The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)

-SUNDAY, 'AUGUST 22, 1915. THE SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER- Artist Hostess BRIDAL picture of Mrs. W. H. Matey, who has Just returned from her honeymoon.

She PIONEER ASSOCIATIONS AND NATIVE SONS AND DAUGHTERS GIVE MASQUE The bridesmaid is Miss MISS BORGHILD ARNESON, a visiting artist from Norway, has Issued Invitations for a tea for next was Miss Ruth Hynes. Helen Smiley. Thursday, August 26, at her studio, Z5Z5 Baker street, at which wiu De seen some of her work. Miss Arneson does sculpture and portrait drawings, the sculpture being In metals. Her work Is well ANNOUNCES THE 'A JOINT midsummer masque ball fjmom.

was held last night at the Civic FoiiS W. Auditorium, under the auspices cf the Native Sons and Daugh- known In Paris and has been awarded highest honors at the Salon ex Miller. Mia. H. Mahlnuuui, ilitm Tj.

Qiiinn, Mian Annie Biahop. Mia. Kdna JWI, MiM LontU llellrllle. MiM Margaret Bloom, MiM Dor Kate. Mia Hat tie o.lrich.

Miw Jennie A. Tietjeu, Mix Kluabrta hibitions. The metal work is origi ters and the associations of Califor- Hunmemmith nal with Tier. She has had a most nia Pioneers and Pioneer Women and Dr. Florenc.

Daughters of Pioneers. A large Oriiliu. BaJli. successful career, the king and queen of Norway being among her friends and patrons. She has received many Fall Millinery OpeniB; rathetinir oartlcinated.

th affair he- Bell. Mary K. Ktx-gt. Mies Nell lner one of thfi mrmt brilliant and In. Wlniflred M.

Williams, Mia. Leah ins ona i ne most, orimani ana 0eneTlev, Tror, Lillian decorations. pleasant of its kind Hajierty, Julina. t'mU, MiM Uenerint The exhibition next Thursday Miss Kvelyn Carlson, past presi- l'nim- a. Is from 3 to 6 o'clock.

Some of those invited are the Mesdames George J. Bucknall, Homer S. King, Phoebe Introducing the latest Paris also copies and original New York Models, gns from The Hearst. Cullen Weltv. Charles Stet dent of Dolores Parlor, queen of the h'i evening, was attended by Erna Barry, May Tresch and Edna Peneluna.

her vl- maids of honor. Her court was com- luii. kT posed of one member from each of Bnrrid'ge. the thirty local Native Daughter el1'1 parlors. Mrs, May Barry, chairman Feim'ei).

Marr son Wheeler, E. B. Holladay, Osgood White House Putnam, Wallace I. Terry. Jonn tu.

t-. Miner. Mm Cerryhtiio, MiM Joee- phin. BtrohmeiP. Mim C.

Meyer, Mim iiiivie Tlerner, Miw May O'Brien. MiM May Kata. Mlaa HaMi. Dougherty, Mi. Alio.

H. Drew. Una Jrarphin. Tnnmey, im Manu Deaay, Miat M. Troy.

MiM Ulliaa M. Kane. Mia. Johnson, Mlw E. iMneeti.

Ml. Jofteplnne Brltwhiri. Miw Kate Trask. Grant Self rid ire. Llovd Bald- ey.

wln, Albert Houston, Gailliard Stoney, Vard II. Hulen, and a host jof other women who are usually to the STYLES FOR FALL of the Ban Francisco Native Daughters Extension Committee, directed the function. The affair was held to raise funds and create enthusiasm for the big front In any movement having to do' Iianicla, R. Burrle, Oertlr ItBltaa, rhellta Barry, Hannah Dobbin. Minnie F.

Matheaon, Rmma. with art education. Mrs. Frederick: Lawrence chaperoned the luncheon party at the home Admission Day parade and celebra O'Brien, William H. MiM Jenni.

tion at the Exposition by the Natives of Miss Mary Phelan last Thursday, Miss Pholan being absent. The guests were the Misses Katherlne and and Pioneers of California. Miaaa 'l. James L. Foley, grand marshal of'- Calinti.

Mia Bay the Native Sons, was floor director and had as assistants Charles F. are now "toeing displayed in tfye departments devoted to the wearing apparel for and misses. A special feature is being made off New Suits and Coats in plain and fancy models in the latest materials; colors Navy, Brown, Green, Belgtan Blue and Checks, some velvet trimmed, others with handsome Fur Collars and Cuffs. All sizes. Very Specially Nan Chadwick, Gladys Sullivan, Eugenia Murphy, Marjory Murphy, Norma Mack, Harriet Mack, Coralle and Elvira Mejia.

Airs. Eugene Murphy gave a luncheon on Thursday in honor of Mrs John Rodgers Chadwick, and on Fri DOMESTICS SALE day Mrs. James F. Dunne entertained for Mrs. Chadwick in the same way at the Palace Hotel.

Mrs. Chadwick and attractive daughters are AUGUST LINEN Additional attractions in Boyd, Edward J. Bartonh, Arthur E. Curtis, Walter V. Walsh, William B.

Wright, John P. Fennell, Eugene M. Levy, George F. Welch, Albert W. Ijaweon, A.

J. Falvey, Charles W. Heyer. Frank F. Norris, Louis F.

Erb, James G. Conlan, Clarence C. Connelly and Henry Dahl. The reception committee was H. L.

Van Winkle, R. Kuss, O. P. Stid-jror, E. U.

Leese, F. F. Marsicano, S. Mauzy, A. S.

Ebbetts, It. W. Neal, L. S. Martel, H.

C. Eggers, E. Bryant, H. C. Kirkpatrlck, R.

A. Kunzer, E. W. Levy, Dr. T.

B. W. Iceland, W. Herbert Gebhardt, Alfred Berryessa, w. Schmltt, John Han- merchandise for this week leaving soon for the East.

mrin, TABLE LINEN J00 Imported Satin Damask "Merco" Cloths in two attractive round deslgrng, hemmed, ready for uae, 2x2 yard; value $2.25 $1.50 ea. 100 doz. Linen Napkins, hemmed, size 18x18: value $1.65 $1.35 doz. 100 Extra fine Linen Satin Damask Odd Cloths, 2x2 and 2x2 yards; slightly soiled; values $8.50 to at Half Price 75 Pure Linen Tea Cloths, scalloped round, 45-lnch, slightly soiled; values $3.00 to $4.50 at Half Pries 100 doz. H.

S. Damask Napkins. 15x15, colored border. $4.30 doz. for $1.45 TOWELS 150 doz.

Bath Towels, heavy weight, useful size; reg. 15c 10c ea. 100 doz. Huck Towels, heavy, soft finish, 18x36; reg. $2.50 doz.

6 for 8.ric; 100 doz. Check Glass Towels, red check only, 19x36; reg. $,2.25 doz. 6 for 90o SHEETS, CASES AND BED SPREADS 100 doz. Sheets, 81x90 80c quality 60c ea.

100 doz. Sheets, 81x99 90o quality 70c ea. 100 doz. Cases, 45x36 qualltv T12c ea. 100 doz.

H. S. Cases, 45x36 22c quality 15c ea. 10 doz. Crochet Spreads, full size, Marseilles pattern: regular $2.00 $1.60 ea.

10 doz. Satin Marseilles Spreads, extra size; regular $4.00 quality $3.25 ea. 10 doz. Satin Marseilles Spreads for twin beds, 72x96; regular $3.25 $2.45 CONTINUATION SALE' OF FANCY LINENS. ADDED REDUCTIONS.

Toomy, Henry Ooirny, T. C. Levy, Eugene M. McGowan, T. J.

Bcnirke, J. V. Leidenberger. Georg. Jacksou, W.

N. Keeiau, J. W. Cases, J. L.

Munson, Grsnt L. Kaufmann, Charles Dillion. T. L. Orifln, Franklin Au Plcard, Albert Beaver, J.

C. William A. Israel, Edgar J. Berryeaaa, Alfred Mahoney, Henry O'Leary, James Scott, W. Becjey.

Roland Powers, Charles J. White. M. J. Cshn.

E. JO. Crouin, J. Dolly, Frank Sweeney, John R. McGiwem.

M. J. Barbieri, A. J. Garfield.

W. P. Boyd, W. A. Eggert, William Uuach.

George J. Jung. Fred. H. Caubu.

William P. Wright. William S. McAuliffe, E. P.

Bohle. F. H. AlTeraa. A.

D. tl'Brien, T. Joseph Frank, Arthur Kelly. Harry M. MuWihlll, D.

F. Roach, 8. J. Kane. James P.

Derre, L. E. McWUUsms, John Martin, Charles Regan, John T. Dnuohoe, J. H.

Bplndler, A. J. Webbor, Frederick P. Cavanaugn, C. H.

Tietjen, Edward Caspar, Dr. E. J. Butler, P. I.

Dupont, Thomas Hcwae, Harry Banter, J. M. Bxigalupl, F. Weiahelmer, Charles Hynes, W. Vaughn, William W.

Munaon, Robert L. Lswaoo. A. W. Stock.

Ernest Clement W. Ryan. James J. Lynch, Thomas B. Fischer, Eugene E.

Kaiser, Charles Rose, Joseph Barium, Karl Curtin, Thomas J. Mcltes, Trieber. M. Blumdell. William Hayes.

Jsmes H. Negrich. T. O. Curtia.

A. Conlan, James G. Herbst, Adolph Atvmod, Ted Sargent. Bradler Paris. Milton M.

WUUam W. Plathe, F. Henney, J. orrla, E. H.

McKnerner, C. I Davis, John F. Commins. P. E.

Siwuldlng. Henry Maraton, Frank W. Morrla F. Kamineki, Samnel Mahoney, John A. Baaeett.

W. E. W. J. McKeon.

Thomas 3. rnrath. C. J. Center AisfleMain Floor.

WAISTS, SKIRTS AND VESTS SPECIALLY PRICED. NEW WAISTS made off Crepe de Chine, hoxpleated front, with French knots and small tucks; colors, flesh and white Specially priced $3,95 NEW SKIRTS, latest shades, all taffeta; also Jersey top messaline and taffeta flounce Spec, price $3.95 PADDED VESTS, suitable for Exposition wear, in white, black and lavender. Specially priced $1.95 CORSET SECTION Second Floor. Exceptional value in Luxette Corset; new. model, made of CoutH or $5.00 The Negligee section, on the Second Floor, is daily receiving new and handsome Negligees.

Moderate prices prevail. hcorem, G. II R. W. Ml Welch.

Georg. F. Flaherty, William F. AMtT1 Walter Harth. P.

R. QEO.S.F'RASBae., Ducker; George Sciaronl, H. goalmanlnl, A. J. Morgan, i.

J. Glen nan, J. M. King, Francis Buckley, Chris Randolph. Webb Melbourne.

MIm Cecil. Hence Ban, Charles iMirr. Powers, Angelo J. Ahmma. i ij i i-1 -r -r.

RochM. Miu Puil-HfnfM. Mitu Maa Corle. P. J.

Semnel, Lonis Nelson, B. F. Hyuifton, William H. Keenan, Joseph B. Gsrson, Robert E.

Whdan, Maurice Allen, Jeae C. Walsh, Walter V. Buckley. F. M.

Koch, George W. Mierdierkst George W. Young, William J. 1)Uavm uu m. j.

C. Finn. Mi.7 Mar Hoakins. A. I.

H. uovern, James a. vvuson, w. f. uar- Carlaon.

E. Lane, Miw Alio field, Roland M. Roche, George H. Dlerkhoff. MiM EmmaMilley, Miss JitU S.

Dryden. Kada H. Earhart. Harry MU M. Kelly, Maurice Whelan, Frank The.

patrons were: The Famous "MADAME IRENE CORSETS" Here Exclusively. Phelan. Jamei V. Johnaon, Hiram W. Bolpii, Jamea Jr.

Ftanien, Albert Opncnheim, Morrla Hanlnn, B. V. Wvatt. T. G.

Bonivert, T. Joseph O'Brien, Edward F. Moran, Virgil L. Orengo, A. J.

Bcalmanlnl, Robert W. Dennis, James G. Martin, H. Levin, Henry Tomey, William H. Bylngton, Percy Xfarchant.

T. C. Conmy. Josenh B. Groom, Stanley L.

Harrey, William U. Btang, Percy 1a Kalrey. A. J. Matheaon, K.

Borburgh, J. H. fkrroll, JL V. Bidwell, J. D.

Leland, Dr. T. B. W. ewell.

J. SMART NEW FALL HATS Arrive With Every Express. Moderately Priced from 5.50 to 15.00. Keenan, Joseph Rose, I. Dillon.

5 xr tvoenig, ijnariea r. F. Erb, Louis Kennv. E. F.

FLANNEL. DEPARTMENT New Viyellas, Taffeta and Scotch Flannels in a great va riety for Skirts, House Dresses and Waists are now being shown. New Robe Flannels, exclusive designs 35c yd. ON SALE MONDAY 11,000 Yds. French Challies; regular price 60c yd.

yd. 1,000 Yds. white embroidered Skirting Flannels; regular 85c 50c yd. 22-inch Silk Corduroy, soft pile, latest colors; regular $2 1 yd. JO nil fiego.ii, x.

vi. hcsmui, ii.uBi Bchmitt, L. W. J. Israel, Edward Tletjen, D.

Q. Troy, Oohn, 4. B. J. Walter Alden.

Henry Spaulding 2 T-Srher H. and J. Frank Jewel. Sosai, Angelo J. Thn followlne were patronesses ol Wilaou.

jamea A. il.nt the ball: Meedamea Nlckelaou, Frederick Bichardt, L. A. Gibbona. D.

D. Larcombe, J. Duddy. Georg. A.

Aniionnet, Dr. C. JL Kellly, D. I. Kocha.

Roland M. Dahl. Henry Barton. J. (roetjen, Harry Chart.

K. H. Barnes, E. U. Hagman, O.

Vimer. H. Capurro, Datld Martell, Frank D. Boniyert, Frank Finn, John V. Orengo, Virgil L.

Martin, James G. Van Noatrand, J. J. Bnsii, 0. C.

Langlaia, Ralpb Lewie, A. A. Maiming, Thomat B. Pryden, Gec.ige H. B.

Moran. E. F. Perni, Hobert W. Kiacher.

William H. Robwu, i A. Licht, Max E. 8trausa, J. M.

Rlilivalo, E. R. Louia Boyd, Charle. F. MoCieery, W.

E. Mahoney, Bert Pattlson, F. Blieoeil, B. A. Hiieoeil, it.

a vananan, Alias rrancei Koeter, Miss Sadis Perry. Miss Lnceta X. Krough, Miss May Smith, Mia. Gladys Mack, Miss Hannah Kengan, Miea Cecelia Gall uglier. Miss Agues) KeefB, Miss Mabel Miller, Miss Begins Oirry, Miss Agnes Brralin, Mies Anna Miller, Miss Eva UiU, Helen B.

Biirr, Carrie L. Pollock, Herminia Thorn peon, Adrienn. Mclntyre, Ann inn an, C. Phelpt, Laura H. Wade, Laura B.

Boyiiea, Kathrjn D. Bartela, Fred Bealy, John Bylnalon, M. Patliaon. F. C.

Hill, Margaret O. Edwarde, Mae Poldemann. May O. Malnney. LiiT GREAT SALE OF JEWELRY FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Mesh Bags, Vanity Boxes, Pearl Necklaces, Lavallieres, Brooches, Dog Collars, Combs, Barettes, Hairpins, Chains, ueaas ana iunamei jsoxes, wrist waicneg, greatly reduced.

cmore. oiiea jvreiyn 1, 11 hi IW.l.nM 1' V. $3.75 to $6.00 Articles Now $3.50 Gilfeather. Miae E. Mahlman.

Georg. F. $2.50 $5.00 $9.00 $2.75 to Articles JNOW $6.00 to $7.50 Articles Now 19.00 to Ii3.60 Articles Now Ham. tieorn F. Magner, Mias Grace Heater.

Miss B. Hrheflin. Charle. V. $8-60 to $10.00 Articles Now $7.50 $15.00 to $17.60 Articles Now $12.50 $27.60 to $30.00 Artioles Now $22.60 $42.50 to $50.00 Articles Now $35.00 $20.00 to $25.00 Articles Now 117.60 $35.00 to $40.00 Articles Now $27.50 THE CHIN COLLAR COAT The Coat of the Season Smart.

Practical, and. Best of all. Priced at But 35.00 Navy, Black and Brown with Beaver or Skunk Opossum Collar and Cuffs. To See It Is to Buy It, Gould'Sullivan 882 Market Street, Bet. Ellis and Powell Women of discriminating taste in matters of dress have come to recognize the pre-eminent position of this establishment in all that pertains to fashionable outer dress.

Now We Are Displaying: Many IMPORTED NOVELTY Just Received from New York's Foremost Model House Eight High-Class Model Gowns After the latest designs of Paquin, Premet, Callot, Cheruit and Worth. These Gowns Will Be Copied to Order at 35.00 to 45.00 SUITS Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, SPECIAL SALE OF HANDKERCHIEFS Women's genuine Lissue Handkerchiefs, guaranteed fast colors. Regular value 25c each 15c each pure linen Handkerchiefs. Regular value $2.50 dozen. $1.45 doz.

Men's all-linen Handkerchiefs; tape borders; Regular value $6.00 dozen $3.00 Men's pure linen, full size, medium weight Handkerchiefs. Regular value $3.00 dozen $2.15 doz. FOREIGN BOOKSFINAL REDUCTIONS. French and German Books, comprising selections off Fiction, Drama, Art, Juvenile, Bibles and Prayer Books, at the following GREAT REDUCTIONS Books formerly 50c to $1.00 15c Books formerly $1.20 to $1.50 Now 25c Books formerly $1.75 to $2.50 Now 50c Books formerly $5 to $20. $1.50 SECOND WEEK OF AUGUST SHOE SALE Broken lines off high shoes, in lace and button, pumps and Oxfords off the well-known makes off Thomas Cort, Laird, Schober Co.

and other high-grade makes at the following great reductions: Shoes reg. priced $4 to $12 Now $1.95 to $9.80 pr. Broken lines off Children's Shoes Greatly Reduced. For particulars off Great Sale off Men's Shoes, See Sporting Page Ad. REVILLON FURS FOR FALL ARRIVING DAILY.

And the NEW FALL SUITS They Are Wonderfully Attractive, Whether Priced at 25.00 or 100.00 You will find a model to suit your style and your pocket in this comprehensive stock. "EXCLUSIVE" Only one of a kind correct in every detail fabric, shade and design. They come in Broadcloth, Velvets, treo-tone Sill(S, Stripes Homespuns, etc. Some are tastefully trimmed ivith fur and velvet. The illustration represents one of the models.

M2i0 550 $55 Monday-A GREAT SALE of SILK AND DRESS GOODS REMNANTS AT HALF PRICE Thousands of Yards Will Go on Sale To-Morrow. Eemnants of Silks and Dress Goods Suitable for Coats, Skirts, Waists, Trimmings and Linings at One-Half Regular Price. 50c fabrics at 25c yard 75c fabrics at 38c yard 1.00 fabrics at 50c yard. and so on NEW FALL SUITS Many smart models J1Q.50 19 iu nil mo arw colorings at TWO GREAT SILK SPECIALS ould-SullivanStCo. 3.00 SILK POPLINS, 42-inch.

Our heaviest and best quality. Black nj-and all colors. Oi Sale at, yard BLACK CHIFFON TAFFETA, yard wide. A fine quality. Equal 1 to any sold at 1.50.

Spcial 1 1 0 Bet. 882 Market St. hood bus. Ellis and Powell STOCKTON AND OTARRELL.

The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.