Shadow Priest Mythic+ Guide (2024)

Welcome to theShadow Priest Mythic +guide for the World of Warcraft prepatch 11.0! Here, you can find tips and tricks to maximize your damage output and ensure your character is ready to top the damage charts.

Your main resource is called Insanity, which is generated by spells like Mind Blast, Mind Flay and Void Torrent and spent on your most powerful DoT Devouring Plague.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Shadow Priest

Shadow Priest Mythic+ Guide (1)Shadow Priest Mythic+ Guide (2)

Shadow PriestMythic +











  • Shadow Priests are known for their exceptional Single Target and AoE DPS. Their damage profile revolves around hitting the priority target while having the rest of the mobs DoT-ed with Vampiric Touch and cleaving with Shadowy Apparitions and Psychic Link.
  • Their toolkit includes powerful defensive abilities like Desperate Prayer and Dispersion, which enhance their survivability.
  • Shadow Priests bring useful utility like Vampiric Embrace and Mass Dispel.
  • However, like any specialization, Shadow Priests have their weaknesses. Shadow Priests struggle with mobility and a lack of access to crowd control.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Shadow Priest


Spec Defining Talents

Discover all talents that significantly alter your gameplay within the Spec and Class Talent trees. This section gives a concise overview of these talents and their applications but for a more detailed look check out the Rotation and Deep Dive sections below.

Spec Tree

  • Void Torrent
    • One of your strongest damaging abilities.
  • Shadowy Apparitions
    • Passive that makes your Mind Blast, Void Bolt and Devouring Plague spawn apparitions that do damage to all targets that have Vampiric Touch applied to them.
  • Void Eruption
    • The main damage cooldown, paired with Power Infusion.
  • Psychic Link
    • Makes your single target spells do damage to every other target affected with Vampiric Touch.
  • Shadowy Insight
    • Chance to grant a charge of Mind Blast and makes the next cast instant. This talent directly interacts with the 2pc bonus from your tier set.
  • Shadow Crash
    • Allows you to easily apply DoTs on up to 8 enemies.
  • Idol of C'Thun
    • Chance to spawn tentacles that damage enemies and generate Insanity for you.
    • Casting Void Torrent guarantees a tentacle spawn.
  • Idol of Yogg-Saron
    • After generating 25 Shadowy Apparitions you spawn a Thing from Beyond that does damage to your target and enemies next to it.

Class Tree

  • Power Infusion
    • One of your main damage cooldowns.
    • Empowered with Twins of the Sun Priestess.
  • Phantom Reach
    • Increases the range of most of your spells by 15%
  • Shadow Word: Death
    • One of your main damaging abilities in execute.
    • Death and Madness empowers Shadow Word: Death.
    • Tithe Evasion reduces the damage dealt back to you from Shadow Word: Death.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Shadow Priest

Tier Set

  • 2-Set: Shadowy Apparitions have an increased chance to Shadowy Insight by 25%. The Mind Blast from Shadowy Insight deals 40% increased damage and generates 4 additional Insanity.
  • 4-Set: Passively increases Devouring Plague damage and makes it so every 4th cast of Devouring Plague gives you a buff for 10 seconds that increases your Shadowy Apparitions by 100%.


Opener Rotation

  • The goal of the opener is to spend as many Mind Blasts as possible, as well as ensuring both Mind Blast and Void Bolt are on cooldown when channeling Void Torrent.
  • Use your active trinkets, Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power and racials like Blood Fury or Berserking after using Void Eruption

Priority List

This is a general priority you aim to maintain throughout the fight.

  1. Keep up Vampiric Touch and Shadow Word: Pain.
  2. Keep up Devouring Plague.
  3. Cast Void Bolt
  4. Cast Mind Blast
  5. Cast Void Torrent
  6. Cast Shadow Word: Death if a target is below 20%
  7. Cast Mind Flay: Insanity
  8. Cast Halo (if talented)
  9. Cast Mind Flay
  10. Cast Divine Star (if talented) -- Mainly used when moving or in between pulls for Insanity generation

Multi Target

2 Target Opener Rotation

  • se your active trinkets, Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power and racials like Blood Fury or Berserking after using Void Eruption

2 Target Priority List

  1. Keep up Vampiric Touch and Shadow Word: Pain on both targets.
  2. Keep up Devouring Plague.
  3. Cast Void Bolt
  4. Cast Mind Blast
  5. Cast Void Torrent
  6. Cast Shadow Word: Death if a target is below 20%
  7. Cast Mind Flay: Insanity
  8. Cast Halo (if talented)
  9. Cast Mind Flay
  10. Cast Divine Star (if talented) -- Mainly used when moving or in between pulls for Insanity generation

3+ Targets Opener Rotation

  • Below you can see one variation of the AoE opener rotation on 3+ targets.
  • Use your active trinkets, Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power and racials like Blood Fury or Berserking after using Void Eruption.

3+ Target Priority List

  1. Keep up Vampiric Touch and Shadow Word: Pain on all targets.
  2. Keep up Devouring Plague.
  3. Cast Void Bolt.
  4. Cast Mind Blast.
  5. Cast Void Torrent.
  6. Cast Shadow Word: Death if a target is below 20%.
  7. Cast Mind Flay: Insanity.
  8. Cast Halo (if talented).
  9. Cast Mind Flay.
  10. Cast Divine Star (if talented) -- Mainly used when moving or in between pulls for Insanity generation.

Deep Dive

Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Shadow Priest

Void Torrent

When it comes to Void Torrent there are a couple of conditions you need to consider before pressing it:

  1. Having at least 1 Mind Blast on cooldown.
  2. Having Void Bolt on cooldown (if in Void Eruption).
  3. Having Devouring Plague up on the target for the increased mastery benefit (If outside of Void Eruption).

Mastery: Shadow Weaving and Devouring Plague

The Shadow Priest's mastery is very important to play around. It makes it so that every DoT you have on the target increases your damage done by your mastery %, which makes your mastery management vital. Vampiric Touch and Shadow Word: Pain are up on the target nearly 100% of the time, this leaves you with the task of maintaining Devouring Plague on the target. Having as high uptime as possible on Devouring Plague is crucial to dealing the highest possible damage. During your Void Eruption you gain the maximum effect of your mastery no matter the DoTs on the target, meaning that instead of playing for uptime you can play to spawn more apparitions with your 4pc bonus active.

Spreading Devouring Plague

Spreading Devouring Plague is a DPS gain because of the mastery benefit being on multiple targets and boosts Phantasmal Pathogen. However, you only want to spread it when there's no priority target that needs to die.

  • A good example of when you should spread it is on Council of Dreams or The Primal Council.
  • A bad example would be spreading it on the small adds on Eranog instead of using all of your Devouring Plagues on the boss himself.

Understanding Mechanics

Rotational min-maxing is just one aspect of mastering a specialization, but there are numerous other key mechanics that influence your performance. Use the following guides to improve them.

  • Pandemic
  • Spell Queue Window
  • Stat Diminishing Returns


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Shadow Priest

← Scroll for more Dungeons

Brackenhide Hollow

Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr

The Nokhud Offensive

Algeth'ar Academy

Halls of Infusion

The Azure Vault


Ruby Life Pools

Boss Tips

Hackclaw's War-Band

  • If Greater Healing Rapids goes off, you can purge it with Dispel Magic.
  • You can always Fade and Protective Light the Gash Frenzy and alternate Desperate Prayer and Dispersion.


  • Use your Shadow Crash as adds are spawning to instantly apply your DoTs.


  • Psychic Scream the slimes that spawn from Decay Spray before they complete their Gushing Ooze cast.
  • Use your Shadow Crash as adds are spawning to instantly apply your DoTs.

Decatriarch Wratheye

  • Make sure to always pool Insanity for the Rotburst Totem so you can use multiple Devouring Plagues instantly.
  • Use your Shadow Crash as the totem is spawning to apply your DoTs instantly.
  • Rotate defensives on Withered Eruption depending on available Gear and key level.

Trash Tips

  • Bleeding hurts quite a bit at 2 or more stacks. Make sure you use your Fade and Protective Light if you have more than 2 stacks and consider using Desperate Prayer or Dispersion if you have more than 3 stacks.
  • Make sure to dispel Withering Contagion from yourself or your team using Purify Disease.
  • Make sure to dispel Withering from yourself or your team using Purify Disease.

Pre Dungeon Start

  • Stack your tier set to 3 Darkflame Embers so the next time you cast Devouring Plague you get Darkflame Shroud making your burst very powerful.

Boss Tips

The Lost Dwarves

  • Put Olaf on focus to quickly interrupt his Defensive Bulwark when cast.


  • Use your Shadow Crash as adds are stacked so to instantly apply your DoTs.
  • Pool Insanity and hold Void Torrent for the Quaking Totems.

Sentinel Talondras

  • Use defensives while you're affected by Earthen Shards, especially if Crushing Stomp is coming up.


  • You can use Mass Dispel to get rid of Burning Heat

Chronolord Deios

  • You can deal with the Time Sink debuff in a couple of ways - Mass Dispel, Dispersion or Fade with Phantasm selected.

Trash Tips

  • If Spiked Carapace goes through you can use Mass Dispel or Dispel Magic to remove it.
  • You can use Mass Dispel to get rid of Stolen Time at high stacks.
  • Using Dominate Mind on a Warder gives you access to their shield ability, which allows you to give yourself or another party member a huge absorb.

Pre Dungeon Start

  • Stack your tier set to 3 Darkflame Embers so the next time you cast Devouring Plague you get Darkflame Shroud making your burst very powerful.

Boss Tips


  • You can use your Dominate Mind on the adds that the boss spawns so you don't have to kill them. Once dominated, the adds continue running to the ballista but they won't cast their Dismantle spell. Make sure you start using your Dominate Mind once the boss is low, you can only do 3 in a row before the previous adds become a problem.
  • Make use of Desperate Prayer when Shards of Stone is being cast.

Raging Tempest

  • You can use your Dispel Magic to remove Energy Surge.

Teera & Maruuk.

  • You can use your Desperate Prayer for the first and third Gale Arrow and your Dispersion for the second one. For the fourth Gale Arrow you won't have a defensive, so make sure you tell your healer beforehand to help you.

Balakar Khan

  • Use your Desperate Prayer on the Upheaval and your Dispersion if you are targeted by the Static Spear.

Trash Tips

  • Make sure you collect the orbs from the Stormsurge totems, they give you a stacking buff of Surge of Power.
  • You can use your Dispel Magic or Mass Dispel to purge Stormshield from the Stormshields in the second boss area.
  • You can use your Dispel Magic or Mass Dispel to purge Swift Wind if it goes through.

Pre Dungeon Start

  • Stack your tier set to 3 Darkflame Embers so the next time you cast Devouring Plague you get Darkflame Shroud making your burst very powerful.

Boss Tips

Overgrown Ancient

  • Make sure on Overgrown Ancient to use Shadow Crash on cooldown so you DoT as many lashers as possible. Don't bother manually Vampiric Touching anything other than the Branch or the boss.


  • On Crawth, only use Desperate Prayer after 2+ stacks and Dispersion after 4+ stacks of Sonic Vulnerability.


  • Whenever you are targetted by a Mana Bomb make sure you have Fade and Protective Light up and use your Desperate Prayer or Dispersion. Also consider using a Power Word: Shield at 1 second left of the debuff because when the debuff expires, you take a big chunk of damage.

Echo of Doragosa

  • Always use your Power Word: Shield and Angelic Feather to run away from the Power Vacuum or from the frontal.
  • Use your Desperate Prayer whenever you are targetted by Energy Bomb.

Trash Tips

  • Using Dominate Mind on a Restorer gives you access to their shield ability, which gives you or a party member a big absorb and 50% haste for 30 seconds or until the shield is depleted.

Pre Dungeon Start

  • Stack your tier set to 3 Darkflame Embers so the next time you cast Devouring Plague you get Darkflame Shroud making your burst very powerful.

Boss Tips


  • You can use your Mass Dispel to remove Power Overload and Purifying Blast.

Gulping Goliath

  • Use your Shadow Crash as adds are spawning to instantly apply your DoTs.


  • Always have Protective Light or Fade and use your Desperate Prayer and Dispersion whenever your healer is struggling.
  • Make sure to pair your Vampiric Embrace with your Void Eruption to help out your healer.

Primal Tsunami

  • Make sure you have your Void Eruption + Power Infusion on pull of Primal Tsunami because the boss phases at 60%.
  • You can use your Psychic Scream to stop the cast of Inundate in the intermission.

Trash Tips

  • You can use Mass Dispel to remove Deep Chill from the Glacial Proto Dragons. Alternatively, you can use Fade while having Phantasm talented to remove it as well.
  • You can use Fade while having Phantasm talented to remove the Containment Beam from you.
  • You can use Mass Dispel or Divine Star to get the Zealots out of stealth.

Pre Dungeon Start

  • Stack your tier set to 3 Darkflame Embers so the next time you cast Devouring Plague you get Darkflame Shroud making your burst very powerful.

Boss Tips


  • Always use a defensive for Consuming Stomp.
  • Use your Shadow Crash as adds are stacked so you can instantly apply your DoTs.


  • Use your Shadow Crash when an add spawns to instantly apply your DoTs.
  • Make sure to DoT all 4 Draconic Images in the intermission to quickly kill them all.

Telash Greywing

  • Alternate between Desperate Prayer and Dispersion on the Absolute Zero.


  • Always have your Shadow Crash for the crystal spawn and use it on the biggest clump of crystals.
  • Defensives should be used during the Detonating Crystals phases.
  • Make sure to pair your Vampiric Embrace with your Void Eruption to help out your healer.

Trash Tips

  • You can use Mass Dispel to dispel Mystic Vapors if it goes through.
  • You can use Mass Dispel to dispel Waking Bane if it goes through.
  • You can use your Dispel Magic to purge Brilliant Scales from the Vault Guards and the Scalebane Lieutenant.

Pre Dungeon Start

  • Stack your tier set to 3 Darkflame Embers so the next time you cast Devouring Plague you get Darkflame Shroud making your burst very powerful.

Boss Tips


  • Use defensives for Volatile Mutation and Lava Spray depending on the situation.

Chargath, Bane of Scales

  • Using Fade with Phantasm talented removes the slow from the Grounding Spear.
  • Use your defensives on the Grounding Spear.
  • Make sure you use your Void Eruption + Power Infusion when the boss is in Fetter.

Forgemaster Gorek

  • Might of the Forge happening close to Blazing Aegis is very deadly, therefore you should use your defensives pre-emptively during Might of the Forge channel.

Warlord Sargha

  • Make sure you use your Void Eruption + Power Infusion when the boss is in Magma Shield, as you do 50% more damage when the shield breaks.

Trash Tips

  • In the second boss area apply Vampiric Touch to all the mobs before someone uses the Burning Chain for maximum damage output.
  • You can use your Mass Dispel to dispel Mote of Combustion.

Pre Dungeon Start

  • Stack your tier set to 3 Darkflame Embers so the next time you cast Devouring Plague you get Darkflame Shroud making your burst very powerful.

Boss Tips

Melidrussa Chillworn

  • Always use Fade and Protective Light on the Chillstorms. You can use your Desperate Prayer whenever you feel weak or when the healer doesn't have as much throughput.

Kokia Blazehoof

  • On Kokia Blazehoof and the second trash area use Fade and apply Protective Light before the Inferno cast.

Erkhart Stormvein / Kyrakka

  • Keep up Vampiric Touch on both your targets.
  • You should press a personal every time you are targeted by Flamespit.

Trash Tips

  • You can use Mass Dispel and Dispel Magic on the Thunderclouds when fighting High Channeler Ryvati to prevent her from consuming the shields during the Tempest Stormshield channel.

Pre Dungeon Start

  • Stack your tier set to 3 Darkflame Embers so that the next time you cast Devouring Plague you get Darkflame Shroud making your burst very powerful.


Learn how to effectively handle various Mythic+ Affixes as a Shadow Priest. Depending on the level of the Mythic+ Dungeon, you contend with up to two additional Affixes alongside Fortified and Tyrannical.

  • Entangling
    • The talent Phantasm makes Fade remove Entangling when cast.
  • Incorporeal
    • Shackle Undead
    • Dominate Mind also makes the Incorporeal cast on surrounding mobs, reducing their damage by 5% per cast.
    • Interrupt them with Silence.
  • Bolstering
    • Psychic Link makes you one of the best classes to deal with Bolstering, so make sure you always hit the highest HP mob in the pull and that you have your Vampiric Touch on every mob.
  • Spiteful
    • Dominate Mind can be used to mind control Spiteful.
  • Bursting
    • Mass Dispel gets rid of all stacks of Bursting.
  • Afflicted
    • Purify Disease clears one Afflicted mob.
    • Void Shift heals an Afflicted mob to full hp if cast while at full hp.

Stat Priority

Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Shadow Priest

Understand your secondary stat priority and the tertiary stats needed for optimal performance during Mythic+ dungeons as a Shadow Priest. For more detailed information, visit the Stats and Attributes guide.

Higher Item level items are better in most scenarios. For an accurate representation of what item to equip you should use Simcraft! A static "Stat Priority" is just a starting point and can easily shift depending on your individual gear.

All secondary stats are affected by diminishing returns. Click here to learn more!


  • Avoidance - Great stat to reduce the damage intake of "Area of Effect" abilities.
  • Leech - Provides additional healing through damage dealing. The damage of your pets does not heal you thus Leech is a great tertiary for you since most of your damage is coming from your own spells.
  • Speed - Niche tertiary that can be very useful and has been proven useful in the past. Makes playing certain mechanics a lot easier.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Shadow Priest

Overall BiS

Farmable Alternatives

HeadMask of the Furnace SeraphTier / Catalyst
NeckTorc of Passed TimeCraft
ShoulderDevotion of the Furnace SeraphTier / Catalyst
CloakVibrant Wildercloth ShawlCraft
ChestVesture of the Smoldering SerpentVolcoross
WristVibrant Wildercloth WristwrapsCraft
GlovesGrasp of the Furnace SeraphTier / Catalyst
BeltBlooming Redeemer's SashFyrakk
LegsBreeches of the Furnace SeraphTier / Catalyst
BootsLifewoven SlippersNymue
Ring 1Seal of Filial DutyBroodkeeper Diurna
Ring 2Seal of Diurna's ChosenEranog
Trinket 1Neltharion's Call to SufferingEcho of Neltharion
Trinket 2Ominous Chromatic EssenceThe Forgotten Experiments
Main HandVakash, the Shadowed InfernoFyrakk
Off HandTrickster's Captivating ChimeCouncil of Dreams

Below you are presented a good list of farmable alternatives that are obtainable outside of WoW’s weekly lockout system. While replaced in time as you progress, these offer immediate character power.

HeadHeadwrap of the AbandonedThe Azure Vault
NeckUkhel Ancestry BeadsThe Nokhud Offensive
ShoulderBoastful Stalker's EpauletsCatalyst
CloakFireproof DrapeRuby Life Pools
ChestBlessed Ohn'ir RobesCatalyst
WristAnimated ShacklesCrafting
GlovesAzureblade's Work GlovesCatalyst
BeltFlare-Singed StrapNeltharus
LegsCrazed Traveler's LegwrapsCatalyst
BootsAncient Crosswrapped SandalsCrafting
Ring 1Unstable Arcane LoopThe Azure Vault
Ring 2Thunderous Downburst RingThe Nokhud Offensive
Trinket 1Spoils of NeltharusNeltharus
Trinket 2Umbrelskul's Fractured HeartThe Azure Vault
Two-Hand WeaponInfinite DragonspireUldaman: Legacy of Tyr
One-Hand WeaponSpellboon SaberAlgeth'ar Academy
OffhandRod of Perfect OrderHalls of Infusion


Below you can find active and passive alternatives to the recommended trinkets. Do note that some trinkets are better than others depending on the scenario.

Active Trinket alternatives

  • Spoils of Neltharus
    • It alternates between the secondary stats and can be delayed for a few casts for a preferable secondary stat.
  • Ashes of the Embersoul
    • Strong 2 minute cooldown, on-use trinket, but has a haste penalty for a minute after use.
  • Belor'relos, the Suncaller
    • Decent for priority target nukes.

Passive Trinket alternatives

  • Whispering Incarnate Icon
    • Is a stronger option when both a tank and healer equip the same trinket.
  • Umbrelskul's Fractured Heart
    • Strong single-target damage while still doing respectable AoE damage.
  • Vessel of Searing Shadow
    • Solid single-target trinket, loses significant value on AoE.
  • Tome of Unstable Power
    • Great for AoE but loses value in Single Target.


To find the best combination of gear available to you or identify the best possible upgrades, visit our Simcraft guide to learn how to utilize Simcraft easily and effectively.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Shadow Priest

  • 2x Blue Silken Lining
    • It's a good choice if you have over 90% health most of the time and during your cooldowns.
    • The optimal slots to craft on are Wrists, Boots, Waist or Cloak depending on your available gear.

Honorable mention

  • Allied Wristguards of Time Dilation
    • Provides less personal DPS but more overall DPS for your group.
    • Combine it with one Blue Silken Lining or Elemental Lariat.
  • Elemental Lariat
    • Good to use if you have access to the maximum amount of gems, and decent in multi-target scenarios especially if your Blue Silken Lining uptime is not great.

Remaining Sparks

  • Make sure to apply Alchemical Flavor Pocket if you have an additional crafted item equipped to keep your food buff even if you die.
  • Crafted items are 525 item level and regular items are 528 at maximum item level therefore it's not beneficial to equip crafted items outside of your 2x embellishments unless you don't have access to other high item level gear on that slot.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Shadow Priest

HeadIncandescent Essence
NeckTiered Medallion Setting 3x
CloakEnchant Cloak - Graceful Avoidance
ChestEnchant Chest - Waking Stats
WristEnchant Bracer - Devotion of Avoidance
BeltShadowed Belt Clasp
LegsFrozen Spellthread
BootsEnchant Boots - Plainsrunner's Breeze
Ring 1Enchant Ring - Devotion of Haste
Ring 2Enchant Ring - Devotion of Haste
WeaponEnchant Weapon - Wafting Devotion


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Shadow Priest


  • Iced Phial of Corrupting Rage -- For maximum DPS.
  • Phial of Tepid Versatility -- For less DPS but more survivability.


  • Grand Banquet of the Kalu'ak
  • Deviously Deviled Eggs

Combat Potion

  • Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power
  • Residual Neural Channeling Agent
    • Can be used while being dead if your potion is reeady.

Health Potion

  • Potion of Withering Dreams -- For a big burst of healing
  • Dreamwalker's Healing Potion -- For less healing upfront but an additional small heal over time.

Weapon Rune

  • Howling Rune
  • Hissing Rune

Augment Rune

  • Dreambound Augment Rune -- Requires Reputation
  • Draconic Augment Rune


  • Skillful Illimited Diamond or Fierce Illimited Diamond -- Unique, made by work order
  • Keen Ysemerald


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Shadow Priest

For min-maxing a Shadow Priest in Mythic+, different racial traits can provide a tremendous benefit to your characters. If this is not your top goal, picking a race that fits your style works just as well.

  • Stoneform -- Dwarf
    • One of the most potent racials in Mythic+ currently and historically.
    • Use-cases:
      • Bursting stacks.
      • Splinterbark on Overgrown Ancient (Algeth'ar Academy).
      • Deep Chill from Glacial Proto-Dragons (Halls of Infusion).
      • Withering from Fetid Rotsingers and Brackenhide Shapers (Brackenhide Hollow).
      • Earthen Shards from Sentinel Talondras (Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr).
      • Stolen Time from Infinite Timereavers (Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr).
      • Dragon Strike from Chargath (Neltharus).
      • Bold Ambush from Qalashi Hunters (Neltharus).
  • Shadowmeld -- Night Elf
    • Also one of the most potent racials in Mythic+ historically.
    • Use-cases:
      • Cast Shadowmeld when Forgemaster Gorek (Neltharus) targets you with Blazing Aegis, this completely negate the mechanic for you and the rest of the group.
      • Run past basically any mob and then cast Shadowmeld to make them reset. Even works on mobs that have stealth detection if you get enough distance before you Shadowmeld.
  • Blood Fury -- Orc
    • Strong racial for damage both because of Command and Blood Fury which lines up with Void Eruption.
    • 20% reduced Stun duration on you which can be useful in some Mythic+ dungeons.
  • Rocket Jump -- Goblin
    • Do a small jump in the direction your character is facing.
    • While in the Rocket Jump animation you are placed on a global cooldown until your character lands.
  • Will to Survive --Human
    • You can use Will to Survive to get rid of stuns.
    • The Human Spirit gives you a lot of stats this season, making it the best simming race.


Dwarf and Night Elf aren't the overall best racials in terms of DPS but their abilities have such a big impact on your Mythic+ experience that you need to use either of them if you're serious about pushing keys with your Shadow Priest.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Shadow Priest

Discover recommended macros for Shadow Priest during Mythic+ dungeons and watch a quick video guide on creating simple macros for your character.

Macro Import Guide Video

Cursor Macros

Shadow Crash -- Casts Shadow Crash on your cursor without confirmation.

#showtooltip /cast [@cursor] Shadow Crash

Mass Dispel -- Casts Mass Dispel on your cursor without confirmation.

#showtooltip/cast [@cursor] Mass Dispel

Mouseover Macros

Utility Macros


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Shadow Priest

Below, you see a screenshot of the author's User Interface for their Shadow Priest, outlining which addons are used and how they are utilized in Mythic+ dungeons to make your life easier.

Shadow Priest Mythic+ Guide (3)



Changes this Patch

Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Shadow Priest

Patch 11.0


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Shadow Priest

Why do I keep dying?


Written By: Stove

Reviewed By: Soda

Shadow Priest Mythic+ Guide (2024)


What is the best race for Shadow Priest in mythic plus? ›

With Night Elf currently being the top race for Shadow Priests in Mythic+, here are the other races that also stand out due to their advantageous traits:
  • Goblin. ...
  • Void Elf.
Aug 13, 2024

How much haste should a Shadow Priest have? ›

You will generally want to aim just to get as much Haste rating as possible; however, past 30% Haste, Critical Strike, or Versatility, these stats do start to take on Diminishing Return values.

What race is best for Shadow Priest in Dragonflight? ›

I will always say Goblin if you're Horde because the added mobility from Rocket Jump is just impossible to compete with. And Void Elf/Night Elf/Dwarf if you're Alliance. If all you care about is DPS, then it is Goblin or Troll for Horde, and Human for Alliance.

Why is Night Elf good for Shadow Priest? ›

Night Elf Priest

Priest Race, definitely better than Humans. Because of how often a Shadow Priest will run out of Mana, having a strong Racial such as Shadowmeld will enable a Priest to drop down and drink Mana, without the enemy Players even seeing it.

What is the best legendary for Shadow Priest? ›

Best Shadow Priest Legendaries
  • Raid Legendary: Talbadar's Stratagem.
  • Mythic+ Legendary: Shadowflame Prism.

What is the coolest race for priests in WoW? ›

The Night Elves are an Alliance race who have several particularly great traits and abilities for taking on the role of Priests. Their active racial Shadowmeld makes them immune against powerful attacks and large numbers of opponents.

What is the most important stat in Shadow Priest? ›

Intellect is your primary stat. You should look for this stat in all of your upgrades. It provides you with Spell Power, which increases the damage of your spells. Critical Strike increases your chance to critically hit with all spells and abilities.

What is the hit rate for Shadow Priest? ›

Hit Rating

It is absolutely essential that a Shadow Priests have at least 17% increased chance to hit so that you don't miss any spells. Because of how "strict" the Shadow Priest rotation can be, missing a DoT can throw all your timings off. For a Level 85 Shadow Priest: 102.44 Hit Rating = 1% increased chance to hit.

What is the best rotation for a Shadow Priest? ›

  • Cast Shadow Crash if you can reliably land it to maintain Vampiric Touch. ...
  • Cast Vampiric Touch to maintain DoTs on as many targets as is reasonable, this typically be 4-5.
  • Cast Shadowfiend.
  • Cast Mindbender.
  • Cast Halo.
  • Cast Dark Ascension.
  • Cast Void Eruption on cooldown. ...
  • Cast Power Infusion.

Is Shadow Priest viable in Dragonflight? ›

Are Shadow Priests good in Dragonflight? Yes. This specialization is quite popular among players and more than capable of being useful in both PVE and PVP.

What is the best horde class for Shadow Priest? ›

Goblin. If you plan to choose Horde as your faction for Shadow Priest in Cataclysm PvP, Goblin is your best option to choose from. Rocket Jump is an extremely beneficial spell used in PvP combat, and can help guarantee win conditions quicker and easier.

How do you burst as Shadow Priest in Dragonflight? ›

Shadow Priest PvP Burst Rotation
  1. Ideally have some procs of Shadowy Insight and Deathspeaker saved up.
  2. Cast Shadowfiend or Mindbender if you have it talented.
  3. Cast Void Eruption or Dark Ascension.
  4. Cast Devouring Plague whenever you have 50 or more Insanity.
  5. Cast Mindgames.
  6. Cast Void Torrent.
Jul 23, 2024

What is the best rune for shadow priests? ›

Best Consumables for Shadow Priests
Weapon BuffHowling RuneBuzzing Rune Hissing Rune
Augment RuneDreambound Augment RuneDraconic Augment Rune
FoodSizzling Seafood MedleyGrand Banquet of the Kalu'ak
DiamondFierce Illimited Diamond-
4 more rows
Jul 24, 2024

What does insanity do for Shadow Priest? ›

Insanity (priest talent)
Insanity Level 45 Shadow priest talent Passive Consuming Shadow Orbs transforms your Mind Flay into Insanity, and your Mind Sear into Searing Insanity, for 2 sec per Shadow Orb consumed. These spells deals 100% additional damage.
Other information
3 more rows

Is Blade of Eternal Darkness good for Shadow Priest? ›

This blade probably works great for warlocks/shadow priests/balance druids but imo is not worth using as a mage until the bug is fixed.

What is the best race for Shadow in Blox Fruits? ›

Shadow: Good with most races, but mink or human/ ghoul hit hard with the v move potential. Venom: This is naturally a spammy fruit, so ghoul and shark are both good for this.

What is the best race for holy priest M+? ›

If you're Horde, it's highly preferred to pick Goblin, thanks to Rocket Jump. This 1 min 30 cooldown utility is pretty insane, even more, because of priests' general lack of mobility. If you're Alliance, Void Elves have some mobility utility thanks to Spatial Rift that you will want to consider.

What is the best race for Shadow Priest PVE? ›

Alliance's best Shadow Priest races are Human, Gnome, and Void Elf. For Horde, the best Shadow Priest races are Troll, Goblin, and Blood Elf.

What is the best alliance race for Shadow Priest Classic? ›

Dwarf is the best Classic WoW Alliance Shadow Priest race for Solo Duels and World PvP. Dwarf is also the best Classic WoW Alliance Shadow Priest race for Group Battlegrounds PvP.


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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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