that surround her altar of passion. But he just can't do it, it's the taloned feet he shrugs. Spartagus starts the fight impaling one of Vultrix's guards with his spear, but when Queen Harpy utters a shrill cry he falls paralysed, the Pack closes rank to protect their fallen comrade, and Vultrix magnificent in her rage dives from the ceiling flaming sword high to kill Mac for spurning her advances, but the Dirty Paladin crushes her skull into the dungeon floor. The surviving bodyguard flees. Loot-greedy Droghaul flies into a rage when he discovers the Queen's treasure trove is mostly copper and silver. The Pack sees Dhekeon back to his Barrow, and Spartagus leaves him a list of home improvements to be getting on with. Back in Helix, Sir Glendor and Spartagus go into business together purchasing the Foul Pheasant, Gaming Hall and Bothel from Pernicious Tickelbottom for a steal of a price. Spartagus renames the establishment Wizardspoons and sets about determining the daily specials and special deals for adventurers. Liam has business in Ravensberg. Mac has an awkward conversation with Father Othar of St. Sollars about a fallen Paladin acquaintance and any advice the cleric might have about redemption.&nbsp;&nbsp; Trunk of Junk Classifieds Runic Tablet -&nbsp; 'The History of the Barrowmaze &amp; Chaos Tablet' Potion of Necrotic Resistance&nbsp; Scroll - Protection from Wraiths&nbsp; Scroll - Animate Dead (x2)&nbsp; A selection of pin-ups of Wisteria

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Barrowmaze #26 The Font of Law 8/7/61&nbsp; (8/1/23) Year of the (Iron) Maidens PCs:&nbsp; Droghaul, Liam, Macready, Spartagus &amp; Sir Glendor XP: 1570 GP: 1599 The Pack gathers in Helix, with all the casters absent, Droghaul calls on Wendal the Wizard to repay his debt to the Croxiger for freeing him from the Gargoyle King. Liam arrives late, soaked to his hairy toes having been caught in a violent rainstorm, unusual for the time of year.&nbsp; P erhaps the Storm Priests have returned?&nbsp;&nbsp; Droghal leads the Pack safely to Dhekeon's Barrow where they deck him out with upgrades from the Trunk of Junk (cloak of protection, +1 plate, slippers of spiderclimb and an amulet of proof against turning). Mac uses Locate Object to search for the Fount of Law that Dhekeon described.&nbsp; The spell leads the party to the South West, they enter the Barrowmaze at the same spot Sir Glendor did almost two years ago the paladin reminisces he's the lone survivor of that expedition &nbsp;(see Barrowmaze #3) . Deep in the southern reaches of the Barrowmaze, a long corridor with several flights of stairs leads to a large chamber dominated by a stout rune-covered obelisk being rubbed by a mage of Myrkul, Kelmok.&nbsp; &nbsp; After a villainous monologue from Kelmok and his skeleton guard attack, Mac gets the worst of Kelmocks fireball while Spartagus fire resistance armour dampens the worst of it for the champion. Sir Glendor and Droghal smash through the skeletons like bulls in a china shop and ultimately Spartagus slays the fleeing Kelmok. Droghal takes Kelmoks Bracers of Defence, the mage's spell book and rubbings go into the Trunk of Junk. Having used all the location magic, the party decide to head east after the skirmish. Naturally, Sir Glendor leads, through the double doors he finds himself in a long hallway filled with burial alcoves. At first, he thinks he sees some kind of levitating zombie only to be enveloped by a Gelatinous Cube.&nbsp;&nbsp; Liam having read Ajax's guide to slimes, oozes and moulds knows just what to do and destroys the monster with panache, then prestidigitates Sir Gelndor clean of gelatinous jelly and rescues a magnificent suit of studded leather armour from the corpse inside the gelatinous cube Sir G thought was a levitating zombie. Refreshed Sir G, uses Detect Magic to search the alcoves finding a Broach of Elven Kind, a Luckstone and a secret tunnel running south. Mac keen to press forward in search of the Fount of Law ignores Droghal's pleas to continue looting the area. The natural tunnels here are burrowed not minded and full of subterranean critters, fire beetles and stirges skitter away from the loud torch-bearing Pack. The natural tunnels are quite the maze and Marlon is put to use scouting, the fey rat finds a behemoth of a carrion crawler coiled on a vast heap of treasure and again Droghaul pleads to loot the beast, but Mac will not be swayed and the party moves in the other direction. The dirty paladin's resolve pays off when they find an evil fane, three statues of oathbreaker paladins guard a sarcophagus covered in vile and profane runes of dried blood.&nbsp;&nbsp; Sir Glendor dispels the magical wards of Myrkul's shrine, the oathbreakers do not animate and the smell of cheap cigar smoke fills the chamber. Dhekeon and Sir Glendor open the stone coffin revealing the Fount of Law, a grey orb. When Mac touches it, the orb pulses with a faint glow and the paladin disappears, to find himself in a comfortable office, where a beautiful smiling blonde woman with angles wings says "The boss will see you now." She ushers Mac into St. Sollars office where he is interviewed by the friendly saint. The matter of the nuns from St. Celia's&nbsp; is put to bed &nbsp;and Mac is genuine about trying to be a better person in his pursuit of evil and protecting the innocent. St. Sollars advises Mac to seek the ghost of Guy de Averne for instruction on how to use the Fount of Law and tells him Dhekeons greatsword will be able to destroy the Chaos Tablet at the right moment. The interview concluded Mac is inspired by the warmth of the friendly Saint, feeling quite the hombre bendito. Back in the dungeon Mac relates this to his friends, sir Glendor suggests he might make better use of the Fount of Law, but Mac has met the Saint and Deva and wants to give it a go himself.&nbsp;&nbsp; Droghaul relentlessly pleads for a third time to loot the gargantuan carrion crawler. The Pack retraces its steps to the monster's lair. The aberration is a giant its foul odour gives it away far down the tunnels, when the Pack charges, it rears up dwarfing them, tentacles writhing malevolently but the beast is blasted into oblivion before it has time to use its paralysing poison. Droghauls lust for looting sated, Mac helps him count the coins and they return to Helix without incident.&nbsp;&nbsp; Back in Helix,&nbsp; Droghaul, Liam and Mac drink late into the evening planning the next expedition. They agree to; find the ghost of Guy de Averne and find out more about the lich Ascyet Vie Yannarg and its creation the Dracolich, Ossithrax. Mac suggests they consult the Sphinx statue north of the old Mongrelfolk camp first, Droghaul and Liam are pleased with the idea because theres unlooted territory close by. The following day&nbsp; Mac lays yellow roses at Avery's Shrine in St. Sollars Church before holding a vigil through the night attempting to attune to the Fount of Law.&nbsp;&nbsp; Sir Glendor interviews staff for his business venture with Spartagus - Wizardspoons, where W endell the complains about not getting a share and runs up a bar tab.&nbsp;&nbsp; Trunk of Junk Classifieds Runic Tablet -&nbsp; 'The History of the Barrowmaze &amp; Chaos Tablet' Potion of Necrotic Resistance&nbsp; Scroll - Protection from Wraiths&nbsp; Scroll - Animate Dead x2 (C/W) Scroll - Divination (C/W) Scroll - Guardian of Faith (C) A selection of pin-ups of Wisteria (Sold for 100GP)

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Barrowmaze #27 Who do you Sphinx you are? 27/7/61&nbsp; (22/1/23) Year of the (Iron) Maidens PCs:&nbsp; Aya, &nbsp; Droghaul, Liam, Macready, Moxy, Spartagus and Petyr XP: 2581 GP: 896 The party gathers at Wizardspoons. The first order of business, the sale of Wisteria pinups, the mysterious buyer remains anonymous. Mac then relates the story of the traitor Dhekeon a fallen paladin of St. Sollars to Aya, Moxy and Petyr.&nbsp;&nbsp; Dhekeon and his brave comrades sought to close The Pit of Chaos, a dangerous interdimensional portal located in the Barrowmaze, but at the moment of triumph, Dhekeon betrayed his friends and murdered their leader Sir Guy de Averne, The Pit of Chaos remains open spilling its filth into the Barrowmaze. The Jergalites who corrupted Dhekeon double-crossed the fallen paladin, cursed him with undeath and sealed him in a Barrow to lament his treachery for all time. That was hundreds of years ago, when we found the wretch he pleaded for absolution and penance, Liam and Spartagus persuaded Sir Glendor not to smite him and so we let Dhekeon join us in the assault on the Vultix's lair. The treacherous one proved himself valiant in the encounter and having gained our trust, confided in us further, revealing a secret weapon against The Pit of Chaos, The Fount of Law. We have recovered the Fount and stand ready to close The Pit of Chaos with it once and for all. Supporting the case for the fallen paladin's restitution and absolution St. Sollars told me he would imbue Dhekeons sword with the power to destroy the Chaos Tablet, when the time is right. The party descends into the Barrowmaze through the Mirror Mound (#36) retracing their tracks through dungeon cells full of dead cat puns and poisonous spider infestations to the octagon chamber. Aya uses ritual magic to appreciate the flavours of magic at play in the eight-sided tomb. Empowered by the illuminating knowledge of the light prest of Shamash, Liam almost gets away with some very poor skill checks until he loots a scarab infected with a particularly nasty dose of mummy rot. Liam looks like done for and Mac calls for the party to withdraw to St. Solars church and the aid of Father Othar. In a remarkable turn of luck, Droghall's persistent insistence to carry on looting pays off when he uncovers the weeping statue of an old Nar goddess of agriculture Dementia, the tears in combination with the Paladin's healing hands restore the inquisitive halfling to full health. At some point during a fight with blackened skeletons, Petyr chastises Moxy "Fight now, flirt later" and Droghall has a duel with an honourable crypt knight and dishonourably doesn't share the XP. Miffed he didn't get a duel (and his own XP) Spartagus stomps east into the Gargoyle Kingdom and a group of highly intelligent gargoyles, 'Maggogs' playing a TTRPG, the dungeonator ignores the transcendent opportunity and hacks the players to pieces with his broadsword. At this point, Mac remembers the goal of the expedition and leads the party back west to the Sphinx. The Sphinx greets the group with splendid manners and poses a question, if the group get the answer right the Sphinx with the wisdom of ages will answer any question.&nbsp; The Sphinx's question Close to the words stay I, but wither and wain and go dry. "Ink." Says Droghall. "No." Says the Sphinx sadly, then crumbles to dust.&nbsp;

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Barrowmaze #28 - Droghall is The Barrow Boy! 4/8/61&nbsp; (4/2/23) Year of the Maidens PCs:&nbsp; Droghaul, Liam, Macready, Moxy &amp; Spartagus&nbsp; XP: 3700 (3900 Droghall, maybe more...) GP: 1525 Mac arrives in Helix late. Weary from pouring through the seemingly endless boring lore of the scrolls, treaties and texts of the Cathedral archives, the party give him no time to share any findings from the trip to Ravensberg (if he found any) before leaving for the Barrowmoor.&nbsp;&nbsp; Droghall &nbsp;leads the party across the South Moor into the eastern reaches of the Barrowmoor. The warm Highsun day and perhaps the competition from rival looters known as 'The Faerun Seven' energises the Kroxiger into such a frenzied search of Barrows that he misses the signs of the troll pack until they spring their ambush. The ravenous predators outnumber the adventurers and tear into them, Spartagus and Droghall get the worst of it. Led by a hideous Moma troll the monsters sense victory but when Moxy curses them the battle swings in the party's favour and despite the troll leader's calls to "Kill the Wizard" the Barrowbullies are beaten. Bloody, but unbowed the party trudge north through the blistering summer heat to Dhekeon's Barrow to rest. (#48 Barrow of the Fallen Paladin, Dhekeon) While Spartagus and Droghall rest Mac introduces Moxy to the traitor Dhekeon, then shares the Fount of Law with the undead. Contact with The Fount restores the fallen paladin's memory and he reveals more about the interdimensional portal he calls The Pit of Chaos. The revelation induces a vision of Avery that inspires Mac.&nbsp; The poly-crisis represented by the Barrowmaze shall be tackled one at a time, divide and conquer! The Pit of Chaos must be closed and Dhekeon's sword can destroy the Chaos Tablet. #44&nbsp; Empty (F7) #45&nbsp; Recently collapsed Barrow. Marlon fails to find anything in the rubble. #52&nbsp; Well-tended door opens to stairs descending into a wide chamber complex with a partially collapsed ceiling. The haunted barrow is home to a pair of wights. Liam uses a much-prized knock spell to bypass an arcane lock. In the chamber beyond an ominous-looking pool of dark viscous liquid is too tempting for Drogahall who jumps straight in, the magical oil seems to toughen and polish his scales, but when Liam and Moxy try to do the same they are withered permanently.&nbsp; #51&nbsp;&nbsp; Upright corpses clutch Jade funerary figurines in a wing of the Barrow. Ancient Narish text warns A ll that glitters is not gold!&nbsp;&nbsp; Indeed it is true because further, inside the crypt a gemstone golem lies in wait, camouflaging itself in a pile of glittering gems, erupting from the worthless stones to blast Spartagus with baubles but not before the fighter gets off another legendary spear chuck, battle joined, a surprisingly fleet mummy flanks the party from the northern crypt. Mac retrieves a dazzling gold necklace studded with rubbies from the tat, Droghall pilfers four canopic jars from the mummy's resting place only to find the innards (stomach, lungs, liver and intestines) spoiled.&nbsp;&nbsp; #61&nbsp; Cyclopean Stones bar the entrance of this ancient barrow, Liam and Moxy shiver at the Ouroboros symbols, this place is old, older than the rest of the Barrowmoor by millennia. Mac mumbles something about the days of thunder and the sky seems to darken. But not for The Barrow Boy, Droghall who laps up this Barrow promising the old cold ones to restore Yigg to his rightful place. Deeper in the serpent mound Droghall convinces Sssythos, the Guardian Naga to gift him his totems, but not submit to his mastery. Trunk of Junk Classifieds Runic Tablet -&nbsp; 'The History of the Barrowmaze &amp; Chaos Tablet' Scroll - Protection from Wraiths&nbsp; Scroll - Animate Dead x2 (C/W) Scroll - Divination (C/W) Scroll - Guardian of Faith (C)

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Barrowmaze 29 &amp; 30 'Droghall, King of the Barrowmounds.' PC: Droghall, Liam, Mac, Petyr, Sir Glendor &amp; Sparatagus #43 The Water Witch&nbsp; Before Mac arrived Droghall, Liam and Spartagus excavated this Barrow. Mac hasn't had the opportunity to read Liam's notes yet. TBC.&nbsp; Mac arrives late, to find Droghall, Liam and Spartagus working with the charming Renata and her merry men on the excavation of&nbsp; #59 Gaius the Charioteer.&nbsp;&nbsp; The paladin apologises blaming harvest traffic for his tardiness, Droghall, Liam and Spartagus seem rather grumpy. Renata and her gang loot the Barrow, Renata resplendent in legendary Chessenta armour regales the looters with a magnificent tale of an extradimensional chariot race. Spartagus listens jealously. Renata and crew retire to Helix leaving Droghall and Spartagus cursing their luck in missing out on the looting. Unsure of why his friends are being so grumpy Mac trudges with them to the next Barrow.&nbsp; &nbsp; #53 Giant Ant Colony,&nbsp; exceptionally &nbsp; large insects have burrowed a complex of chambers between two Barrow Crypts (#53 &amp; #58). The pack gets on its knees and crawls into the tunnels to fumigate the nest.&nbsp;&nbsp; It's a dirty job but someone's got to do it.&nbsp;&nbsp; Sir Glendor and Spartagus return to the Wizardspoons, Liam and Mac hang out with Renarta and her merry men and Mac is delighted to find the outlaw's camp is an abandoned Frogling Temple replete with great Batrachian idol. Droghall prowls the Barrowmoor for a pied de terre. Several days later the boys are back on the Barrowmoor. Droghall cunningly leads the group away from any Barrow that might allow access to the Barrowmaze below. #57 Holy Shit ghastly Muzz &amp; the Green Mummy!&nbsp;&nbsp; Flooded knee-deep (waist-deep for Liam ) with dark peaty water this Barrow was the lair of an extended family of the undead. Muzz the ghast and his ghoul pack cohabit with a green mummy.&nbsp; Petyr elimiates the ghoul threat with sickening radiance.&nbsp; The green mummy wears a Mithril Death Mask. Somewhere in the tomb Sir Glendor sets off a lightning trap, and shield master Spartagus deflects the bolt, but Sir Glendor takes the brunt of the explosion in the chamber beyond canopic jars of silver and glass contain various organs. While Drog searches one of the chambers he is infested by a rot grub, Sir Glendor quick to act operates and removes the wee but deadly beastie.&nbsp;&nbsp; The pack of looters take a short rest at Dhekeons Barrow, presenting the skeleton warrior with the Mithril Death Mask, improving his defence imperiously.&nbsp;&nbsp; #54 Barrow of Scholars&nbsp; Yet another flooded chamber, Liam fizzes with excitement and fear when he sees the shelves of books in the dank crypt. Liam manages to rescue two valuable tomes&nbsp; Rites &amp; Rituals of Kor, the Sun God &nbsp;and an&nbsp; Illustrated book of Serpent Clans.&nbsp;&nbsp; Sir Glendor sets off another trap, a morning star in the face this time revealing a secret door leading to a secret chamber and the Throne of Balance. Sir Glendor and Droghall benefit from resting their splendid backsides on the throne, however, Spartagus is permanently discombobulated by the experience. Deeper in the crypt burial alcoves conceal more rot grubs and a Scarab of Health. Educated by the scholarly Barrow experience the party decided to call it quits for the day, but they are set upon by&nbsp; Troll Reavers &nbsp;outside the flooded library.&nbsp;&nbsp; Nine trolls, full of brutal confidence attack the Pack over marshy ground. But quickly realise they have bitten off more than they can chew unable to breach Sir Glendors defence they complain about the cheating adventurers. Sir Glendor quips "Sorry if I woke you this morning troll, your mother is a screamer!" Teamwork sees seven trolls die fast, Petyr's Flaming Sphere keeping the trolls on the deck where the warriors put them. 'Mother' toll and one surviving member of her litter escape into the mists of the Barrowmoor. Epiloge&nbsp; Droghall moves in to the Black Dragon nest Barrowmaze #18. Trunk of Junk Classifieds Runic Tablet -&nbsp; 'The History of the Barrowmaze &amp; Chaos Tablet' Scroll - Protection from Wraiths&nbsp; Scroll - Animate Dead x2 (C/W) Scroll - Divination (C/W) Scroll - Guardian of Faith (C) Dehydrated Rot Grub Pellets

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Barrowmaze #31 The Pit of Chaos PC: Droghall, Liam &amp; Mac&nbsp; NPC: Dhekeon &amp; Wendal XP: 6740 (each) GP: 960 (each)&nbsp; Heavy rain lashes the Barrowmoor, drumming up patches of malignant fog.&nbsp;&nbsp; Barrow #49 &nbsp;A exceptionally difficult scarab-shaped lock is beyond Liam's skill to open. Despite low numbers, the party agrees to find and close the Pit of Chaos. As Droghall leads the party through the waters of Negal to the porch of chaos and into the abandoned tunnels of the North West Barrowmaze they stumble upon a gang of Coffer Corpses feasting on the remains of an adventurer. "Friends of yours Dhekeon?" Quips Mac. The undead try to scare the living daylights out of the party with their frightful gaze but "I'm already dead" taunts Dhekeon. The dead adventures backpack contains a canopic jar of&nbsp;desiccated lungs. Hungry for loot Droghall is distracted from the Pit of Chaos and leads the team south into a small complex rotten with amber mould. A stone golem stands guard in a cryptic crypt&nbsp; 'I sleep the sleep of death but I am not found where you think.'&nbsp;&nbsp; Droghall finds the secret chamber containing a frightful Son of Gaxx bedecked with jewels who momentarily terrifies the Kroxiger. A gleaming&nbsp; battle-axe and a fire-trapped funerary box (Liam drops and roles to avoid the explosion) are the Gaxxian's treasures.&nbsp;&nbsp; Shouting alerts the party to a skirmish up the flight of stairs. Orcus and Myrkul cultists clash in a grand hallway lined with statues celebrating Nergal. Wendal immolates both gangs with a fireball. Beyond the smoking remains huge doors bar entry to the Pit of Chaos. The bold adventurers open the doors and behold a dread scene, an army of undead and blue devils scramble out of the pulsating extraplanar nexus of hells and negative energy, the Pit of Chaos. A gigantic statue of Nergal glowers from the other side of the Pit, floating above the Pit, a Beholder. Dhekeon and Droghall lead the charge meeting the undead head on, the resplendent in mithril desk mask the fallen paladin cuts through the foe lusting for redemption. The Beholder moves into position above the pit. Mac misty steps through the massed enemy ranks and hurls the Fount of Law into the Pit. An immense explosion throws all to the ground as the Fount of Law weakens the integrity of the interdimensional connection, collapsing the Pit of Chaos in on itself. The devils clambering up from hell scream fiendishly as they are banished. The remaining zombies and skeletons collapse into heaps of corpses as the source of the negative energy is shut off. But the blue devils remain as does the Beholder, whose great maw twists in outrage at the pits collapse and turns its antimagic eye on the crazy heroes. Wendal takes cover in an alcove, and Dhekeon presses forward into the blue devils, Liam slips through the grasping devils and the Beholder blasts rays of petrification, disintegration and death from its eyestalks. Droghall and Mac shout at other desperately when the barbarian retreats from the hall to assist Wendal, Mac slays the blue devil holding him back and leaps across the Pit of Chaos onto the Beholder and smites it in the antimagic eye with his sword Lightbringer. Insane with anger the Beholder careens about the chamber as the paladin holds on to its eye stalks and punishes it with more smites, time and time again Mac narrowly avoids the deadly rays from the monster's eyestalks but the half-elf's luck runs out and eventually he is killed by a death ray, Droghall rushes to his friends aid just moments too late, grabs the wand of magic missiles and blasts the Beholder, Dhekeon follows Droghalls lead grabbing the paladins crossbow and shooting the monstrous tyrant, then finally Liam's aim is true and his arrow slays the monster. Droghall, Liam and Wendal search Mac's corpse for something that would aid their fallen colleague but sadly none of them knows how to use the scrolls of revivify Aya gave him. Droghall searches his mind for a solution to bring the paladin back to life whilst his claws search the chamber for loot. After finding much treasure, Droghall is inspired and hurries to the Druids of Leth with Mac's corpse to ask them for help.&nbsp; &nbsp; Epilogue&nbsp; The High Druid resurrects Mac, for a hefty amount of Droghalls gold.&nbsp;&nbsp; John Macready Ramvira is joking with Avery and St. Sollars in their heavenly sun-drenched Al-Amo office when the High Druid calls him. The paladin shrugs, thanks them for their hospitality and says the Impilturian version of au revoir, shaking the twice-martyred saint's hand and kissing the deva's. Some druids murmur the Pit of Chaos has marked the paladin when he is reincarnated in the body of a drow. Mac thanks his friends and the druids for restoring him. "The Tablet of Chaos must be destroyed to prevent the end of days!" Then he makes a joke enquiry if a family discount might be available next time.&nbsp;&nbsp; To bring light you must know darkness.

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Barrowmaze #32 - "For whom the bell Trolls." PC: Droghall, Keoni, Liam, Mac, Randall the Rapid, Sir Glendor &amp; Spartagus&nbsp; Loot (7 shares):&nbsp; GP 611, SP 8. The pack and new blood Shaman Keoni and Randall the Rapid auditioning for caster roles, meet at Wizardspoons. It's a sunny day when Drog leads them safely across the marsh onto the Barrowmoor, but still, a few wisps of cold mist cling stubbornly to the low ground. The adventurers pass the crumbling crevasse that was once the lair of the Harpy Queen Vultrix and the Mound of Yigg before excavating The Portal of Bones. Rapid Randall #62 &nbsp;Portal of Bones The pack excavates the earth covering the Barrow mound while the casters watch. The dig reveals a large slab of stone covered in runs barring entry to the mound. Droghall translates the draconic warning from the Days of Thunder, then scoffs and smashes the stone barrier open. Stairs lead down into a large pillared chamber, with a packed earthen floor, its walls lined with skulls. On the opposite wall, a swirling eldritch portal pulls at the souls of the explorers. Sir Glendor stares back at the realm of death and does not flinch. What hair he had left turns white and the hard lines of resolve on his face deepen. None of the other adventurers dares try their luck in a gamble against the house of death and they leave. #42 &nbsp;Den of Trolls The trackers find many troll tracks on the rough-hewn stairs that lead into a maze of catacombs that have been widened by great clawed beasts (probably the trolls). The party moves warily through the dark burrowed tunnels, ready to fight. Not far from the entrance troll as expected the party makes contact with troll sentries, who raise the alarm, bringing more trolls who attempt to swarm the party by flanking the party through the many tunnels of the maze. Rapid Randall unleashes a fireball immolating the first rank of the charging trolls, but more fill the gaps.&nbsp;&nbsp; Glendor the Blendor casts haste and charges the enemy, Mac follows, and the paladins cut through the enemy flank coming face to face with the troll leader, Shagrot the Humungous, an enormous troll, clad in the magical plate armour of several of his victims, parts of their corpses remain in the armour, a rotting scalp here, a mutilated forearm there. Overconfident with his oversized great axe Shagrot almost takes Sir Glendor's head off with one mighty blow, smashing the haste spell right out of him. The trolls to the south also seem to have gotten the upper hand in their multi-attacks tearing shreds out of Droghall and Sparatagus as a rather ominous rot pudding oozes into the&nbsp; melee looking for corpses to feast on.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; But the party endures the assault and responds with fire, Mac crits with a searing smite on Shagrot. Spartagus finds reverse gear and hides behind Liam, who makes the trolls laugh. Keoni is not to be outdone crits twice with fire strikes. Spartagus explains this was his plan all along and the rot pudding consumes the last troll standing. Someone recommends blasting the Rot Pudding with fire but Liam quickly douses that idea, reciting the dangers of fire and rot pudding spores from the Book of Oozes.&nbsp;&nbsp; The adventurers explore the maze finding skeletons of male and female adventures still clutching some of their gear, a ring of ram, a staff of healing and a cloak of protection, Keoni swipes the cloak of protection and leaves muttering something about washing her hair, only to return when Mac finds Shagrot's treasure, thousands of gold and silver coins, but before Liam has the to count the coins, JuJu zombies spring an ambush from the maze and the mysterious Shaman has disappeared again. Once the JuJu zombies are destroyed Liam finishes the count. Drog claims Shagrots huge magic axe, Spartagus his armour, they split the magical hornet darts between them.&nbsp; The party discovers the entrance to the Catacombs of the Cursed, guarded by the trolls Ogbod &amp; Wartbag. Droghall indicates that trolls will be allowed to live if they cooperate and they agree, Sir Glendor not to be outdone offers them work at Wizardsppoons. The trolls tell the party Zur the Black employed them to guard the Temple of Orcus, which can be found in the Catacombs of Chaos. Mac is on cloud nine at the news, but before leaving the tunnels to plan the assault on the nest of evil he remembers to exsanguinate and decapitate Shagrot. Epilogue&nbsp; The following day Keoni appears (mysteriously) in Wizardspoons asking for her share of the loot.&nbsp; Nar Shaman Keoni

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Barrowmaze #33 - "The Kevan Effect." 16/4/1362 PC: Kevan, Liam &amp; Mac Loot: 7078 XP: 4098 Rough crowd in Spoons again. Itching for adventure&nbsp; Kevan the bard &nbsp;trades the Court of the Fat Duke for the backwater village of Helix, seeking the Barrowmazers, perhaps in the hope of some of the fame and fortune Moxy enjoys. When he arrives at Wizardspoons, he finds Spartagus has locked himself in the lavatory and Sir Glendor tied up with tavern management responsibilities (ensuring Odbod and Wartbag don't eat the staff or customers). Glendor gruffly tells Kevan to ask Mac, who he'll find mincing about at St. Sollars, "The choir boy is mad for the Barrowmaze, he'll take you." Kevan finds Mac in the church telling a smutty orc joke to Brother Gamdar. The paladin, has a mad glint in his eye when enthusiastically suggests Kevan visit the Pit of Chaos where he was killed 'dead'. Liam, up to no good in some back alley makes the trio and hey head for the Barrowmaze.&nbsp; Kevan nervously asks if anyone else is available, the mighty Droghall perhaps . It's overcast, the sunlight only occasionally poking through heavy clouds, almost perfect conditions for the drow.&nbsp;&nbsp; Liam and Mac, lead Kevan across the South Moors to the Barrowmoor, safely but a lot slower than Droghall would have. The small party makes for Nergals Barrow and beneath it the Pool of Secrets. Again Droghall is missed and Kevan and Liam struggle to swim into the Barrowmaze. When the spluttering adventurers emerge from the Pool, Mac is already moving into the Barrowmaze, map in hand, cheerfully calling out areas to search, a soggy Kevan and half-drowned Liam follow leaving a trail of wet footprints.&nbsp;&nbsp; The first encounter unfolds around a spiked pit trap, some pussy footing around the edges of the pit confuses the lurking zombies who try to tackle Liam, but fail and tumble in, the adventures look on with fear as the coffer corpses wounds close and the zombies try to climb up..&nbsp; However Liam and Mac are well equipped and destroy them with fire and holy water before they can climb out.&nbsp; A series of doors lead through to a strange summoning chamber guarded by an undead Naga, which Mac dispatches swiftly. Liam discovers a huge treasure hall of gems, a scorched wizard's corpse, wearing Bracers of Defence, spell book intact. Mac, impatient with the rogue's prevaricating and bard's blabbering, presses forward through the next door, immediately setting off a lightning trap that floors Kevan. Mac apologises and heals Kevan, when the bard has caught his breath the dungeoneers find the crypt of the famous artist Amperides and some very fragile, valuable amphorae completely undamaged from the lightning blast.&nbsp;&nbsp; Mac says he'll try not to pull a Glendor again and lets Liam take the lead, the dungeon delver quickly finds another secret door opening into a long corridor leading west. Kevan shatters strange skeletons with sapphire headstones in one room, all but one of the other rooms of the corridor are empty apart from the final door which is locked. Luminescent light pulses through the cracks in the doorway from the chamber behind. Liam unlocks and opens the door to a macabre chamber covered in glowing murals depicting a mass suicide. Beyond the suicide lobby Liam sneakily discovers the undead suiciders in the next chamber and traps them in a magic web, Kevan casts enemies abound turning one of the Hecuva onto its comrades.&nbsp;&nbsp; (Simon seems to enjoy playing D&amp;D with himself, many Hecuva, fail to make saves v web spell, while the turncoat Hecuva frees itself from the web to rampage through its comrades).&nbsp;&nbsp; Neighbourly Margoyles Miriam and Bob attracted by the noise join the fight attacking the party flank, which is guarded by Kevan. Miriam and Bob take particular delight in mauling the dandy and Kevan bloodied flees invisibly, composing himself when the battle ends.&nbsp;&nbsp; After a short rest, Liam unlocks the southern door revealing another great pile of treasure, which turns into a Gem Golem. Refreshed from the rest Mac action surges critically smiting the Golem into baubles. Liam, finds yet another secret place, a cupboard secured by an impossible-to-open lock. Liam opens the unpickable lock with magic and skill to discover the extraordinary Sword of Squewering. The final door of this mini complex is trapped, this is no problem for Liam, he opens the door leaving the tap in place, the crypt beyond is the resting place of Variens, Dread Knight of Nergal, Hero of the Nar Horde and Scourge of the Elves. Murals show Variens triumphs and ultimate demise at Solana Bael. Despite the obvious danger, Mac frustrated by his comrades' unconvincing plans, opens the sarcophagus releasing the Dread Knight from his death sleep into furious action against the defilers of his tomb. Oops! The small party is worn down, its resources depleted, and the Dread Knight seems too much for them so they decide to withdraw. However the retreat does not go smoothly, Kevan shuts Mac alone in the crypt with Variens, Mac, however, following the retreating bard, unfortunately leaves the door open for Variens, who moves through to hack Kevan down. Mac grabs Kevan's unconscious body and returns through the open door to the Crypt, shutting Variens out of his crypt, he suggests Liam administer a potion of healing to Kevan so he can read the teleport scroll the bard has been bragging about.&nbsp; Liam does that and then hides. Kevan cannot see Liam, so cannot teleport him. Kevan ( drowned, electrocuted, mauled by margoyles, and hacked to near to death by a dread knight) is a nervous wreck, but he manages to crawl into the line of sight of Liam and makes the check to read the scroll successfully ( phew ). Mac quips "Sorry, wrong crypt" to Variens, just as Kevan completes the spell, leaving the angry Dread Knight in his defiled tomb, his loyal beyond death followers destroyed and in a final insult, the trap protecting his crypt triggers when Variens destroys the door between him and the adventures bashing him right in the Mithril Death Mask.&nbsp; Safely teleported back to Wizardspoons, Kevan takes Liam and Mac to the school of wizardry in Valls to sell the bracers of defence. On the way back to Helix, the adventurers stop off in Solana Bael where Wendle the Wizard excuses himself from Rebecca to give the adventurers a history lesson on the Dread Knight Variens and that's when it comes to Mac how the immovable Rob should have been deployed.

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Barrowmaze #34 - Drogzilla! PC: Liam, Drogzilla, Sir Glendor, Mac NPC: Deckeon XP: 8700 GP: 1812.25 Liam, Drogzilla, Glendor and Mac pick up their old comrade in arms the skeletal warrior Deckeon and descend through the Pools of Secrets to the Porch of Chaos and into the abandoned catacombs of the northwestern Barrowmaze. Mac uses the Barrowmaze map to swiftly retrace his steps to the crypt of Variens the elf slayer, giggling at the Drow Paladin nocks on the door frame. Variens the elf slayer haunts his ruined tomb, and leaps out from his hiding place, from beath a dented silver death mask his eyes burn with patient hatred of the undead. But the Pack are ready and destroy the undead knight before he gets the chance to attack. Droghall and Sir Glendor mock Liam and Mac for fleeing from the previous encounter with Variens, Mac shrugs and enthusiastically explores the northwestern reaches of the Barrowmaze. In the meantime, Liam has found and greedily reads several runic tablets. The first is covered in insane gibberish that momentarily stuns the halfling before he averts his eyes foiling the curse.&nbsp;&nbsp; The second tablet reveals a revelation regarding the sons of Nergal, there are four dark children, not three as we previously believed, Set, Myrkul, Orcus and Crom Qorgeth the demon worm, the tablet fortells Crom Qorgeth will inspire Rheligaun Darakh, last of the his royal line to raise an army of the dead and destroy the Druids of Leth.&nbsp;&nbsp; Sir Glendor follows the trail of something with a peg leg to its burial chamber, the paladins destroy the one-legged wight, and Sir Glendor takes its peg leg as a trophy for Wizardspoons. Liam unable to stop himself finds reads another runic tablet, this one explodes. The adventurers pass through a series of burial chambers looting a small number of coins and an enchanted hammerhead "Needs a good shafting" says Glendor. Droghall messes about with a skull, smashing it into an alcove with his maul. "I think you've invented the first dungeon sport." Says Mac. "You should call it Croc-ett." A pack of ghouls looking for take-out round a corner and attack, after the skirmish Droghall tastes them, announcing "I prefer fresher flesh." Then he drinks from a mouldy pool at the bottom of a pit trap. Mac, excited by the notion of finding the outer limits of the Barrowmaze ignores Glendor, Droghall and Deckeon's muttering about the time and deadends presses on finding a secret complex of rooms with a central pool and alcoves filled with hundreds (237) of gold-plated skulls. Hiding in the water of the pool is a water weird that ambushes Liam, consuming him, Liam struggles to break free, it's not the first time he's nearly drowned underground, Mac leaps through the Water Wierd grabs Liam and pulls from another watery grave, the Water Wierd and some Caryatid Columns "Another one bites the dust - hey I'm gonna get you too!". Having cleared Barrowmaze northwest the Pack returns to the surface and rests before the assault on the Temple of Orcus.&nbsp;&nbsp; Ghenian Goats, burning Zombies and a Priest of Orcus guard the entrance to the vile temple. Screams from sacrificial victims and chanting priests come from the Temple behind the guards. Droghall inhales a potion of growth transforming into the Drogzilla! The priest summons guardian inverted goat spirits creating a flesh-flensing barrier in front of the pack and mocks the party. "The Balor is coming! It will destroy you, Wizardspoons and Helix! Mwhahahaha!" Liam slips out of the shadows glances at one of the Ghenian Goats and quips "I slept with your nanny" and casts Tasha's Hideous Laughter on the priest, the evil priest's forced laughter (which sounds like bleating) disrupts his guardian barrier. Drogzilla rampages through exploding skeletons, and Deckeon follows in his wake, when Glendor misty steps behind the Goats the guards are outflanked and defeated. The Drogzilla bursts into the Temple, the Balor summoning ritual underway the demon seems to be incorporating through a film of mercury. "In moments I will be free." it rumbles in an abyssal base, surrounded by the naked corpses of the sacrificial victims and an unholy dozen priests of Orcus. The Pack charges the priests hoping to disrupt the Balor summoning. Drogzilla mauls the under-priests west of the Balor, Deckeon with murderous efficiency hacks through the priests to its east. Mac blasts Zur the Black high priest of Orcus with all the magic missiles he has, Glendor charges Emnor Musk Zur's, deputy, who sneers at him and says "I have an AC of 23." Glendor fails to penetrate this motherf****** AC. Yark Bree screams as his head is caved in by Drogzilla, Jerkgul gurgles when his guts slide off Deckeon's exquisite greatsword but still, the Balor Manon Itzak's summoning continues. The great demon&nbsp; strokes Lawbreaker with murderous glee as he&nbsp; looks on , he is moments from release. Mac charges across the Temple and hurls himself at Zur the Black, High Priest of Orcus in a desperate misty step leap, they both fall prone on the floor, but still, the summoning continues. Drogzilla bites Octous the under-priests face off, Tumble's head tumbles to the floor when Deckeon decapitates him, and Glendor smites down deputy High Priest Musk. Mac and Zur regain their feet and the summoning continues the Balor's arrogant laughter echoes around the Temple of Orcus. Then Liam steps out of the Drogzilla's shadow and ambushes Zur with his favourite spell Tasha's Hideous Laughter "The joke is on you!" says the halfling trickster and Zur sniggers at first before bursting into uncontrollable hysterical laughter ending the summoning. Did Balor, Manon Itzak actually say "Wait, what?" before being cleft in twain by the failed summoning, his upper torso, head and demonic sword clatter to the floor, the bottom half presumably banished back to the hell he was being summoned from. Incandescent with rage Zur flame strikes Mac but fails to notice the saurian nightmare that is Drogzilla rising behind, then over him to pull the down the statue of Orcus right on top of the High Priest crushing him. "A fitting end." Says Mac, armour still smoking from the flamestrike, Zurs black blood pooling at his feet. Masonry falls, Drogzilla's feat of enormous strength has ruptured the ceiling the Temple of Orcus collapses in on itself as the Pack flees. Epilogue: Her Grace, Duchess Mall pronounces Sir Glendor and Sir Macready Knights of the Garther. Sir Arthur Dahim says "Jolly good show!"

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Interlude - The Jagged Tower (early M5 1362) While Aretha, utterly fascinated, watches Droghall splashing about the forest pool behind her Tower, Mac ponders Aretha's comment about Queen Grizelda the Gourmet, an undead hag who reigns over a realm of ghouls in the Barrowmaze. It seems to the paladin since Crom Qorgeths' manifestation at the High Temple of Myrkul, for every villain struck down, two more slither from the shadows to take their place. The dark elf adds her name to his shit list.&nbsp; Grizelda the Gourmet Queen of the Ghouls Necromancers of Myrkul&nbsp; Queen Vultrix of the Harpies Zur the Black &amp; the Cult of Orcus Crom Qorgeth Rheligaun the Horned Ascyet Vie Yannarg&nbsp; Ossithrax the Pejorative Grizelda the Gourmet, Queen of the Ghouls The Gargoyle King Kiril &amp; Jasna Walaki Ascyet Vie Yannarg&nbsp; Macready packs his notebook away and fills a cup of wine for Aretha, who doesn't seem to notice his approach, apparently fixated on Droghall. "He believes his evolution is a direct result of latent chaos magic from millennia of sorcerous practices on the Barrowmoor and in Barrowmaze." Says Mac as he hands Aretha the cup of wine. "As he gets bigger, his appetite for flesh is getting stronger. The other day he gobbled up a ghoul gang in mouldy pit water." Mac shrugs. "Seems fair enough to me, eating wicked creatures that feast on the innocent." The knight then considers the garter just bestowed upon him and Glendor. "He'd fit right into high society ha ha ha!" Stay tuned for Barrowmaze #35 Tower of the Blood Reaver.&nbsp; Coming next on this channel!

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Barrowmaze #35 -&nbsp; Tower of the Blood Reaver PC: Liam, Drogzilla, Mac &amp; Spartagus NPC: Kisreth Soun, Brother Alveth, Posha Mon &amp; Dugash.&nbsp; XP: 8443 GP:2900 + 40000GPV in Bloodstone Commander Veritas asks for help with a Vampire infestation, Sir Arthur briefs the Barrowmazer Pack (minus Sir Glendor) on the situation. A Vampire Lord known as Blood Reaver is menacing the borders of Praka and Carmathan from an eldritch lair deep in the Karvoli forest. The powerful Crimson Order of Praka have located the fortress on the Camarthan side of the border and has sent an old acquaintance of Mac's to guide the Barrowmazers, Kisreth Soun via the Red Mausoleum to the Vampires forest home. Veritas Kisreth Soun The Barrowmazers break the journey from Ravensberg to the Red Mausoleum for an excellent lunch on the well-maintained Halfling Downs in full spring bloom. Spartagus interested in expanding the Wizardspoons franchise makes enquiries, Mac and Liam make some enquiries of their own, the halflings know little of the Blood Reaver but do mention the ruins of Byren on the southern borders of the Karvoli forest. During the journey, Kisreth tells The Pack, having been forced out of the Underdark Blood Reaver built the Karvoli fortress on the bones of a Nar tribe long before this land was called Damara and has been harvesting locals and passers-by ever since. Blood Reaver must have tormented thousands!&nbsp; &nbsp; The countryside is quieter and the tension notably rises as the party enters the Barony of Ostel. Upon reaching the Red Mausoleum, Kisreth introduces The Pack to Master Fith (leader of the Crimson Order), Brother Alveth, Posha Mon and her bodyguard Dugash. Master Fith orders the Crimson Order to escort the Pack to the Blood Reavers covert in the morning. The experienced Barrowmazers are not bothered by the haunted moans and delighted screams that punctuate a night in the Red Mausoleum. &nbsp;&nbsp; At first, light, Brother Alveth, leads Kisreth, Posha, Dugash and The Pack through the Karvoli forest, despite Droghall's mutterings about sharing the loot. The Kroxiger then communes with nature but is unable to ascertain how much loot the Blood Reaver has nor the location of a secret back door from the wistful tree spirit he talks to. The Crimson Order doesn't seem overly impressed with the bickering Pack, eyebrows are raised, and noses are looked down. A pack of wargs and wolves ( probably minions of the bloodsucker ) surround the party as they near the shadow keep but they are dealt with quickly by the powerful group, although Brother Alveth does struggle.&nbsp;&nbsp; After the scrap, the adventurers emerge from the ominous woods to find Blood Reaver's tower, a tall windowless tower seemingly made entirely from Bloodstone (Droghall and Mac share a knowing look). While Liam investigates the only entrance for traps Spartagus and Mac walk the perimeter discussing Kisreth Soun and Posha Maon, Mac particularly wonders what the limitations of his vow of celibacy are. Liam disables the impaling spike trap in the door but perhaps unused to being above ground forgets to get out of the way when the door opens and is set upon by a pack of blood zombies. The blood zombies are tough, Brother Alveth's fists of furry seem to more harm to himself than the undead, Posha is a natural showoff and blasts most of them and Liam's good humour away with a fireball, the halfling emerges from the encounter much the worse for wear. "She makes my balls firey." Says Droghall it is unclear if he wants to eat the witch or meant something else. The Pack has a quick huddle, when they break Mac tells the Crimson Order "Thanks for showing us the way, we'll take it from here." The Barrowmazers enter Blood Revear Tower without the Crimson Order, much to the Crimson Order's relief. Bloodreaver Tower, in the eldritch light of the Karvoli Forest&nbsp; Posha gaurds the rear. Exsanguination! The ground floor is bathed in sanguine light, gentle bubbling comes from copper vats connected by pipes that run across the floor, up the walls along the ceiling to a drain in the ceiling, a circular staircase climbs up the eastern wall, and a strong metallic smell mingling of copper and blood permeates the chamber. Liam is immediately drawn to the books strewn across the workstation next to the staircase. The grisly tomes are concerned with flensing, exsanguination and reanimation. The bloody distillery is guarded by Blood Elementals that coalesce from the bubbling to attack the adventurers. Vampire infestation! Vampire Spawn, lurk around a great drain in the centre of the chamber, fresh blood licks their boots. Arrogant and overconfident the spawn presents little challenge to the undead fighters trained in the Barrowmaze, the scrap ends with Droghall shutting some of the spawn in the iron maidens. After the encounter, Droghall and Liam find a secret door, that opens to a cell holding prisoners. The prisoners' gratitude to be rescued from the vampire food locker is overwhelming.&nbsp;&nbsp; Unholy devastation! Above the blood drain is the Black Foyer, the 'living' quarters of the vampires. Spawn languish on an exotic divan with a vampire diva, corpses of recently drained victims discarded at their feet. Droghall introduces himself by leaping onto the couch amongst the bloodsuckers and says "I'll penetrate your foyer" to the diva priestess before smashing her into gaseous form with his maul. The Barrowmazers are tearing the smug, blood-drunk vampires apart when Bloodreaver makes his entrance.&nbsp;&nbsp; The diabolical torturer of thousands floats down into the Black Foyer, swollen with arrogance, countenance mocking "You've lost weight, my dear." Jibes the Vampire lord to the gaseous vampire diva before affecting the Bloodfeast, a terrible blood harvesting spell that drains the adventurers of that liquid so vital liquid. He throws his head back in triumph as bone golem minions click-clack down the stairs to attack the drained adventurers. But the Barrowmaze has hardened the adventurers beyond anything Bloodreaver has encountered in his long despicable existence and despite the draining effects of the Bloodharvest they press forward to attack. Liam gooses the Vampire Lord with a Chill Touch, getting his attention, Bloodreaver flies straight for the arcane trickster, foolishly contemptuous of the Paladin in the flight path. Mac smites the arrogance out of Bloodreaver as he passes, the shock of the blow turns to fear when Spartagus shield bashes the flying vampire to the floor, where Droghall smashes Bloodreaver into gaseous form, before grinding the Bone Golems into dust. &nbsp; The Barrowmazers pause to check there's no lasting damage to each other before pursuing the vampires in gaseous form to the next level. Droghall finds the Bloodreaver regenerating in his ancient sarcophagus, rips out his fangs and out of curiosity has a good nibble of the blasphemous bloodsucker before Mac puts a stake through the villain. Following the vampire extermination Liam loots the vampire penthouse, bypassing the bloodmagic curses and traps.&nbsp; &nbsp; Loot: A pouch of magnificent rubies, an Obsidian Steed and Manuals of Clear Though and Flesh Golems When the Barrowmazers return to Ravensberg, Duchess Malla rewards Droghall, Liam and Spartagus with knighthoods. Mac requests the Bloodreavers Bloodstone Tower be torn down so it can never be used again, the bloodstone rubble is worth a fortune. Epilogue: Kisreth Soun, naked in bed with Spartigus: "Pleasure and Pain, Suffering and Endurance, these are two sides of the same divine and eternal principle. Loviatar and Ilmatar, falsely sundered in the beliefs of the masses, are truly One - the Conjoined Godhead." She looks Spartigus up and down. "I am a Priestess of the Godhead.&nbsp; Would you like to know more? "

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Barrowmaze #36 - The Great Orc Raid - Helix PC: Liam, Drogzilla, Mac, Sir Glendor &amp; Spartagus XP: 4870 GP: 0 Ma-Zargala Ma-Zargala's Warband circles Helix looking for weakness in the Drogwall. The defenders deployed by Sir Glendor wait stoically for information from Macready acting as spotter because of his drow night vision and following the orcs' progress by springing across the village rooftops.&nbsp; Walker, Ranger-Knight The Orcs attack the south gate first, breaching it with a battering ram, Drogzilla and his skeleton crew fill the breach slaughtering the orcs with no losses. Mac casts dancing lights on the goblin archers supporting the orc forlorn hope illuminating them for Wendell, to fireball them. The first attack dies in its tracks. The second attack comes from the East on the heels of the first, again two squads of infantry supported by goblin archers burst through the seemingly undefended palisade gate. Mazah fireballs them from his tower then returns to his research muttering curses on the orc nuisances, the survivors of the second wave, the remaining goblin archers quickly retreat to the forest.&nbsp;&nbsp; Spartagus and Sir Glendor move to the eastern gate to thwart any further attacks there, Spartagus taking the opportunity to order table service from Wizardspoons. A nervous goblin waving a white flag approaches the southern gate nervously requesting parlay on behalf of Ma-Zargala, Sir Glendor curious to meet her accepts and fearlessly strides out of the southern gate to meet the Warband Diva. Ma-Zargala's deal (pay the orcs 1000GP to leave) is refused and the orcs withdraw to a safe distance outside fireball range and block the roads. Liam recommends a sally from Helix to keep the pressure on the orc Warband and has Marlon the fey rat scout the northwest road. Marlon discovers Ma-Zargala languishing among her Orog and Worg elite and reports back to Liam. Sir Glendor leads the charge from Helix, but when the paladins crash into the worgs, their mounts are savaged and they both fall prone, Spartagus fairs better flying over the front rank of Orogs to crash down in the centre of the enemy right on top of Ma-Zargala. The Orogs and Worgs are delighted by the turn of events and attack the unhorsed paladins and surrounded Spartagus with relish, but then Drogzilla cleaves into the van and Liam entangles the left flank in a sorcerous web, the Wizardspoons trolls fall on the suddenly beleaguered orogs and worgs. A few smites and some incomprehensible comments from Spartagus later, Ma-Zargala has surrendered. Liam uses an arcane charm on her to return to Goblin Town taking with her as many of the raiders as she can.&nbsp;&nbsp; The Barrowmazers agree to press the advantage and race to the aid of the defenders of Mathlyn.&nbsp;&nbsp; (Gus spikes Simon and Bill with Durian sweets urgh :P) Ilyria, Ranger of Mathlyn Hagra, of Goblin Town The walls of Mathlyn have been breached, and orcs and goblins run riot, Hugo and Illyra are hard-pressed by Hagra, Chief Vigguz's deadly daughter. The Barrowmazers charge into the fray (Mac dismounts first;-D), and quickly surround Hagra, Sir Glendor accepts her surrender (along similar lines to that of Ma-Zargala). Spartagus thirsty after a long night locates the Ore Inn and sticks the Wizardspoons oar in.&nbsp; Sir Glendor translates Spartagus incomprehensible offer to dwarf proprietor Z and Z &amp; the Ore Inn join the Wizardspoons empire.

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Barrowmaze #37 - Ooops! PC:&nbsp; Droghall,&nbsp; Glendor,&nbsp; Liam &amp; &nbsp;Mac XP: 4300 (5130 for Glendor) 4/5 ths &nbsp; of The Pack assemble in Helix. Glendor and Liam, are exuberant from their endeavours of opening the Noble Heart Chapter House and Lightfoot Detective Agency in contrast to the imperturbable Droghall and an exasperated Max returning from the ongoing construction work at Castle Bloodstone. Droghall is keen to scout for a liar in the Barrowmaze but requests the group focus on excavating the remaining Barrows on the eastern Barrowmoor. Spartagus is absent, vacationing in Ostel with Domina Kisreth. #56 Looted Barrow #63 Crypt of the Elven Smith Droghall excavates this covered Barrow, unearthing a 30 x 30 crypt, containing a bronze sarcophagus covered in verdigris, hanging on the wall beside it is a set of&nbsp; Magnificent bronzed mithril scale armour +2 &amp; shield +2.&nbsp;&nbsp; Liam deciphers runes on the sarcophagus to name it Tomb of the Armourer. Inside the sarcophagus lies a valuable book,&nbsp; Tome Secrets of Elven Smithing (8500GPV) which contains the formula for smithing elven-chain and mithril armour.&nbsp;&nbsp; #64 Demetra's Shrine Locked and sealed bronze doors bar entrance to the mound. Liam unlocks lead-sealed doors. The Barrowmaze shivers with excitement in anticipation of deploying its hexagonal dungeon dressing. Inside the Barrow is a hexagonal chamber full of funerary baskets surrounding a statue of a goddess of agriculture Demetra (Mac recognises from a previous encounter), murals with distinct colour patterns (yellow/violet, blue/orange, and green/red) cover the walls, the room has with two exits. Mighty Drogzilla's squeezes through the complex showering dust from the ceiling as he searches for loot, first coming to a circular chamber containing a podium with three holes, then a second circular chamber with an altar guarded by four statues. Glendor marches into the chamber sets of the poison gas trap and animates the statues who attack the interlopers however the encounter is brief the Barrowmazers are experienced vandals and smash the effigies to rubble in moments. The altar holds a box containing a spell scroll (globe of invulnerability) and six oval stones, each a different colour, yellow, violet, blue, orange, green and red. Glendor returns to the first circular chamber and places the yellow, green and blue stones in first, followed by the matching colour in the murals. A sickening black radiance emanates from the podium, sucking the life force from Glendor ( who loses a level ). Liam tries a different combination of red, orange, and yellow for a similar draining effect. Liam has a lightbulb moment ( his farmer upbringing perhaps ) realising the order is that of the primary colours places the yellow, blue and red stones in first, followed by the violet, orange and green and is restored ( well almost ). Sir Glendor rages against the unfairness of rainbow magic. Droghall and Glendor argue Droghall sheds crocodile tears. #55 Portal of the verdigris Crane Old boot tracks circle a Barrow with a single entrance and a bronze door with a Crane design covered in patina. The Crane is an arcane lock, which on this occasion, Liam is unable to pick, but he does recall Zur the Black had a key in the shape of a Crane about his neck before he was crushed. The Barrowmazers argue amongst themselves as they trudge to the farthest Barrow in the Southeast.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; #66 Tomb of the Black Legion Droghzilla smashes the portal open . The noise attracts half a dozen barrow ghasts frightening noxious creatures whose attacks, paralyse, fester and drain. The ghasts press the adventurers hard, particularly Liam.&nbsp;&nbsp; The Barrowmzers enter the tomb without resting broad stairs lead down into a long wide chamber lined with skeletons in armour. Macready holds the group up on the stairs to use his divine sense, but a malevolent force with a captivating earthy coriander aroma draws him down the stairs and into the heart of the darkness where even his Barrowmaze conditioned senses are overwhelmed by the soul-consuming power of undeath that surrounds him. The Black Legion,&nbsp; The Wagner Group of Nergal &nbsp;Stir! Awakened by the paladin the army of crypt knights rises and begins to form ranks. Drogzilla charges the closest Crypt Knights, destroying one, before Glendor orders the withdrawl. The Barrowmazers fall back to Helix, warning of the undead army marching on the town.&nbsp;&nbsp; Mac asks Mazzahs &amp; Mathlyn to help defend Helix and recalls Ogbod, Wartbag &amp; the calcified skeleton squad from the works at Castle Bloodstone.&nbsp; Liam discusses tactics with the priests of Helix, Othar and Gamdar.&nbsp; Once again, Droghall persuades Wendel &nbsp;to join the defenders.&nbsp; Epilogue: Sir Glendor snatches the Obsidian Steed from the Wizardspoons office desk, where it was deployed as a paperweight and marches into the bar. "You! Weed boy, come with me!" He orders a bemused Ted, who's playing cards with Hard Tom. Noting his mood, Ted quickly falls into step with the angry paladin. "Where are we going?" Says Ted. "To see your Druid mates!" Barks Glendor. Glendor and Ted race across the sky to the Druids of Leth, to find&nbsp; Rheligaun the Horned's&nbsp; Skull Swords have invaded the Druid's realm. In return for their restorative magic, Sir Glendor swears an oath he will return to fight with them once he has dealt with the Black Legion. But, Sir Glendor gets sidetracked with Missy and misses the Black Legion's arrival in Helix.&nbsp;&nbsp; Bloodstone Bank (Initial investment 50,000gp) Forecasted balance following the construction of Castle Bloodstone 37,184gp&nbsp; Castle Bloodstone works 8/6/62 - 8/6/62 cost 15,000gp - Droghall &amp; Co. Construction &amp; Destruction (Trolls &amp; Skeletons) benefit - 2184gp = Revised Cost 12,816gp Trunk of Junk Classifieds Runic Tablet -&nbsp; 'The History of the Barrowmaze &amp; Chaos Tablet' Scroll - Protection from Wraiths&nbsp; Scroll - Globe of Invulnerability&nbsp; Dehydrated Rot Grub Pellets The Formula for Oil of Piercing&nbsp; Spell Book 164B Manual of Flesh Golems&nbsp; Silvered Death Mask (dented, Spider Climb) Potions; Heroism, Healing, Invisibility, Brut Aftershave of Hill Giant Str (Glendor) &amp; Mind Reading +2 Magnificent Bronzed Mithril Scale Armour +1 Shield

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Barrowmaze #40 - Snake Eyes! PC: Droghall, Liam, Mac &amp; Spartagus Special Guest Star: Mirabelle XP: 3,183 17th&nbsp; Fading 1362 The unseasonal warm weather has given way to the rain and wind more common in western Damara for the time of year. The forges of Khundrukar are busy thanks to Liam's headhunting, and Castle Bloodstone nears completion. The Lightfoot detective agency has also located Zurt, the detectives proving very useful.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; It was good to be back in Helix. When I arrived smoke clouds billowed from Wizardspoons to the amusement of the folks in the Strumpet, no doubt Nigella Loathsome's work. The Enchantress Mirabelle cleared the smoke thaumaturgy so we could introduce ourselves and plan. Glendor did not join us, a malady or a m'lady? Persistent showers dogged us across the South Moors to the Barrowmoor. On the Barrowmoor we encountered a Dark Legion patrol, Spartagus showed them the Black Rose Token and they allowed us to pass (not for the first time I wonder if it was a mistake not to build the Helix wall first). Leaving the Dark Legion behind, we made our way to Dhekeon's Barrow. The undead warrior relayed his tragic tale to Mirabelle, entombed for centuries, tormented by his treachery, and his vision of redemption to destroy the Chaos Tablet. I'm not sure who it was that spotted them, probably Liam or Droghall the Crypt Knight Patrol had shadowed us and upon seeing their arch-enemy Dhekeon challenged us again. Spartagus tried to intervene brandishing the Black Rse Token but fluffed his lines and melee ensued. "You gotta Smite for your Right to Barrowmaze!" The Dark Legion are hard-pressed and attempt to withdraw and seek reinforcements, but are caught in a magical web by Liam that Mirabelle sets fire to. A sole 'survivor' broke free but was cut down by the Drog's demon blade, Lawbreaker.&nbsp;&nbsp; After a short rest in Dhekeon's barrow, we entered the Barrowmaze through the lair of Queen Vultirx of the Harpies. A collapsed Barrow that left a crater in the Barrowmoor leading into the Barrowmaze. Tangled vines sprout from decomposing earth around the lip of the crater dropping far down to the ruins below, a difficult climb, but Spartagus deploys his rope of climbing to make the descent easier and we clamber into the gaping maw we nickname the 'Harpies Hole' and down to the Barrowmaze. Queen Vultix's lair remains abandoned (how long has it been since we were here, over a year, the beginning of 61) a few bones remain among the moss-covered rubble to tell the tale of the extermination. Water drips from above on the littered floor as Liam searches the exits of the southern exit finding bricked-up passageways warded with runes to prevent the passage of undead (would it be possible to do the same on the walls of Helix?). Whilst Liam did his detectoring, Spartagus, shamelessly showed off to Mirabelle about Kisreth Soun, gallantly giving the Enchantress a Luck Stone as a present (what's he up to?).&nbsp;&nbsp; Droghall smashed through the warded wall to an ancient library guarded by Necrolytes, spectral scholars and crypt knights entombed for who knows how many centuries or perhaps millennia. The quick-thinking Kroxiger presented the undead librarian with the Scroll of Stammering from the Trunk of Junk. When the inevitable scrap ensues, the bony wizard fell afoul of the stammering curse and we made short work of the undead guardians. The library had two alcoves, ever curious, and hungry for knowledge Liam investigated the eastern alcove first, a black book on a plinth drew his attention and before I could act, he scurried forward and opened it. Fortunately, the tome was disguised as white magic and fuels Liam with inspiration, expanding his mind and powers, he even looks a little taller now. The western alcove contained a white book, similarly displayed. Liam's mage-hand revealed the book to be similar disguised as its counterpart in the first alcove and not a virtuous text but a vile opus of corruption and degradation. This time I was ready and grabbed Liam, he tried to squirm free but gathered himself. While we discussed destroying the hateful book, Droghall threw it in the Trunk of Junk, proposing to sell the book to the Church (not for the first time I wonder if Lawbreaker is affecting him). After a short rest in the library, Droghall smashed through another bricked-up wall sealing a tomb to the south. Long dead Nar warriors lined the crypt on thrones, splendid in ancient arms and armour that had not been diminished by the ravages of time. Ghosts guarded the tomb and set about us for disturbing the dead. St. Sollars brought light through smites to the darkness, we triumphed and took the treasure, a monster-slaying great sword, a very rare suit of chain mail and a potion of heroism to aid the war on evil. Drog called time on this expedition, but as we readied to leave the floor shuddered and we were set upon by a pair of Earth Elementals. Vines twist like sinews in their bodies of decomposing earth and rubble as they attack. Once the Elementals were put down Drog and I scavenged the crypt knight's arms and armour, and we escorted Dhekeon to his Barrow, doing the same to the remains of the Dark Legion patrol.&nbsp;&nbsp; Back in Helix, we made plans over drinks. To the south ominous yellow cloud punctuated by lightning loomed over the Barrowmoor that night. Trunk of Junk Classifieds Runic Tablet -&nbsp; 'The History of the Barrowmaze &amp; Chaos Tablet' Scroll - Protection from Wraiths&nbsp; Scroll - Globe of Invulnerability&nbsp; Dehydrated Rot Grub Pellets The Formula for Oil of Piercing&nbsp; Spell Book 164B Manual of Flesh Golems&nbsp; Silvered Death Mask (dented, Spider Climb) Potions; 2 x Heroism, Healing, Invisibility, Brut Aftershave of Hill Giant Str (Glendor) &amp; Mind Reading +2 Magnificent Bronzed Mithril Scale Armour +1 Shield Greatsword +1 Monsterslayer 2d6 extra damage v monstrosities&nbsp;&nbsp; +2 Chain mail

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Barrowmaze #41 1.10.1362 PC:&nbsp; Aya, Droghall, Liam, Mac &amp; Spartagus XP:&nbsp; 3380 The party;&nbsp; Aya, Droghall (fresh from Swampball) Liam, Mac and Spartagus gathered at Wizardspoons. Sir Glendor was absent, perhaps he went to fulfil his oath to the Druids of Leth alone (like he does with your mother). The weather was unusually warm for Damara at this time of year. Under thick grey clouds, a murder of crows followed the adventurers onto the Barrowmoor. "They followed me from Castle Bloodstone." Says Mac indicating the squawking corvus. "They've been hanging around for weeks." The party reached the abandoned Liar of Queen Vultrix without incident, Spartagus utilising his rope of climbing for safe access to the Barrowmaze. At Mac's request, the group tracked west, to the paladin's delight linking several areas of the the Barrowmaze. This area now absent of Harpies and Necromancers seems abandoned. Liam pointed out several pit traps to be avoided, Droghall and Liam led the group North (to Mac's disdain). Drog instinctively smashed through bricked-up walls into a strange annex of angular chambers cleverly hidden between two crypt thoroughfares. A brief scuffle with ember-eyed steel skeletons ensued, and Spartagus and Droghall rampaging through them. When the party found a cache of dungeoneering supplies they deduced the 'Angular Anex' may have been used as a staging area for another group of adventurers. Further exploration revealed the decomposing corpses of a mage and a warrior, presumably from the cache expedition. Mac was overkeen to lay the fallen to rest and suggested removing the heads (for easy transportation) for burial at St. Sollars, but was quickly disuaded from grisly butchery (he settled for covering the bodies in rubble and resolved to sit a vigil for them at the church later that evening). In the chamber next to the deceased tomb robbers Liam discovered a filth-covered obelisk he believes to be some sort of dungeon marker of the original Nergalite builders. There was a bit of a kerfuffle when a creepy carpet gave Spartagus the reach around and Liam was almost suffocated by one of the tapestries of terror. Aya and Drogahll discussed divination for some time, Aya performed a ritual during a break asking Shamash for guidance. Her entity informant told her.&nbsp;&nbsp; The magically sealed Scarab Barrow #49 can be accessed through Barrowmaze. The Chaos Tablet is on this Plane and there is a single point of access to The Chaos Tablet. Following these revelations, Liam followed a trail of footprints to a bricked-up wall and beyond it a small porch with connecting secret doors, another secret approach to what was the necromancer's lair. From here the group went east into a tunnel with four low narrow shafts, too small for anyone but Liam that run north to small circular chambers. Liam scurried down the first one to find a strange well from which he drews a bucket and drank the dungeon water, ergh! The effects of the dungeon water both amplified and reduced his abilities, Spartagus predictably followed suit. A some point a nest of killer scorpions was disturbed and in thier chittering chase of Liam, two powerful crypt knights with dreadful battle cries "Ahah!" ambushed the party. The crypt knights targeted Aya and Mac with two fireballs, annoying the paladin so much he responded with an action surge smite nova. The crypt knights were powerful, well-equipped guardians, they both carried rare magic swords, wards against turning and one wore a ring of free action. The presence of the Crypt Knights, the Nergalyte Obelisk in this secret part of the dungeon, got the group thinking they were on to something.&nbsp; It was then Mac had a vision... Mac relays his interview with St. Sollars to the party. We had just fought the pseudopoodopod and were searching for secret doors in the dead end and my skin started to tingle, there was a flash of brilliant light that blinded me and I thought, oh no, I've been disintegrated again. But then I felt the warmth of the sun on a hot day and my vision started to return, I could see my hand, blurred reaching out to push a mahogany door open, certainly not the kind of door you get in the Barrowmaze and I could hear, ZZ Top's La Grange and felt great. St. Sollars greeted me warmly "Mac buddy come in." He said we were doing great, we were close to the Chaos Tablet and reminded me that Dhekeon was vital to its destruction. Before ending the interview the boss's usual jovial demeanour saddned and he warned Negal will demand great sacrifice. Trunk of Junk Classifieds Runic Tablet -&nbsp; 'The History of the Barrowmaze &amp; Chaos Tablet' Scroll - Protection from Wraiths&nbsp; Scroll - Globe of Invulnerability&nbsp; Dehydrated Rot Grub Pellets The Formula for Oil of Piercing&nbsp; Spell Book 164B Manual of Flesh Golems&nbsp; Silvered Death Mask (dented, Spider Climb) Potions; 2 x Heroism, Healing, Invisibility, Brut Aftershave of Hill Giant Str (Glendor) &amp; Mind Reading +2 Magnificent Bronzed Mithril Scale Armour +1 Shield Greatsword +1 Monsterslayer 2d6 extra damage v monstrosities&nbsp;&nbsp; +2 Chain mail +2 Longswords x 2

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Barrowmaze #42 15.10.1362 PC: Aya, Droghall, Glendor, Liam, Mac, Spartagus. XP: 8299&nbsp; GP: 637.5&nbsp; .... A thick fog slithered down from the Moonfog Hills overnight, shrouding Helix. Scores of soldiers mill about the taverns like rowdy ghosts. Mac treated them to breakfast at Wizardspoons after a damp week patrolling the border of Stoneheart Vale. When the party heads for the Barrowmoor, Mac wonders if it was wise to leave the troopers for the day. A murder of crows follows the adventurers south. Droghall leads the group safely over wind-swept moor, putrid bog and the tombs of the Barrowmoor to the Harpies Hole. Spartagus manages the descent into the Barrowmaze with his rope of climbing. The party form up and move into the dungeon, Droghall the rear guard spares the circling crows above a glance and growls or was that his stomach grummbling?&nbsp;&nbsp; The Barrowmazers head west to a warped bronze door that leads to a small elf-style crypt complex connected by clever secret doors and haunted by a wraith. The paladins make short work of the ghost and Liam pilfers the crypt which contains an elegant longbow that has resisted the ravages of time. Aya confers the bow is powerfully enchanted and Mac stashes it in his bag of holding. Keen to link up his maps Mac leads the tomb robbers north, then west, retracing his way to the place of a terrifying battle (Barrowmaze #19) with Cloakers. The dark elf excitedly beckons the party onward to a huge set of ancient blue-green bronze doors depicting Nergal presiding over dancing skeletons in the underworld. Mac starts taking etchings of the door, while Aya performs a divination ritual and Liam checks for traps, all the while Glendor waits patiently . Once it's deemed 'safe' they open the doors to a mammoth pillard chamber lined with sarcophagi, dominated by a colossal statue of Nergal. The cryptonaughts examine the Jergalite foyer, Aya detects traces of magic and Mac uneasy spirits emanating from the sarcophagi all the while the colossal statue remains motionless. Droghall, Liam and Spartgus stir the Colossus of Nergal into action when they smash open a sarcophagus. Liam conjures an illusionary bookcase for he and Spartagus to hide behind, Glendor, Mac and Droghall attack the titanic golem but barely scratch it, when it attacks it stomps the Kroxiger to the floor with such a mighty blow several pillars crack and dust showers from the ceiling, a tremor shakes the room knocking Aya, Mac and Glendor prone. Mac foolishly stands only to be struck by the Colossus so hard his adamantium helmet breaks the next blow from the giant automaton knocks the paladin unconscious. Droghall's pounding breaks a valve on the ankle of the Colossus releasing whistling steam. Glendor 'lays a foot' on the unconscious Mac reviving him then Misty Steps out of the death golems range. Spartagus and Aya take to the air also careful to keep their distance. Droghall toe to toe with the foe endures a colossal beating from Nergal's golem which itself has taken a legendary battering from the warriors but yet again it's Liam who slips from cover targets the weak spot and fells the gigantic skeletal automaton. The party rests amidst the wreckage of the Colossus of Nergal, Mac scavenges bits of metal, Spartagus follows suit taking a middle finger.&nbsp; There was Sixty-Six Sarcophagi on the wall... Droghall jumps from webbed foot to webbed foot excited by the prospect of looting sixty-six sarcophagi. Kroxiger, halfling and light cleric coordinate the looting, Mac spits out some broken teeth, and Glendor stands guard outside.&nbsp;&nbsp; First exhumation; &nbsp; Potion of Animal Friendship (ToJ), Rope of Climbing (Liam) and a pair of 3000-year-old dwarves (naked) in stasis covered in mystic sigils*, a Scroll of Protection from Monstrosities ,&nbsp; a Mulhorandi vampire with a stake through her heart and a map of this section of the Barrowmaze.&nbsp; &nbsp; Through the key hole... As Drogall removes the vampire's fangs the looters hear a commotion outside. "Your name is not down, so you are not coming in!" Exclaimed Glendor to a polite necromancer calling herself Shinara, who in turn asks if Glendor knows her mother. "I attuned to her last night." retorts the paladin whilst giving Shinara a saucy wink and lewdly pointing to a shadowy recess. Shinara and her friends bid Glendor farewell and melt into the darkness of the Barrowmaze.&nbsp; Second exhumation; &nbsp; Scarab of Light (operates like a lantern - Spartagus), Blackened Wand of Fireballs (Aya), Potion of Stone Giant Strength (Spartagus), Runic Tablet, wizards corpse, 3 x Barrowmaze Spell Scrolls - Baltrons Black Sheen, Hitzemum's Blue Feet &amp; Mazakla Glassy Facsimile, Potion of Gaseous Form (Liam) and a Bag of Devouring (run away).&nbsp;&nbsp; I gotta bag feeling about this... Before anyone can say check for traps, Liam reads the runic tablet, it is cursed with amnesia, Liam may have read one before, but he can't remember, anyway the tablet is now dormant, having forgotten its purpose. Droghall is suspicious of the crocodile skin bag, as are the Ropes of Climbing which both animate for the ceiling, only after the Bag of Devouring had scuttled away could they be coaxed down.&nbsp;&nbsp; Surprise, Suprise... The fleeing handbag amuses Glendor and to the bemusement of his companions, he removes the stake from the vampire, muttering something about suprise training. The vampire no longer paralysed springs to attack fang stealer, Droghall, but she is quickly overpowered and much to Glendor's amusement decapitated, he declares her head shall be stuck in a jar to be displayed in Wizardspoons.&nbsp;&nbsp; Third exhumation Potion of Gaseous form, 6 x Runic Tablets, Restorative Ointment, 5 x Cleric Scrolls (Inflict Wounds, Blindness/Deafness, Meld into Stone, Raise Dead, Planner Ally), 10 Canopic Jars, Barrowmaze Spell Scrolls - Mazakala's Mucilaginous Effluvium, Baltrons Black Sheen &amp; M azakala's Glassy Facsimile,&nbsp; The &nbsp; Prince of Thieves Papyrus (study it to learn Stealth proficiency), Potion of Clairvoyance, 4 x Golden Jackels, Potion of Greater Healing (Drog), Empty Burial Shroud, Wizard Spell Scrolls (Clairvoyance, Guards &amp; Wards, Mislead, Earth Tremor), Mummified Lizard Man with Splendid Maul (+2), Potion Diminution, Clockwork Cobra (Glendor), a mummy and a Blankety-Blank chequebook and pen. What the rest of us could have won... Enraptured Liam gleefully reads all of the runic tablets. Already enfeebled he is immune to the effects of the first, the second confers him the speed from the end and beginning of time (+1 Dex), the third grants him a fireball spell, and the fourth the fly spell, the fifth more speed, this time the beginning and end of time (+1 Dex) the sixth is a History of Jergal/Nergal which speed reads then gives to Mac. It's ghastly company you keep Barry, what would your mummy think... Barry the Ghast is friendly but horrified by vandalism to the sacred resting place. He's in a state of shock when he tells the story of the dwarf &amp; doppelganger game*. Barry and the also recently exhumed mummy catch up about old times while the adventurers pack the loot away. Droghall has been rolling around in all sorts of crypt filth rot &amp; black puddings, ochre jelly, but despite Aya burning most of the slime and ooze off and Liam's prestigious efforts, the Kroxiger never quite gets rid of the smell. Epilogue&nbsp; Back in Helix the looters pay Mazzah's the Magnificent to identify the scarabs, one of which is a scarab of death and very nearly kills him. I bet he puts his prices up after that!&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Scarabs identified by Mazzah's:&nbsp; Scarab of non-detection x 1 per day (Liam) Scarab of STR+2 (requires attunement, Glendor) Scarab of Death nearly kills Mazzahs&nbsp; Cursed Scarab of Slowness (1/2 movement) Scarab advantage on saves v fear&nbsp; Canopic Jars: 1 x Electrum 4x ... 2x Platinum 3 x Gold and Ivory

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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.